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14 Solid Reasons To GET Married And Live Your Own Happily Ever After

They say that marriages are made in heaven. But with such high divorce rates everywhere in the world, it’s natural to find yourself questioning if it’s even worth it to get married. When this is the case, why not just go on dating serially, or even live together with someone you love? Why tie the knot at all? Plus, if you get married, it’s for life. At least that’s the thinking the couple has when they enter ‘holy’ matrimony. Are you ready to spend the rest of your life with one person?

Not just that, but with marriage, there are a lot of added responsibilities, issues, and not to mention arguments and fights. I don’t know what it is, but just the word ‘marriage’ brings to mind something serious, that isn’t to be trifled with or taken lightly. It’s like there’s a world of things that accompany marriage, and you’re suddenly in charge of all of them. It’s quite scary to think about.

Suggested read: Why you need to stop obsessing about tying the knot

However, not everything related to marriage is serious and bad and boring and doomsday. Marriages have their own share of good things associated with them. One thing is clear really: If you’re not mentally and emotionally ready for marriage, chances are, you wouldn’t like it; not really. You can force yourself to get married to someone, but you’re not mentally prepared for all that entails a serious commitment like marriage, then you’ll never be able to cope with it.

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Just like all the phases you’ve already been through, getting married is a phase too. In fact, it’s a bigger one in your life because it affects another person too besides you. It has the potential to change your life, for better or worse and for richer or poorer. But this last bit depends on how well you’re prepared to face what life throws at you.

But how do you know you’re ready to get married? When you have found the right partner? When you’re financially stable and secure? When you have enough money to lead a comfortable life? When? But what if you like your life the way it is?

Whether you’re in a serious relationship or are single and happy with your life, here are a few meaningful and sensible reasons to get married that you might want to ponder on. Who knows, these might inspire you to take the plunge!

1. Making a big commitment

Asking your lover’s hand in marriage is the biggest proof of your love for them. At least this is one way to look at it. It’s easy to be cynical about marriage as an institution and naysay it. But to look at it as a way of showing your love and commitment to your loved one takes guts and courage.

2. Sharing your life with another person

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Human beings are social creatures, who need care and attention. However much you’d prefer to spend your days alone, there comes a point where you crave a person to share your life with, be loved by, and support and cheer you on. While single life has its own merits and demerits, marriage brings peace and stability to your life.

3. Done enjoying your single life

You’ve had your share of single life mishaps and adventures and one night stands and meaningless flings and endless parties. It seems as if nothing makes sense anymore. This happens when you know that you’ve changed from that irreverent youth to an adult. You’ve realized that you want someone to be there beside you to share your life with, and not just a body to keep you warm at night.

4. Being mentally prepared for the next stage in life

You’re at that point in life where you’re mentally prepared to step into the next stage of your life, and if that happens to be marriage, you’re ready for it. If you truly love someone and can’t picture your life without them, then take the plunge. It’s bound to be exciting and adventurous in its own way. It’ll be worth the ride.

5. Loving someone truly and completely

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

If you’ve been in a serious relationship with this person for a few years now, and you’re still happily and giddily in love with them, then marriage is the next logical step, don’t you think? You’re more than ready to tackle marriage and what it entails, right?

6. Marriage is a tradition

You might choose to be cynical when it comes to marriage, and scoff all you want, but marriage is a tradition that has stood the ravages of time. And human tendency is to believe in things that are tried and tested, with marriage as an institution being one among them. Granted that not every marriage works out, but if you put your best foot forward and love each other wholly, then there’s nothing holding yours back from being a success either.

7. It’s a great support system

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

You and your partner are literally there for each other during trying times as well as good times. Just knowing that your partner’s got your back when facing a difficult situation makes a lot of difference to your mental state. It helps ease your burden and helps you get a better handle on life.

8. It’s a great motivator

Knowing that you have a significant other who depends on you, relies on, loves you, respects you, and honors you, the same way you do, is a great motivator to be the best possible version of yourself. It gives you a shot in the arm to pursue your dreams and goals with renewed vigor. Being married to someone you love gives you all the motivation you need to create a better life for you and your partner.

9. Giving a label to your relationship

There’s a world of difference between saying, ‘I’m dating XYZ,’ and ‘I’m married to ABC.’ Even if the same level of love and commitment is there, marriage gives a whole other spin to the relationship. It gives out the vibe that you’re serious about your relationship, and that you have not entered into it lightly. Wouldn’t you want that for your relationship?

10. Brings maturity

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

It’s true, marriage does bring maturity in life. To have a marriage, there needs to be trust, respect, faith, and above all, commitment to make it work. All these in turn makes a person grow up a lot faster than they would have. You’re now responsible for a whole other person’s well-being and happiness, the same as they are to you. So it’s bound to make you more mature.

11. Gives financial dependability

When you’re dating and have been in a long term relationship, you may have shared your financials with your partner. But marriage brings with it a kind of financial security that’s in a different league altogether. You’re there for each other, come hell or high water, and it holds true monetarily as well.

12. Growing old with someone

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Image source: Shutterstock

This seems like a far off eventuality when you’re young, and you hardly spare a thought to it. However, as you grow older and wiser, you realize the importance of having someone beside you to witness your journey, the same as you do theirs. The enjoyment that you derive by spending time with your loved one is unparalleled. You take care of this person, understand their likes and dislikes, their quirks and idiosyncrasies, their tenets and beliefs in life, and vice versa, which can bring satisfaction and meaning to your life. Meaning – isn’t that what many of us have set out in search of?

13. Finding your soul mate

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Image source: Shutterstock

If you’ve found your soul mate, the one who makes you feel happy and alive and over cloud nine all at the same time? The one person you just can’t imagine your life without? The one who makes you want to be a better person for? The one person you want beside you to share the ups and downs of life, the good times and the bad, and spend the rest of your life with? Then what’s stopping you from asking their hand in marriage and making it official?

Suggested read: All the WRONG reasons why people get married

14. Meaning to life

You might not believe it, but one of the reasons to get married is that it adds meaning to your life, by making you more focused. This happens because it’s not just you anymore; you’re responsible for an entire human being and their happiness, joy, sorrow, and trials. The both of you together have the chance to build a life that adds a new dimension to your life, brings happiness to both, and adds meaning to your life.

These reasons to get married may not make sense to you, but if you’re ready to take the plunge for your own reasons, then you’re ready. But enter into the institution with an open mind, and you’ll gradually unravel all the facets there are to a marriage, and how important each one is. All those layers have the power to change your life – for better or worse and for richer or poorer. You just have to be ready to face it!

Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Article Name
14 Solid Reasons To GET Married And Live Your Own Happily Ever After
Are you skeptical about getting married at all? That's why we have 14 solid reasons to GET married and live your own version of happily ever after!
Chaitra Ramalingegowda

Chaitra Ramalingegowda

I fell in love with storytelling long before I knew what it was. Love well written stories, writing with passion, baking lip-smacking-finger-licking chocolate cakes, engaging movies, and home-cooked food. A true work-in-progress and a believer in the idiom 'all those who wander are not lost'. Twitter: @ChaitraRlg