A hoarse voice is a result of a cold, laryngitis, strep throat infection, or other conditions that may cause your larynx or voice box to swell up. In the simplest terms, a hoarse voice is an abnormal change in your voice that cause you difficulty to make smooth vocal sounds. The pitch, volume, and tone of your voice is affected, leaving your voice harsh, weak, or even whispery.
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Anyone can be affected by hoarseness of the voice at any time. Some of the most common causes of hoarseness of the voice include:
- Laryngitis (upper respiratory tract infection)
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Allergies
- Persistent cough
- Polyps on the larynx
- Damage to the throat
- Thyroid problems
- Throat cancer
- Certain nerve conditions that weaken muscles of the larynx
- Excessive intake of caffeine or alcohol
- Smoking
- Inhaling respiratory tract irritants
- Residing in extremely dry, arid places
Home remedies for hoarse voice
Before you try any treatment to cure a hoarse voice, you need to stop talking and/or singing to rest your larynx for at least a couple of days. Don’t even whisper or talk softly. To get quick relief from the hoarseness in your voice, try these easy, simple yet effective home remedies for hoarse voice that work. Take a look:
1. Apple cider vinegar
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Apple cider vinegar is versatile in that it is effective in treating many a condition, including treating a hoarse voice. It possesses anti-microbial properties that help in fighting off infection to treat laryngitis, that is a common cause for a hoarse voice.
- To 1 glass of warm water, add 1 teaspoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Drink this a few times every day to find relief.
- In a clean tumbler, mix equal amounts of water and apple cider vinegar. Gargle at least twice a day for relief from hoarseness.
2. Black pepper
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Black pepper helps soothe throat irritation while helping reduce the hoarseness.
- Mix a quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper with 1 teaspoon of butter. Consume this thrice a day for relief from hoarseness of voice.
3. Cardamom
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Green cardamom has been used in traditional medicine to treat hoarseness of voice very effectively. It helps fight inflammation, while also soothing the irritated mucous membranes.
- To 1 glass of hot water, add 1 teaspoon each of ground cardamom and cinnamon and stir well. Strain this and use it to gargle twice a day to help treat the hoarseness.
- Crush the cardamom seeds from 1 pod. Mix this with 1 tablespoon of honey and consume it every day for relief from hoarseness.
- Chew a pod of cardamom to help moisten the mouth while also helping coat the mucous membranes.
4. Cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper helps in soothing an irritated throat, fighting a throat infection, and reducing pain and swelling.
- Add 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to 1 tablespoon of honey and mix well. Consume this slowly to help find relief from the hoarseness.
- To 1 glass of warm water, add a quarter teaspoon of cayenne pepper and the juice of half a lemon and stir well. Drink this slowly to help with the hoarseness.
5. Essential oils
Most essential oils possess anti-bacterial properties that help fight off the bacteria and/or viruses that could be causing the hoarseness.
- Bring to boil 1 pot of water. Take it off the heat and add a few drops of lavender or chamomile oil. Cover your head with a large towel and inhale the steam rising up and out of the pot of water. Repeat this remedy at least twice a day for relief from hoarseness.
6. Garlic
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Garlic helps prevent inflammation, boosts quick healing, while also reducing the associated pain.
- To a quarter cup of warm water, add a few drops of garlic oil and stir well. Use this to gargle twice a day to find relief from a hoarse voice.
- Slit 1 clove of garlic in half. Place each half on either side of your mouth and gently bite down on them. Suck on the juice to help reduce the irritation while also promoting healing.
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7. Ginger
Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties which help in soothing the mucous membranes in the voice box, thus alleviating the inflammation. Additionally, it also helps prevent any infections in the upper respiratory tract.
- Chew on thin slices of fresh, raw ginger at regular intervals to help with the hoarseness. You can sprinkle a bit of salt and lemon juice to make it more palatable.
- Add 1 tablespoon of finely chopped ginger to 1 cup of hot water and cover it with a lid. Let it steep for 10 minutes, before straining it. Add a bit of honey to this and drink this tea thrice a day to find relief.
- Sucking on ginger-based or ginger candy helps too.
