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#AstroSpeak Why You Feel You’re Not Good Enough, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Feeling like you’re not good enough is an epidemic that’s claimed our entire generation. Whether it is about our career goals or the way our relationships unfold, we are always drowning in a deluge of ‘not being good enough’ and consequently, beating ourselves to the ground even before we can find if we can rise up to the challenge and what’s more, win it! But you know what they say about problems – before you can wrack your brains about possible solutions, you need to understand its root cause, so you can strike where it hurts most and weed out the problem from the root.

So, if you have been wondering where this toxic not good enough feeling stems from, find out here- your zodiac can provide some valuable insight:

Suggested read: 16 Zodiac signs that would make the perfect partners

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

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You often spend nights in an enormous amount of FOMO, thinking about all that you could’ve done, but didn’t. You see other people living more thrilling lives than yours, while you have to spend a night in, with a huge amount of guilt pent up inside you. Consequently, you get stuck feeling that your fast-pacing life isn’t filled with ‘raftaar’ enough. There’s always this feeling that there’s more to life than you are actually able to enjoy.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

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You appeal to people as the tough, resilient and strong one. And you never really know when to shout out to people that things can hurt you too, that even you can break down into pieces when a swift breeze passes by. One thing about you is that you are always tensed and worried about almost anything in life. You are not aware of the correct balance between facing your fears and being too secretive about them. You always feel low about being hurt and rejected that you don’t really put yourself out there in your fun-zone, thus missing out on many things.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

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You are impassioned about almost everything in life and thus, fear not fulfilling all those wishes. You fret about not providing sufficient time to anything. You feel slothful and indolent as you get into something easily only to find a new interest a few days later. You can never be the determined and focused person that everyone craves to be like. You are an easy quitter, finding new interests every now and then.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

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You are the all-giver type of person, who is a tender and gentle lover. You love others with all you have, a quality that hardly people possess nowadays. Consequently, you are hurt being the one who loves all, but never being reciprocated for that as people lack the quality of loving selflessly. If you love all, you expect the same from them; this expectation leads you to fill awfully incomplete, as it is never fulfilled. You are never the beloved of all, though being the ardent lover.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

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You possess an unquenchable craving for the soothing and appeasing effect of people’s affirmations. Even if people notice you and then, compliment you earnestly, it never fully satisfies you. You are always the one who really cares for the outlook and viewpoint of people a lot. You give a care to their opinions and what they feel about you, thereby always judging yourself by their standards. This seems to make you unsated and unhappy with yourself.

Suggested read: The best makeup look for YOU, by Zodiac

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

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Being an idealist, you have such towering standards that it’s natural that you’re not going to meet them. Thus, this feeling makes your practice so perfectly scheduled and you are always so packed that you hardly have time for a round of breaks. You know how undeniably smart and sharp-witted you are, and how admirably focused you are. Because of this, when you fall short of your expectations (i.e. always), you want to persevere even harder to achieve your goals and by the time you reach till that pinnacle, you find that you have already set yourself some new standards and goals to achieve.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

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It’s difficult to accept the fact you are always on the giving edge, and never reach the receiving edge. No matter how hard you try, you can never make them put in efforts to please you. You always like to help others- it’s deep-seated in your nature. And it always comes to your disappointment when you see them putting zero percent effort into you. Such is the scene in your relationships as well- you hate to be the giver, and never seeing them working hard to please you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

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You find great difficulty in a thing that people can do easily nowadays, i.e. opening up to someone. You find it very strenuous and grueling to confide in someone no matter how close the person is to you. People think of you as badass due to this very reason, but only you know how much you love them. You can even jump into a burning building or even jump into the ocean to save them, but would still find it hard to confront them with your feelings and insecurities.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

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You are not an easy-settler for the monotonous all-in-advance-decided life. You never want to have that kind of life that others enjoy living-graduation, job, marriage, house, kids and countryside. You crave adventures and desire a life of thrill. You just want to travel and explore as much as you can. You are never the one to settle down. And this goes against the so-called norms of the society and people pressurize you into living the life you don’t want. Hence, you keep thinking if there’s something wrong with you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

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For you, there’s nothing more important than your dreams, goals and ambitions. And you work really hard for achieving what you have always dreamt of. However, what stresses you is the doubt which is deep-rooted in your mind since the beginning of your dream- whether you’ll ever be able to work hard enough to live the life you have always dreamt of. You always fear about whether your talents and your perseverance meet the benchmark set for reaching the pinnacle of achieving your goals and fulfilling all your dreams.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

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The world operates in a way and you, in just the opposite way. You never act according to the standard norms and always endeavor to be unique in your own way. This nasty and unpleasant feeling casts a spell of self-doubt over you. Most people don’t really ‘get’ you. They don’t understand you because their minds can never work the way in which your does. You seem to be distant and good in your way, which they’ll never get and that’s okay. But due to this, it’s hard for you not to have sessions of thoughts which lead to a lack of self-confidence in you.

Suggested read: The best holiday gifts by Zodiac

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

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You are more into a life that you love to live, a life that you have decided for yourself- a life of complete, uninhibited freedom. You forswear and shun all the typical methods of achieving success. You don’t want that; what you want is independence that you have always craved for. How much ever free this might set you, this will eventually make you feel lonely, unloved and isolated. That gets to you!

Remember hon, nothing and nobody has the right to make you believe you’re not good enough! YOU are enough- and if you believe it, that’s more than enough!

Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Article Name
Why You Feel You're Not Good Enough, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Remember hon, nothing and nobody has the right to make you believe you're not good enough!
Sejal Parikh

Sejal Parikh

"I'm a hurricane of words but YOU can choose the damage I do to you..."