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#AstroSpeak Daily Love Horoscope For 14th April, 2017

Your love life is going through a complicated period, and chances of an argument with your significant other is very high.

april horoscope

You should not say things you are likely to regret later. Instead use this time to think about what all is going wrong and what is going right in your relationship. Weigh the pros and cons and make a decision. If you decide to continue your affair, then go the entire distance.

Suggested read: Your Zodiac has a lot to say about what you do when you *REALLY* like someone

To know more, read your daily love horoscope today.

Aries horoscope

Love and relationships: Your partner has lied to you about something and today, you might want to confront them about the same.

Health: You might consider participating in an adventure sport, today, to make your workout routine more fun.

Work: At work, try and divide the work between you and your partners. Your leadership skills are being monitored closely.

Money: Today, you might have to take a loan. Do understand the terms of the agreement properly.

Favorable color: Gray

Taurus horoscope

Love and relationships: A new member is likely to come into your family.

Health: It is high time you set some serious fitness goals. If you don’t take charge now, then it might get too late.

Work: You will want to dip your feet in the creative pool today and come up with fresh ideas.

Money: Today is a good day to purchase a luxurious item.

Favorable color: Teal

Gemini horoscope

Love and relationships: Those of you who are single, do not try too hard to get your crush to like you, because that can backfire.

Health: You might consider taking a break from your workout routine, today.

Work: You might want to demand more work from your employees, and this increases your chances of getting a promotion soon.

Money: Do not make any financial commitments today.

Favorable color: Navy

Cancer horoscope

Love and relationships: Today things will not go according to you, in your love life. This might frustrate you a bit.

Health: Your stress levels might cause a nervous breakdown. Do take precautions.

Work: If you have been making others work for you, then today you might be ac

Money: Make small investments and take a little risk. It will provide fruitful results in the long run.

Favorable color: Burgundy

Leo horoscope

Love and relationships: You need to give your relationship the space it needs to grow. When there is no growth, every relationship, romantic or otherwise, starts becoming stagnant and unhealthy.

Health: To avoid getting a nagging headache, take necessary precautions. Do keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.

Work: A deal at work might not go in your interest. Do not lose heart.

Money: According to the daily love horoscope, today the stars are warning you against spending too much on unnecessary things. Rainy days are up ahead.

Favorable color: Lavender

Suggested read: Your Zodiac has a lot to say about what pis*es you off the most

Virgo horoscope

Love and relationships: A romantic getaway might be a good option to spice things up in your love life.

Health: Stop eating unhealthy. Your immune system is getting affected very badly.

Work: Work might not seem fun today. Consider making a game out of your assignments to finish them faster.

Money: You might want to follow your instincts today, when it comes to financial decisions.

Favorable color: Saffron

Libra horoscope

Love and relationships: Your lover will suddenly give you a lot of attention. It is not because they want something in return, but your love and respect.

Health: To enjoy the harmony between your body and mind, practice some yoga, today.

Work: You will stay quite productive at work and might end up helping others as well.

Money: Your gut feeling will not guide you right, today. So beware.

Favorable color: Coffee

Scorpio horoscope

Love and relationship: There is a chance that you will get really aggressive with your partner about something really trivial. This might not do good to your relationship.

Health: To protect against seasonal illnesses, do take the summer veggies in large quantities.

Work: You and a colleague might have a fight today, which might complicate things at work.

Money: Today is not a great day to take financial risks.

Favorable color: Magenta

Sagittarius horoscope

Love and relationships: Consider doing regular activities with your lover today. Cook together or exercise together. This is a great way to come closer.

Health: Breathing exercises will help you enhance your blood circulation in the body.

Work: At work try to collaborate with someone to create something new while teaching each other about your way of work.

Money: Chances of a theft are high today. Make sure you keep your money somewhere secure.

Favorable color: Sapphire

Capricorn horoscope

Love and relationships: Your addictions might cause your lover to take some drastic steps today.

Health: If there has been a change in the source you get your water from, then today you might want to check how hygienic it is.

Work: Work will be overwhelming, but at the end of the day you will be more than happy to be doing what you love doing.

Money: If you are thinking how to save money, then start small but start now.

Favorable color: Pearl white

Aquarius horoscope

Love and relationships: You messed up a long time ago, but your lover seems to still have a grudge against you. Today, you should ask them about how you can make them believe that you are truly sorry about what you did.

Health: You might want to up the ante when it comes to your workout regime.

Work: At work, you are likely to be confronted by an uncomfortable situation. You should try not to lose your cool.

Money: Today is not a very good day to invest in property.

Favorable color: Taupe

Suggested read: The relationship mistakes you are guilty of, based on your Zodiac

Pisces horoscope                                        

Love and relationships: Your relationship is in that phase where everything your partner says is like music to your ears. Do not get carried away and make promises which are impossible for you to meet.

Health: A trekking experience is what you need right now to fight the monotony in your daily life.

Work: Your bosses are doubting your abilities and that is maddening you. Let your work speak for itself.

Money: You might consider getting expert help to plan up your finances. Make sure the expert is a verified one.

Favorable color: Velvety blue

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Daily Love Horoscope For 14th April, 2017
Here’s your daily love horoscope for today. Check it out to see what the stars, the planets & the universe have conspired for you!
Riya Roy

Riya Roy

“If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.” This Isaac Asimov line, embraces my love for writing in the finest and most desperate way that it is and should be! I was tormented by the earnestness of the written word not very early in my journey. But once smitten, it has helped me devour life twice over; savoring the moment and indulging in its memories. As a flâneuse, I wander to understand the intricacies of human relationships. Realizing that, they are just different manifestations of the same feeling of love, has been my greatest learning. I seek to share its opulence through the words I type.