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8 tips to use Facebook appropriately while dating someone

Social Media is where over 5 billion people are connected with each other via the force of the internet. Everyone is constantly trying to share their lives with their loved ones by keeping their personal life on a pedestal. There are many social media platforms, but the most popular is Facebook, where you can share your photos, like each other status updates, and most importantly show off your love life.

The rules of using Facebook are different for people of different relationship statuses. If you are single, then it’s a pool of opportunities for you to meet someone new and fall in love. But, if you are in a relationship, then there are strict rules which you must follow to avoid harming your love bond.

Mantras of using Facebook while dating

1. Change your relationship status

change your relationship status

The first thing that you can change in your Facebook profile after falling in love, is changing your relationship status to “committed”. You are starting a new relationship which has its own challenges and insecurities. Some of these can be put to rest by showing your partner that your’e in it for the long haul.

2. Take a look at your wall

In the initial stages of a relationship, both partners are curious to know more about each other. Avoid casual flirting with your friends, and post status updates that portray your current romantic state, to showcase your sincerity to your new found love.

3. Avoid sympathy posts

Every relationship at some point goes through a rough patch, but constantly telling your friends about it on Facebook won’t help you solve anything. Your boyfriend forgets your anniversary again, or your girlfriend ditched you to spend time with her friends, is not the type of status many people enjoy reading.

4. Don’t spook your new partner

In the initial stages of dating, you are not sure where you stand with in terms of your current relationship. In this phase, avoid posting too “mushy-mushy” posts on the wall from which your new partner might feel threatened or overwhelmed by all the attention.

5. Say NO to public airing of dirty laundry

say no to public airing of dirty laundry

Having personal arguments in front of 300 people, is not showing maturity, or for that matter discretion. Don’t go and post on each other’s walls and put accusations on a platform where people will judge you. This “No Fight Zone” is a must to avoid ending up resenting your partner, and being humiliated in front of your friends.

6. Less PDA please

less pda please

Occasional lovey-dovey selfies of you and your partner are cute, but too much of it and you will end up in your friends’ “Ignore List”. After breaking-up, it will be difficult to delete all those everyday love pictures with your ex, and it might also not be healthy for your next relationship.

7. Be aware of what you ‘Like’

Having friends besides your partner is allowed in a relationship, but be careful of what you comment on their new profile picture. We all have that streak of being possessive, and constant liking your new hot friends’ photos, will not help your partner feel secure.

8. Do a privacy check

do a privacy check

Adding your partner’s family and friends can get tricky sometimes, as you don’t want them knowing about the crazy night outs you guys have together. Check your Facebook privacy settings and select “view as public profile” for those who you want to avoid, but can’t unfriend.

Following some of the above mentioned pointers will help you showcase your love to the world while not going overboard with gag-inducing displays of affection for your new found partner.

Harshit Gupta

Harshit Gupta

I'm a regular joe whose second girlfriend is social media. When I'm forced into it, I write about fun stuff that nobody else thinks of. I have a wacky sense of humor that comes across in my writing.