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10 Tried And Tested Natural Home Remedies For Hives

Hives are an allergic reaction that a lot of people complain about. This is why today, we are going to discuss the home remedies for hives, which can you treat your condition and get rid of the symptoms with completely natural remedies. It is always better to resort to natural remedies when it comes to sensitive conditions like this, so that there aren’t any unexpected side-effects that you have to deal with.

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License 

Like I mentioned above, hives is an allergic reaction. The condition is also commonly referred to as urticaria. The most obvious sign of hives is the breakout of small, red welts or bumps on the skin, which are often swollen. When you are exposed to something which you are allergic to, the body releases a compound called histamine, which causes these small aberrations to appear on the skin. The common causes for hives include:

  • Food allergies
  • Animal allergies
  • Medication
  • Surgery
  • Exposure to the sun
  • Exposure to fluctuating temperature
  • Infections
  • Stings
  • Pollen allergy
  • Latex
  • Stress

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The symptoms of hives are almost identical to that of allergies. However, they are a little more serious, because they leave the skin sensitive and prone to more infections. This is why you need to treat the condition as soon and as delicately as possible. The following home remedies for hives are completely natural, and have been tried and tested by several people, which make them safe for trial and regular use.

1. Apple cider vinegar

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License 

Hives are small red inflammations that appear on the body. To treat this naturally, you can take the help of several natural anti-inflammatory agents which are highly effective. Of these, one of the most recommended natural anti-inflammatory agents is apple cider vinegar.

The natural acidic properties of the substance washes away any infection from the surface of the skin, and the compounds which are present in it helps reduce the redness, itching and swelling.

You can either wash the area topically with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water, or drink a glass of apple cider vinegar mixed with water and honey to cure the problem fast.

2. Cold compress

A remedy that is recommended by most doctors and health professionals is the use of cold compress when you develop hives. It is one of the best remedies to get rid of the problem, without the use of intrusive methods, such as medicines.

A cold compress can help stop the release of histamine in the body by regulating blood flow in the area. This in turn helps in reducing the redness and the swelling and inflammation, which cures the condition faster.

You can get a readymade cold compress, or even use some ice and a towel, or bag of frozen peas or frozen meat, which can double up as a cold compress.

3. Vitamin C

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License 

Vitamin is one of the better known remedies for hives because it has the ability to remove the bacteria or other microbes which infect your skin, and boost your immunity as well. It is also a soothing remedy, as it heals the scars and reduces the redness and swelling.

You can apply Vitamin C oil to the area, which you find in capsules in the drug store. You can also find Vitamin C in natural substances like lemon balm and lemon oil, all of which can help you get rid of hives.

4. Witch hazel

Witch hazel is an ancient Chinese herbal remedy, which also has a direct effect on the histamine, which is released by the body in excess amounts when you develop hives. The witch hazel helps in shrinking the blood vessels around the area, thereby reducing the force of the blood circulation. This prevents histamine from aggravating your condition.

You can apply witch hazel oil to the area. You can also make a paste out of water and fresh witch hazel, and use it to treat your condition naturally, and at home.

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5. Oatmeal

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License 

For a long time, oat meal has been used as a soothing mask for conditions, whose predominant symptoms include swelling, itching, pain and redness. Oats have sugars, which creates a protecting and soothing layer on the surface of the skin which reduces the sensation of itching. Oats are also known to have natural anti-inflammatory properties, which heals your skin, and reduces the appearance of the scars.

You can pour rolled oats into your bath water and soak in that water for half an hour to give your skin full exposure. You can also apply a paste made of oats which have been soaked in warm water. Apply this paste all over the affected area, and you will see a drastic improvement in a couple of day’s time.

6. Baking soda

Baking soda is popularly used to cure any problem whose primary symptom is inflammation and pain. Even though hives may not be very painful, they can be scarring physically and psychologically. Baking soda has great natural anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce the appearance of the pustules and treat the condition effectively.

Like oatmeal, you can soak in a bath which has water mixed with a cup of baking soda. You can also make a thick paste by mixing 2 tablespoons of baking soda with a teaspoon of water and apply it topically.

7. Ginger


Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License 

Ginger is known for its natural antihistamine properties. Histamine is the compound which is responsible for the occurrence of your condition. This makes ginger one of the best remedies for hives and other histamine-related problems.

Apart from this, ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties and conditions which can act as blood purifiers. Ginger juice also soothes your skin and helps you recover sooner, without leaving any scars as a side effect of hives.

If your condition isn’t too advanced, then you can cut and peel a slice of ginger and rub it on your wounds. You can also extract the juice of ginger, mix it with some vinegar and warm water and wash your rashes with this water. Repeat this two to three times a day, till you see the appearance of your scars becoming less prominent.

8. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the best natural anti-inflammatory agents. It not only reduces the size and intensity of the red inflamed sores. Aloe vera is also a major ingredient in a lot of ointments which are sold over the counter for itching.

However, why do you have to use the ointments, when you can use the natural product itself, without the chemicals and the exorbitant prices? Scoop out the gel from an aloe vera leaf and apply it directly on your rashes. You can also blend the gel with warm water and vinegar to make a more potent solution, which can heal your condition within a week at the most.

9. Fish oil

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License 

Fish oil is one of the richest sources of omega 3 fatty acids, which is a compound which helps the body immensely. It not only boosts immunity to a great extent, but also has healing properties. Fish oil is also a well known natural remedy against all kinds of inflammations and bacterial infection; therefore you can use it effectively against hives.

You can consume fresh fish like tuna and salmon to increase your intake of fish oil. You can also consume capsules which are pure sources of fish oil, if you want faster and more tangible results.

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10. Coconut oil

One of the less talked about symptoms of hives is dehydration of the skin. Because your skin swells up and becomes red and itchy, it also has a tendency to dry out the skin and leave the surface cracked and dehydrated.

For this purpose, you can use coconut oil as a home remedy, which is considered a miracle oil since it contains a whole lot of good properties. Coconut oil can reduce the inflammation, redness and itching, and keep your skin hydrated while it is healing.

The best way to use coconut oil is by putting it through a microwave so that it melts completely. Once it has become a warm liquid, you can massage it onto the affected area gently. It is advisable that you do this at least three to four times a day, so that the pustules are constantly in c0ontact with the healing effect of coconut oil.

Treating hives is super easy when you know about these natural and effective home remedies for hives. All these remedies make use of objects that you can find in your pantry, and the best part is, they can heal your condition without any side effects whatsoever.

Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License 

Article Name
10 Tried And Tested Natural Home Remedies For Hives
Hives is a rather common problem, but a difficult one nonetheless. Learn about the natural and effective home remedies for hives.
Aishani Laha

Aishani Laha

Bibliophile. Feminist. Unreasonable optimist. I am dangerously obsessed with the English language and the stage is my second home. I still believe in fairy tales and happy endings, and more importantly, that there is nothing that good music and a cup of coffee can’t fix.