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#AstroSpeak Is He Worth Waiting For, According To His Zodiac Sign

Did you ever think you could look to the stars and find out everything there is to know about your love life? Did you know you could even learn if he is worth waiting for, just by checking the alignment of the stars according to your zodiac sign? Turns out you can!

When it comes to matters of the heart and feelings and emotions get involved, it can get quite difficult to gauge how much you should trust your partner. After all, dealing with a broken heart is something no one likes, and would rather avoid if they could help it. The good news is, you can take less of a gamble in love when you know your zodiac sign, and when you depend on the stars to tell y you is he worth waiting for or not.

Suggested read: #AstroSpeak Will He Cheat On Me? Here’s The Answer Based On His Zodiac Sign

When you are in a relationship, everything is sunny and happy, but there is always the chance of things going downhill really fast. In the beginning of a relationship, men are usually really charming and feel like your forever, but start to show their true colors a few months into the relationship when they ask for your time and commitment. In times like these, you wonder if there was a way to know whether you are wasting time on him or not, by waiting around for him.

With your zodiac signs, you can determine is he worth waiting for or not, and save yourself valuable time and unnecessary heartbreak.

ARIES (March 21st – April 19th)

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If he is an Aries, then chances are that is super passionate, super loving and the kind of boyfriend you see in movies…for the first couple of months. Aries is represented by the ram, and aptly so, because the ram has certain qualities which people born under the Aries sign also share. They are headstrong, determined and selfish. They are also super impatient when it comes to matters of the heart and soon leave behind any kind of sentimentality.

The easiest way to know if he is worth waiting for, is by seeing how he behaves with you after the honeymoon phase of your relationship has passed. If he is as patient and charming and locing as he was during the first few months, then he is worth keeping around.

TAURUS (April 20th – May 20th)

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Those born under the Taurus sign make for some of the best lovers, because they are supportive in every way possible. They help you out, they are there for you when you are feeling emotionally unstable, they are financially independent and very giving. However, because they are so supportive of others, they like to be in charge most of the time and don’t let people win over them, whether it is in arguments or actual competitions.

You know that he is worth waiting for if he lets you win in arguments and he makes your feel important, putting his own upper-handedness and ego aside. When it is true love, you know you would do anything to keep them around.

GEMINI (May 21st – June 20th)

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A Gemini is known for their free-spiritedness. They are wild and free and passionate and all over the place, in terms of relationships and even in their way of living. What makes them great lovers is the fact that being with them feels like an adventure for you. This is very appealing in the beginning and their energy is truly infectious, and it is difficult to not be attracted to them in the beginning.

However, you know you can count on them on a long-term basis when you see him seeking you out even in the most exciting situations. If they are unable to fly high without you, then you know that you have found your true partner in crime.

CANCER (June 21st – July 22nd)

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The predominant characteristic of people who are born under the Cancer sign is the fact that they are loyal. However, you cannot count on their inherent loyalty to tell yourself that they are truly worth waiting for. There are several reasons they might turn out completely different from what you expected, but if your boyfriend was born between 21st June and 22nd July, then they are most likely going to be loyal.

If they are inherently loyal, then how do you find out whether he is worth waiting for? The best way is by doing the commitment test, where you ask them about your long-term plans as a couple. If he doesn’t freak out when you talk about your forever with him, then he is definitely a keeper.

LEO (July 23rd – August 22nd)

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Leo men are possessive and strong and make for some of the best lovers because they have a practically insatiable sex drive as well. If you have a boyfriend who was born under Leo, then you must have done something truly exceptional to impress him, because women tend to be super attracted to Leo men. They are also slightly arrogant and territorial about their partners, which can get quite claustrophobic after a point of time.

The best way to know whether your Leo man is worth waiting for is if he fails to notice all the female attention he gets when he is in your presence, because otherwise, they tend to use this as an ego-boosting technique.

Suggested read: #AstroSpeak Is She Worth Waiting For? Here’s What Your Zodiac Sign Says

VIRGO (August 23rd – September 22nd)


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A Virgo is uncompromising about his stance, no matter who you are. However, despite their almost brutal honesty, they are also some of the most dependable people out there, and no matter how much trouble you get into, you know they have got your back. They are the kind who wouldn’t ditch you for a boys’ night out, whether you are two months into the relationship or 20.

You know your Virgo man is the one for you, if he is truly honest with you, no matter what you ask him. Even in the beginning of your relationship they will tell you honestly how you look, and no matter how filthy your sweats are and how grimy your hair is, they will love you all the same.

LIBRA (September 23rd – October 22nd)

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Libra’s are very stable-minded, sorted people, who also make for some really dependable and long-term lovers. If your boyfriend is a Libra, then is talented and humble at the same time, and expects you to be his intellectual equal. However, they aren’t one for going out of their way to make someone feel special, and tend to show love in their own understated way.

If your boyfriend has been going out of your way to impress you and doing things for you which he normally wouldn’t do according to his nature, then he is definitely worth waiting for, today and forever.

SCORPIO (October 23rd – November 21nd)

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Scorpio men are difficult to love because they are quite secretive about their affairs. They don’t open up to people very easily, and even if they are dating someone, they tend to not reveal the complete truth of the matter. They are however, passionate and giving in their own way, and can be great company because they also tend to have a secret sense of humor.

You know you have found the right person, if your Scorpio boyfriend is honest and open with you. It might take some time, but if you see him treating you as his closest confidante and trusting you with his secrets, you can know for sure that you can trust him with your love.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22rd – December 21nd)

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They best way to know if a Sagittarius is worth waiting for is by scrutinizing how they behave with you in public. They tend to be dismissive of their near and dear ones to maintain an image in public, because they aren’t very affectionate by nat7ure and dislike PDA. However, if they love to be seen with you everywhere and seek you out, then he is definitely a keeper.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd – January 19th)

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Capricorns are super headstrong lovers who love to give, give and give. They are all for a grand show of affection and love, which can be quite overwhelming in the beginning. They are also very attractive, which means it is difficult to resist their charms.

You will know you have found the right Capricorn, when the gift-giving and love giving goes from being generic to personal. When they start making an honest effort for you, you know they are worth waiting for.

AQUARIUS (January 20th – February 18th)

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An Aquarius man is a good lover, but an even better friend. For them, friendship takes precedence over almost all other relationships in the world, including the romantic kind. This also makes them a little fickle when it comes to love, and they are more likely to cheat. Dating an Aquarius can feel like dating an entire friend group sometimes.

But is he worth waiting for? You will know the answer is yes when you become one of his closest buddies and his friends are now your friends.

Suggested read: #AstroSpeak The Sexiest Zodiac Signs And What Makes Them Oh-So-Sexy

PISCES (February 19th – March 20th)

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Pisces boys are peace-loving introverts who believe in the saying “live and let live.” They are sweet, caring, honest and affectionate and do everything boyfriends should ideally do, but it might sometimes feel like something is missing. They tend to avoid conflict and confrontation and hate getting into arguments, so things can get boring sometimes.

However, when they start confiding in you and you start talking about the important things, you know that your boyfriend is totally worth waiting for, because he considers you a part of his closest circle now.

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We’ll be back with more love horoscopes soon!

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Article Name
Is He Worth Waiting For, According To His Zodiac Sign
Is he worth waiting for? Let's find out using his zodiac sign, so that you don't have to deal with heartbreaks and broken promises in the future.
Aishani Laha

Aishani Laha

Bibliophile. Feminist. Unreasonable optimist. I am dangerously obsessed with the English language and the stage is my second home. I still believe in fairy tales and happy endings, and more importantly, that there is nothing that good music and a cup of coffee can’t fix.