The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. With the help of the daily love horoscope and its predictions, write yourself a memorable chapter.
Today, you will want to set new goals, and get your life back on track, if you think it’s gone a little astray in the past few years. Your energy level will be at an all-time high, and you will want to battle every problem that is there in your life, presently.
Suggested read: What keeps you motivated, as per your Zodiac
To know more about how the first day of 2017 will go for you, scroll on!
Aries horoscope
Love and relationships: You will not be in the mood to just sit and talk, but will want to try out new things and new places with your baby, today.
Health: Today, is the best day to put your working out plan into action.
Work: You will get your foot in through the door of a rather big project or endeavor, something that will be a major highlight of your career.
Money: Do not make reckless purchases, today.
Favorable color: Raspberry
Taurus horoscope
Love and relationships: Today you will want to bid farewell to your bad memories and start afresh. Your partner will be very supportive of this decision of yours.
Health: Do not bite more than you can chew, when it comes to your workout regime.
Work: Do not force change at work, or it might backfire.
Money: Some money will flow in from an unexpected source. Make sure you use it well.
Favorable color: Scarlet
Gemini horoscope
Love and relationships: Trust your instinct today, as you might bump into someone special.
Health: Do not overthink, today. No soul-oversearching either, dear Gemini!
Work: Today, you will be in the mood to mix things up a little, and make your work more fun. Naturally, your productivity will be more than what it has been in the last few months.
Money: The cash you have saved over the last one year, should be put to good use. Invest in a reliable venture.
Favorable color: Turmeric
Cancer horoscope
Love and relationships: The emotions that you have ignored the last few weeks might just begin to crop up, today.
Health: Steer clear of haphazard thinking, as it might overstress you.
Work: You need to come up with an out-of-the-box idea to get the task at hand done and dusted.
Money: You need to analyze your spending pattern today, to come up with a better saving plan.
Favorable color: Sea green
Leo horoscope
Love and relationships: Today, you will realize that you tend to overload yourself with negative thoughts, and that is the reason why you haven’t found the love of your life.
Health: Complement your workout routine with a platter of healthy diet.
Work: You want to outdo your past self, and for that reason you are over-exerting yourself, at work. This won’t have the desired results. You need to take out time and rest.
Money: You may end up making an unfortunate investment, today. So, it is best to avoid any.
Favorable color: Violet
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Virgo horoscope
Love and relationships: Today, you and your partner will want to sit down and discuss things that you both have always avoided. Try to be as honest as possible.
Health: You might want to skip gym, today, and spend a relaxed day at home.
Work: Try to think of new patterns and ideas, today, steering clear of the stale designs.
Money: You might want to go nontraditional with your finances, and in doing so, rely on your instincts.
Favorable color: Silver
Libra horoscope
Love and relationships: Verbalizing your thoughts will be very difficult, today. Expect some misunderstandings.
Health: According to the daily love horoscope, a back injury is likely today, so avoid intense workouts.
Work: Your mind will be preoccupied with negative thoughts, and that might hamper your productivity.
Money: You will put on more energy to bolster savings, today.
Favorable color: Aqua
Scorpio horoscope
Love and relationships: Don’t pull out unsettling emotions from the Pandora’s box, today.
Health: You need to prioritize your health, right now, or else, things could get worse.
Work: You are in the mood for some real innovation, right now, which will put you high up in the professional game.
Money: You need to rework your approach, today, with renewed vigor and clarity of thought.
Favorable color: Maroon
Sagittarius horoscope
Love and relationships: Just talk to your partner today. It will help ease a lot of pain and emotions.
Health: Rely on yoga to release all that stress and tension that has built up.
Work: Today, your resistance to change might result in an unpleasant situation, at work.
Money: You need an expert’s opinion of your financial situation, because your thoughts are too clouded, right now.
Favorable color: Chocolate
Capricorn horoscope
Love and relationships: You want to spice things up in the bedroom, and your partner will support you, totally! 😉
Health: Avoid conflicts, today, as it might wreak havoc on your blood pressure, dear Capricorn.
Work: You have got to get yourself together, at work. Projects are slipping through your fingers.
Money: You have nothing to worry about when it comes to your financial situation. You might want to write down about what are things you did to come this far.
Favorable color: Rust
Aquarius horoscope
Love and relationships: There will be plenty of pleasant surprises that your partner will shower you with, today. Make sure you are grateful.
Health: You need to just go out and enjoy the winter sun, today.
Work: You are not focused, at the moment. Depend on meditation to increase your level of concentration.
Money: You need to pay attention to your financial situation, as rainier days await you.
Favorable color: Plum
Suggested read: What your New Year resolution should be, based on Zodiac
Pisces horoscope
Love and relationships: You need to stop arguing with your partner, and listen to their advice. Once you hear them out and get a different perspective to situations, you will be able to take better decisions.
Health: Conflicts can cause stress levels to intensify, today.
Work: You need to take a break from work, to improve your production capability.
Money: Do not throw away money like it grows on trees.
Favorable color: Peach
That is the daily love horoscope for today. To receive these predictions in your mailbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.
Here’s wishing you a wonderful and happy new year from Team NLT. Hope you surprise yourself, this year!