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Gifts women love to buy for the men in their lives

“Boyfriend” is a very different species all together. He camouflages his true nature under umpteen layers of ‘whatever-you-want,’ and seldom reveals his true feelings, unless being bitten by the green monster of jealousy. He cares more than he pretends not to, listens more than he lets on, and cares for you. In return, all he wants is some attention, special care, and love. He keeps telling you that he doesn’t need anything, and secretly hopes to find something wrapped in a shiny package waiting for him. So, here are some of the things that you can gift this ‘boyfriend’ species aka honey, baby, boo, sweetheart, etc…etc…

1. Something “Sporty”: Anything related to your boyfriend’s favorite game or team is surely going make you the queen of his heart, all over again. This complete category gives you a lot of choices. You can opt for game equipment like a bat, a racquet, or an autographed ball, or a jersey of the team he is an ardent fan of, or a poster of the best moment of his most cherished game, or simply tickets to the best seats of an upcoming game.

sports jersey

It’s a way to show him that although you might not approve of him watching the game on TV on your nights in, you accept that his love for the game is a part of his life.

2. Aviators: There is absolutely no one who cannot rock the aviator look. Even if your boyfriend has a few of them, he will never have enough.


Of course there are other options available when it comes to sunglasses. But are you really going to argue against buying a pair of cool Aviator shades for your boyfriend?

3. The Wise Healthy: Exercise and a good diet are the basics of having good health and a good life. If your beau takes his work out and diet to an extra level, get him a good gym bag with a great outfit.

hugh jackman carrying a gym bag

You can also put some energy drinks, cereals, dry fruits, flavored green tea, salad in a jar, or whatever else ‘healthy’ you can think of in there. You can also gift him some extra months on his gym membership.

4. The Busy Bee: Invite his friends, buy a few six packs of beer, get some nachos, and chips, and head out. Give him the time and space to spend time with his friends, and let them have a boys’ night.

boys' night out

If your boyfriend is a workaholic and his friends often complain that he is the blue moon of the group, this one is going to be perfect for him.

5. Nerdy: Got a nerdy boyfriend? Then watch ‘The Big Bang Theory’; it is the nerd bible for the unnerdy (I just made that word up!). A Blu-ray collection of Star Trek or Star Wars will make his – month, probably.

star wars for the nerdy

You can get them absolutely anything that has words like ‘Dr. Who’, ‘Spock’, Death Star’, ‘Darth Vader’, ‘D&D’, ‘Hobbit’ or any superhero and sidekick name written on it. Any board game in Klingon language would be perfect too!

6. Techy: Men love their toys. They will be over the moon with joy if you get them a gadget, be it a smartwatch, a new iPhone, or a PlayStation.

iphone 6

If you are a little stiff on budget, you can get him a digital picture frame with your best moments together. Or a fancy remote-controlled toy helicopter would make his day!

7. Some Baggage: Although he may not approve of your immense love towards your purse, he will be giddy if you get him a nice backpack or a leather wallet.

trekking backpack

If he likes to travel or trek, get him a bag suitable for his needs. And just because he is a man, do not get him a dark colored one. Get the ones in neon, and see him flash a neon-light smile.

8. Hobby ideas: Men love their hobbies and often boast about it. If he likes to build, get him a DIY furniture project. Fishing rod, camping gear, or hunting equipment will make him love you more.

camping gear

For the gardener in your partner, some plants that he had been looking forward to, shiny new garden tools, or a book on gardening would be great. Spend some time getting dirty potting the plants, and then wash yourselves together!

9. Shoes: We love them, and they love them too. Take him to his favorite store and try on shoes together.

formal men's shoes

Whatever he chooses, his eyes will always be on you.

10. Accessories: They never need them until they need them. Cuff links or a tie pin with a stone or crystal that matches his eye color will be a very thoughtful gift.

batman cufflinks

You can also give him a gift basket with shaving kit, some socks and handkerchief, skin and hair care products. You can also give him a perfume whose fragrance you like on him.

Any gift you choose, try to make it more about what he likes rather than what you like on him. Get something that is useful, thoughtful, and emotional, and which shows that you pay attention to him and care about him. But if you want to keep it simple, then breakfast in bed it is!

Article Name
Top 10 gifts for boyfriends
Gifts are meant to be thoughtful. While buying gifts for boyfriends, it should be something they like, rather than what you like on them.
Surobhi Banerjee

Surobhi Banerjee

I was introduced to the magical world of books by my parents. Foundation was laid on by Enid Blyton and I grew up surrounded by Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf and many other classic authors. Although I graduated in Tax Laws, writing has always been a passion. And I am the few lucky ones who have been successful in making their passion a career. Apart from reading and writing, I love food, cooking as well as eating. I spend my weekends looking for new places to enjoy delectable delicacies. I also like to take up some DIY projects now and then. I live by the mantra, “everything can be solved by a notebook, a pen and a cup of tea.” Twitter: @suebansbook