If all of us had a secret gadget that could tell us what people were really thinking, I wonder if another world war would happen in the blink of an eye! 😛 But nonetheless, we do have your zodiac sign to the rescue that yields important clues to what people want and think of you. While we did tell you about why people get jealous of you, we are now divulging what they shall never have the cudgels to tell you they want to change about YOU.
What people want to secretly change about you
Think you are ready for some naked honesty? Here we go-
Aries (March 21 – April 19) – Your expectations
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Being the strong-willed, highly driven and ambitious person you are, people often fall short of meeting your expectations. So, if given a chance, they’d actually bring that bar down so they could hold it with a jump that doesn’t drain every ounce of strength from their body.
Suggested read: Here’s what your soul mate will be like, based on your Zodiac
Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Your stubbornness
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You have a way of deciding things for yourself and it seems that nothing or nobody can get to you, once your decision is made. People might want to change this rigid, unyielding quality about you because, sometimes, just sometimes, they can feel they could play a vital role in your life, if only you’d let them.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – Your extra friendliness
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The fact that you are a social butterfly who doesn’t need much to hover from one flower to another, with numerous tales in tow to spread far and wide may make it difficult for your friends to get your undivided attention before you rivet it on another object/person of interest. Given a chance, they’d slash down this friendliness so you can be with those who matter more, more.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – Your silence
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Being the sensitive being you are, you can envelop yourself in such a hard shell that it can become difficult for even the ones closest to you to crack down your exterior and break the silence you use to guard your innermost emotions.
Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) – Your dominance
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Yes, you are a leader and perhaps, better at leading than most others. However, sometimes, this very attribute of yours’ slides into a zone where you, like a Leo, flaunt it in a way that elicits feelings of inadequacy in those around. People around you would like you to bring this down by a notch or two, so that you realize that not everyone is as confident and self-assured as you are.
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) – Your indifference
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Closed off and cold as ice, you tend to retract into periods of aloofness that can make people wary of your distant nature and grow doubtful about your feelings toward them. Even though you are warm and affectionate, something about your distant demeanor is off-putting and could certainly benefit with a modification.
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) – Your diplomacy
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Too much diplomacy and political correctness can, rightfully, raise questions about how genuine you really are. If given a chance, people would actually like to see unbrazen honesty from you. Slipping up, in this case, might be a good idea.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) – Your arrogance
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Your intelligence and charisma combined with your awareness of these traits often casts you as the one who doesn’t hide the fact and flaunts it all the way. This gives an impression that you think you are better than everyone else. Even though this might not always be the case, you can consider toning it down a bit- because your friends, surely, are.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) – Your unwariness
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You trust everyone so easily that your friends are worried you might spill important secrets to strangers who can use them against you. They are worried for a reason, and you could, definitely, benefit from being a li’l wary.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) – Your selfishness
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Just because you know what you want and how to get it doesn’t always mean you can put yourself first. Sometimes, people would like you to consider the downsides of ‘my way or the highway’ dictum- as most likely, you shall be left driving alone. Need company? Know that your friends secretly want you to let up, often!
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) – Your moodiness
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The fact that your mind is tirelessly juggling emotions and thoughts can have your moods shifting without notice. This can make people around uneasy and uncomfortable, wondering if they did anything to upset you. What’d make them happy, however, is turning the knob down on this moodiness.
Suggested read: How you say I love you to your partner based on Zodiac sign
Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) – Your flakiness
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You are committing to plans you know you wouldn’t show up for and that, you know, is a turn-off. Practice saying yes when you mean it and no when you have no intentions of showing up, will ya? Your friends want this too!
What did you think of our zodiac sign predictions? Do you agree? Tell us in the comments below.
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