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17 Extremely Effective Home Remedies For Ant Bites

Ant bites? Really? Yes, an ant bite may not be a serious health issue, but for those who are allergic to insect bites, it may be a big issue. Although a typical ant bite may last anywhere between a few seconds to a few minutes, it could be very distressing and uncomfortable for many people, mostly due to the uncontrollable itching, till the skin peels off.

Ants, especially fire ants, bite when their nests are endangered. Some species of ants can cause serious problems like dizziness, shock, intense itching, or even shortness of breath. In fact, how someone reacts to an ant bite depends on the reaction of their body’s immune system to the bite. Often, it’s worse for small children, the elderly, or already sick people. Hence, prevention is better than cure for ant bites. However, prevention is not always possible, especially when you’ve been bitten inadvertently. That’s when home remedies for ant bites come in handy.

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Home remedies for ant bites

In this article, we would be covering all the natural home remedies for ant bites, and how to reduce the resultant swelling.

1. Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol or even any drink that contains high alcohol content can be helpful in providing relief from ant bites. It works by suppressing the histamine action, thereby preventing the swelling. Plus, thanks to its astringent properties, it helps prevent the itching and pain caused by the bite.


  • Using a cotton ball, apply a coat of vodka, brandy, whiskey, or even mouthwash on the bite site and let it dry. Wash it off after a few minutes using cool water.

2. Aloe vera

aloe vera_New_Love_Times

Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Aloe vera possesses natural cooling properties, which make it ideal in helping get relief from the pain, itching, and swelling from ant bites.


  • Slice open an aloe vera leaf and squeeze out the fresh gel into a clean bowl. Apply this on the affected areas and leave it on for 20 minutes, before rinsing it off with cool water.

3. Apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar_New_Love_Times

Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy for ant bites, all thanks to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Not only does it help prevent infections, it also helps control the itching and the pain that follows an ant bite. Additionally, it also helps heal the skin if it’s peeled due to excessive scratching at the bite site.


  • Dab a clean cotton ball in raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and dab it on the affected areas. Let it dry on its own for about 15 minutes, before rinsing it off using cool water.

4. Baking soda

baking soda_New_Love_Times

Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Baking soda is nothing but sodium bicarbonate, and it neutralizes the ant bite site, while helping soothe inflamed skin. It helps in reducing pain and discomfort caused by the ant bite.


  • Take 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a clean bowl. Add a few drops of water, enough to make a paste. Apply this paste on the bite site and let it stay for 5 minutes, before washing it off with cool water. Pat dry with a soft towel.

5. Calamine

Calamine lotion is one of the best natural remedies for ant bites, or any other insect bite for that matter.


  • Apply calamine lotion liberally on the bite site and let it sit till the itching, swelling, and the discomfort subside.

6. Cucumber


Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Cucumber is another amazing home remedy for ant bites because it helps cool down bite site, while also providing relief from the irritation and unpleasantness caused by the bite.


  • Take a thick cucumber slice and rub it gently on the bite site for a couple of minutes. Let it dry on its own for 10 more minutes, before rinsing it off with cool water.
  • Blend a couple of slices of cucumber to form a paste. Apply this on the bite site and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Then, wash it off using cool water.

7. Honey

Honey contains anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties, which make it ideal for helping treat an ant bite.


  • Dab a bit of honey on the ant bite site, leaving it on for 15 minutes, before rinsing it off with cool water.

8. Ice

Ice helps reduce the inflammatory reactions of the body to an ant bite like swelling, itching, and scratching. It mainly numbs the affected areas, thereby arresting the histamine action caused by the bite.


  • Wrap a couple of ice cubes in a clean, thin cloth and place it on the bite site. Let it sit for a couple of minutes to help numb the affected area. Repeat as needed through the day.

Pro tip: Do not place ice cubes directly on your skin.

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9. Lavender oil

Lavender oil is an essential oil which can be very effective in treating ant bites. However, since it is a potent oil, it needs to be used along with a carrier oil like olive oil or coconut oil.


