One day, it won’t be like this, two people separated in distance and dreams.
One day, I won’t have to hear your smile on the phone.
Image source: Pinterest
One day, I won’t have to wonder where you are or what you are doing. Wonder what things fill your day and if you are happy. Wonder if, in between your work, you miss me and wish I was around, so you could just turn and pull me in your arms.
One day, it won’t be this complicated. We won’t have to fill our thoughts with silence, because we are too scared to say what we feel, out aloud. We won’t have to act okay with the choices we made, the choice we agreed upon and pretend that it is what we really want.
Suggested read: This is how I love you
One day, I won’t have to ask you what’s wrong and then, wait to break down your ‘I’m okay-s’ interspersed with long-drawn silences and muffled sobs to learn what’s troubling you.
One day, I wouldn’t have to hear you say ‘nothing’s wrong’ after we fight, when I can sense something really is.
One day, I won’t have to read the expression on your face from a photograph that hides YOU, from me, behind filters.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
One day, I won’t have to hear you say ‘nothing’s gonna come between us’ when I can sense you’ve already let go because it’s easier that way.
One day, I won’t be so far that I begin to forget what holding you felt like, what that birthmark on your collarbone resembled or the way your eyes lit up, when I made you laugh.
One day, I won’t question if we’ll ever meet again, see each other, BE with each other- the way we used to be.
Because one day…and for the rest of our lives, we’ll be together.
One day…and for the rest of our lives, you will be right beside me.
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I will wake up to the sound of your whispers.
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I will open my eyes and see you wrapped in me, your hair a tangled knot of our night, crowning the luminous sun on your face.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I’ll roll over in the middle of the night, only to find you next to me and lock you in my arms.
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I will wake you up with kisses and bring you breakfast in bed. Your morning coffee will smile back at you, from the cup and your scrambled eggs will resemble the unruly creases on our bed, from our lovemaking last night.
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I will have pillow fights with you and fall back in a bundle of laughter.
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I will look across crowded rooms to let you know you’re on my mind. And you’ll know it.
Suggested read: Let’s make love: Why I will ALWAYS choose gentle lovemaking over ravishing romps
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I won’t have to ask you what’s on your mind because I’ll be able to read your eyes.
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I will ease your troubles with love, so the world is never short of your smiles.
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I’ll take you to my favorite places and tell you all my stories.
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I will playfully wrestle with you for my side of the bed or getting the hell out when I’m showering.
Image source: Pinterest
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I will fix you your favorite meal and then, watch you as you eat it.
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I will slip right in your life, so you know I’m always there.
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I will be right beside you- in the here and now- so you will never feel far from me ever.
One day…and for the rest of our lives, I’ll be yours and you’ll be mine- because that day, I wouldn’t have to wish for ‘one day’ anymore.
Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License