8. Honey
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Honey is soothing and calming for your irritated and sore throat. It also helps in reducing the inflammation.
- Consume 1 tablespoon of organic honey a few times every day to keep your throat moist.
- Extract the juice from a handful of fresh basil leaves in a food processor. Mix this with equal amounts of honey and mix well. Consume this thrice a day to help with the hoarseness of your voice.
- To 1 glass of warm water, add 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 pinch of black pepper powder and mix well. Drink this a few times a day to find relief from the hoarseness.
9. Lemon juice
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Lemon juice is packed full of vitamin C, that is a powerful antioxidant. It helps in fighting off the infection, while also helping keep your throat moisturized. It also helps in relieving inflammation and soreness in the throat.
- Sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper on a lemon wedge and suck on it to help with the soreness and hoarseness.
- Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon in half a cup of warm water. Use this to gargle at least twice a day for best results. Add a bit of salt to this to help quicken the process.
- To 1 cup of lukewarm water, add 1 tablespoon each of honey and lemon juice. Drink this concoction slowly, a few times a day to find relief.
10. Onion juice
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Onion juice is one of the lesser known natural remedies for a sore throat. It helps by bringing down the inflammation while also helping coat the mucous membranes.
- Slice a few large onions and place them in a saucepan containing water. Bring this to a boil till the water becomes syrupy. Take it off the heat and strain the syrup into a clean bowl. Mix a few tablespoons of this syrup in a glass of lukewarm water. To this, add a few drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Stir well and drink this to find quick relief from a hoarse throat. Follow this remedy twice a day for best results.
11. Roasted grams
Grams that have been lightly roasted help in reducing hoarseness as well as irritation of the throat.
- Before going to bed, eat a handful of roasted grams followed by a glass of warm water to help in relieving hoarseness of voice.
12. Salt water gargle
Warm salt water helps in treating a hoarse voice effectively. The salt helps expel mucous from the respiratory tract, while the hot water alleviates throat irritation. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, salt helps prevent a throat infection.
- To 1 glass of warm water, add 1 teaspoon of salt and dissolve it. Use this to gargle thrice a day every day for relief from the hoarseness.
13. Slippery elm
Slippery elm is an herb that helps by coating the mucous membranes to help get rid of the hoarseness in a few days.
- Suck on slippery elm lozenges for relief from the hoarseness of your voice.
- To 2 cups of hot water, add 2 tablespoons of slippery elm powder and cover it with a lid. Let it steep for 10 minutes. Sip this tea up to thrice a day for relief from hoarseness.
Tip: Slippery elm is NOT recommended for pregnant women as well as those breastfeeding.
14. Steam inhalation
Steam inhalation helps moisten the insides of your throat that might be caused by extreme dryness. For added effectiveness, a few drops of essential oil would help.
- Heat some water till it’s boiling. To this, add a few drops of lavender, thyme, or chamomile essential oil to this. Inhale the steam rising up and out of it by covering your head with a large towel. Repeat this twice every day to find relief from the hoarseness.
15. Turmeric
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Turmeric is highly effective in relieving a sore/hoarse throat, thanks to its anti-bacterial properties that help in combating any microbes that might be causing the irritation and hoarseness.
- To 1 glass of hot milk, add a pinch of turmeric powder and stir well. Drink this concoction twice a day for best results.
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Additional tips
- Quit smoking as it tends to dry out your throat and upper respiratory organs, not to mention the long-term effects of smoking. Avoid secondhand smoke too.
- Avoid consuming alcohol since it tends to dry your throat, hence aggravating the condition.
- Use a humidifier in your room to keep the ambient air moist while you sleep.
- Avoid yelling/singing/talking loudly/clearing your throat as these tend to aggravate the hoarseness.
- Drink warm water from time to time through the day to help keep your throat and vocal cords moist.
- Taking a hot shower helps, with the steam helping open up your airways and provide the moisture that is lacking.
- Try to take yourself away from allergens in the environment that might be worsening your hoarseness.
- Deep breathing exercises help reduce blockage while helping keep your throat moist.
These are all the highly effective home remedies for hoarse voice. For more updates on health tips and fitness secrets, subscribe to our newsletter today!