I promised a forever in love…
I looked at him and thought to myself I don’t want to lose him, ever…
And then, one day, I did…
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Today, as his echo fills my pen years after, I write the truth about forever love and happily ever afters.
He loved me…
I loved him too… I still do…
What went wrong, then?
The promise of forever love…
A promise I am sure most lovers are guilty of…
I say guilty because most promises of forever end up like that song on forever love on your playlist that you think you just cannot grow tired of – until one day, you just do…
I did… perhaps, he did too…
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
In choosing the future forever, we forgot to promise ourselves the present… we forgot to be there at 3 am when the loneliness monsters crept into the sheets with us, scaring sleep away… we forgot to be there to calm the pounding in our chest and the sinking feeling in our stomach when nightmares woke us in the middle of the night… we forgot to be there when life got to us, drawing life out…….
Suggested read: Why you need to dump romance to have a happy marriage…
Coz we forgot to be there when our relationship sunk to a heap on the floor, lying motionless on the cold marble, with the ‘future forever’ pills inside clenched fists and a foaming mouth…
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Our ‘dreams’ of a happily ever after became so REAL that we forgot there was a life full of love to be LIVED in the moments that could tick and stick… In working relentlessly in pursuit of a dream that may or may not come to be, we kept building on the love in our hearts but forgot to do the loving…
Love is perfect… loving, not so much…
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
In believing that the dream is a forever promised to BE, we left the present of the present unwrapped – failing to discover the gift of loving inside. We held onto the love in our hearts and soon, what they say about love came to be – LOVE IS NEVER ENOUGH…
Loving is what gets the LOVE to stretch into the infinite forever we all wish for…
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Suggested read: If she is hurting, do this…
Being there to hold her when she feels upset or running out to stack up the ice cream tubs in her refrigerator with her favorite flavor at 2 am… whilst she is sitting right there to tell you there’s a heaven for pets when you lay the good boy Bruno to rest, and holding your hand when you are unwilling to talk… Being the home she could run to when she feels lost in the outside world, and feeling at ease when you return to her arms at the end of a long day… Dialing her digits right after a long call to tell her you miss her already and getting sprung on with a series of thoughtful surprises on the day you were born because for her, it’s the most special day ever…
Kissing her when she has a runny nose and a boombox cough while she sings with her sore throat to give you company as you fix her a bowl of soup and feeling her snuggle right up into the hollow of your chest when you stream horror movies together… Getting a whiff of her scent on your T-shirt when she hops out for work and getting to yours with a bunch of roses and a love note from her sitting right at your desk… getting back home to a hug and a kiss and feeling compelled to lie about the trash on your plate she took hours to fix coz it’ll make her smile and dance just a bit… are all things we missed out on…
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
And when it was time to be honest and tell each other that it was breaking our hearts to be with each other and would still break our hearts to choose to not be with each other, we couldn’t bring ourselves to say either – because we were bound by the promise of forever…
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
So, to all the lovers out there, do not promise your beloved a forever love; promise to be loving, as best as you can… with all you can… for as long as you can…
And THAT should be enough for a lifetime, maybe forever too…