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#AstroSpeak What You NEED In Life To Be Happy, Per Your Zodiac Sign

The real things haven’t changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong.”
― Laura Ingalls Wilder

When I was growing up, people always found a special interest in asking children what they wanted to be when they grew up. Answers around me ranged from everything from astronaut to teacher to scientist and actors! I remember thinking myself plain foolish to think all I wanted was to be happy. So, I never said it out loud. I’d make up some answer I thought would be more acceptable- and got away fine. Looking back, I realize that if only I had the courage to say that I wanted to be happy, to experience happiness in life, as I was growing up, I probably would have infused so much more positivity in my life. Perhaps, I’d have invested the power in then-adults around me who couldn’t grasp the notion to find a way to be happy in their own lives too. What a radical step that would have been.

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Of course, it all seems simplistic with a child’s glasses on- but if I said all we needed to be happy was truly the desire to be, would you believe me? Well, the stars seem to think you need that ‘desire’ and a little more:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

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Image source: Pinterest

Impact of negative people in life could be drastic; so let them go. People who do not cheer you up and don’t support you are not worth your time at all. If someone cannot stand your victories, how will they comfort you when life hits you with blues? Let them fade away from your life and be honest to them- they deserve a reply at least. Tell them that they’re way too arrogant to celebrate your wins and accomplishments. And that you want to be happy, so you’ve got to let them go.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

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Image source: Pinterest

Everyone knows how stubborn you can get and that is your comfort zone. However, if you try to get out of your comfort zone and start letting things go, you’ll realize that life has the best to offer at every step-new challenges and experiences. You’ll be shocked to see how free you feel when you let go of things that weigh you down or things that are ‘too’ comfortable for you. Once you gain this sense of freedom, you’ll know that nothing in this world can snatch away happiness from you.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

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Image source: Pinterest

You love communicating with everyone around you. Hence, when someone asks you to do something, you tend to say ‘yes’, without even considering whether you actually want to or not. Learn to say ‘no’-realize the power this word holds. If doing that thing someone had asked you for drags you down and doesn’t make you happy, then don’t do it. Say the powerful word out aloud and clear and you’ll see how honesty will benefit you in the long run.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

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Image source: Pinterest

You are a sentimental person and know your emotions very well. So when you are feeling low, do not contemplate on your life. Negativity never gives way to positivity. Hence, take control of things and take charge of your life. Gear up to change the speed at which your life changes. Draw a comparison between what you have been and where you are headed. You’ll find a new revitalizing energy building within yourself.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

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Image source: Pinterest

You have a leadership quality in you. Hence wherever you go, people always tend to look up to you for seeking advice. Know that asking for help when you need it doesn’t make you weaker; if anything, it makes you bold and courageous. Asking for what you want does not equal dependency; you’ll preserve your independence and make yourself stronger. Eventually, this will make you extremely happy.

Suggested read: This is why he’s been sending mixed signals, based on his Zodiac sign

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

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Image source: Pinterest

For you, perfection means everything and thus, you’re always trying to improve upon yourself, updating your software constantly, which is not a bad thing. But you’re losing your own self in the process. Learn to accept yourself with your flaws and imperfections. Acceptance of the fact that you’re imperfect and that you err like any normal human is not called giving up-it’s ‘courage’ that’s got a whole new definition you could benefit from brushing up on.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

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Image source: Pinterest

You always tend to see life through self-centered glasses, thinking about what might please you and what do you want to do. So here’s a thought- why not make the world a better place? Do something like volunteering or helping people. Once you get a purpose in doing things that you want, you’ll find the key to happiness.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

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Image source: Pinterest

You’re very intense and passionate; you tend to do things with extreme zest, which is certainly not bad. But what you’re oblivious of is the fact that it is draining you out totally day by day, and you don’t want this fire to extinguish too soon. So take breaks and relax. Chill for some time and make yourself believe that it’s totally fine-you only live once, so ‘live’ it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

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Image source: Pinterest

You’re always on the go for something new and challenging. Meanwhile, you forget how to stop and appreciate all that you have and all that you get. Practise kindness with your loved ones and also with strange people you meet on the roads. Once you’ll embrace this attitude of gratitude, you’ll be thankful for every little thing in life and will pass it on with kindness, thereby making yourself happy.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

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Image source: Pinterest

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ is a well known saying. Believe in it and focus on other important aspects in life other than work. Try to fight for what you believe in, fight for your love, and fight for having the life you always wanted. Don’t just let work dull your day off and lull you off to sleep at night. There’s so much more-search for it; search for your own happiness.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

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Image source: Pinterest

To love and be loved is a beautiful feeling, and it’s high time you realize it for yourself. Just because you’re independent doesn’t mean you’ll put up walls around yourself and not people in. In life, relationships play a crucial role. In order to have a better life, you need to realize the value people hold for you. You need to love people and let them love you to have a happier life.

Suggested read: Here’s what your soul mate will be like, based on your Zodiac

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

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Image source: Pinterest

You are a person who likes to live in a world of your own imagination and that’s alright. But you often tend to forget that you live in the materialistic real world. So the best thing you can do is to make your fantasies come alive. Commit senseless acts of beauty and that will help you gain a positive vision of life. Others might benefit from this as well, thereby making the world a happy place to live in.

What do you need to experience happiness in life? Tell us in the comments below.

Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Article Name
What You NEED To Experience Happiness In Life, Per Your Zodiac Sign
To experience happiness in life, all you need is the desire to be so!
Sejal Parikh

Sejal Parikh

"I'm a hurricane of words but YOU can choose the damage I do to you..."