  • In a clean bowl, put 1 teaspoon of olive oil. To this, add 3-4 drops of lavender oil and mix well. Using a cotton ball, dab this on the bite site, leaving it on for 15 minutes, before washing it off with lukewarm water.

10. Lemon


Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Lemon juice is another amazing home remedy for ant bites. Lemon juice is acidic in nature, which helps neutralize the bite site. Plus, it helps in reducing the burning sensation that follows an ant bite.


  • Squeeze half lemon into a clean bowl. Using a cotton ball, dab this on the bite site, leaving it on for about 15 minutes. It may sting a bit, but it will soon subside. Then, rinse it off using cool water. Pat dry with a soft towel, and apply calamine lotion on it, if you have it.

11. Olive oil

Olive oil is another natural remedy that can give you that much-needed relief from ant bites.


  • Take a paper towel and pour 3-4 drops of extra virgin olive oil on it. Dab this on the bite site, leaving the towel on there. Let it sit for half an hour, before washing it off with lukewarm water.

12. Onion


Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Onion is an underrated ingredient when it comes to many home remedies, and what most people don’t know is that it can be highly effective against ant bites. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties, that help reduce the itching, swelling, and the discomfort caused by the ant bites.


  • Take a fresh, thick onion slice and rub it gently on the affected areas for a couple of minutes. Let it dry for about 10 minutes, before rinsing it off with cool water.

13. Potato

A potato, a raw one at that, can be used to treat most of the symptoms of an ant bite. It is full of starch, which helps bring down the irritation and swelling caused by an ant bite.


  • Take a fresh, thick slice of raw potato and use it to rub the affected areas gently. Let it sit on the bite site for about 15 minutes, before washing it off with cool water and patting it dry with a soft towel.

14. Salt

Salt is another effective home remedy for ant bites. It helps prevent your body from the effects of the bite reactions like swelling, itching, and uncontrollable scratching on the skin.


  • In a clean bowl, add 1 teaspoon of salt and enough water to form a paste. Apply this paste on the bite site, leaving it on for 15 minutes, before rinsing it off with cool water.

15. Tea bags

Tea leaves contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties, mainly due to the presence of tannic acid. Using tea leaves enclosed inside tea bags is an effective way. They can help reduce the swelling and the itching caused by an ant bite.


  • Wet a tea bag using a bit of water, and press it on the bite site. Keep the pressure on the affected areas for a couple of minutes, before taking it off.

16. Tea tree oil

tea tree oil_New_Love_Times

Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Tea tree oil is an essential oil which is highly effective in treating ant bites. It helps reduce swelling and severe itching at the bite site. Since this is a potent oil, it needs to be used by diluting it in a carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil.


  • To 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil and mix well. Dab this on the affected areas and let it sit for 15-20 minutes, before rinsing it off using lukewarm water.

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17. Toothpaste

Most toothpaste brands contain peppermint or menthol or even cloves in them, which are the main ingredients which cool an ant bite. Not only will it help reduce the itching, it also helps with the pain and the swelling.


  • Apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on the affected areas and let it dry for 15 minutes, before washing it off with cool water.

These are all the highly effective home remedies for ant bites that are available to you at your home. However, if your ant bite doesn’t show any signs of subsiding with these natural remedies, then you need to consult a medical professional.

Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Article Name
17 Extremely Effective Home Remedies For Ant Bites
Ant bites may not be a serious health issue, but it's imperative that you know these home remedies for ant bites so that you are prepared in any eventuality!
Chaitra Ramalingegowda

Chaitra Ramalingegowda

I fell in love with storytelling long before I knew what it was. Love well written stories, writing with passion, baking lip-smacking-finger-licking chocolate cakes, engaging movies, and home-cooked food. A true work-in-progress and a believer in the idiom 'all those who wander are not lost'. Twitter: @ChaitraRlg