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#AstroSpeak The Naked Truth About Why You Pushed Him Away, Based On Your Zodiac

Have you ever found yourself writhing in the agony of a breakup, when a real friend gives you the real reason behind the fallout and the pain begins to rankle some more? You pushed him away, she says and you wonder if there’s even an iota of truth in her words. You know it in your heart that she won’t lie to you about it but you want to stick to the comfortable lie your now-ex fed you. You want to believe her, you want to push past the pain- and you do, in time. A part of you does, anyway. You begin to scrape through the wounded surface of your heart, and there, you find the clues in flesh and blood- real, tangible clues of his fear. You start to understand how you pushed him away, own parts of you that you know shall not scare someone who wants to ‘stay,’ and improve on those that could do with a li’l help.

If you, too, wonder about all the things about you that might have pushed him away, causing him to leave, your zodiac reading can help:

Suggested read: The best holiday gifts by Zodiac

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

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Image source: Pinterest

When you make someone feel like he’s the only one in the relationship doing all the work to ‘keep it,’ you shall soon be downing shots and telling your friends about how you wish he hadn’t left. Honestly, Aries, you need to learn that a real relationship isn’t going to take away from your independence. Laying the onus of convincing you about the same squarely on your partner’s shoulder for a lifetime- so he can be with you- is a tad bit too much to ask for!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

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Image source: Pinterest

You could be making him feel that your rulebook for relationships is skewed in your favor. He felt like you could get away with things because you set the rules but when he wished to do the same things in his life, your rulebook flashed an ‘exceptions clause.’ He was tired holding up to your ‘my way or highway’ dictum in all things- and would have stayed, if only you displayed a li’l more flexibility and adaptability.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

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Image source: Pinterest

You have always been the life of the party- an enthusiastic, charming and magnetic person who can keep the verve of a gathering alive. However, getting to know you for you, when the ‘social mask’ comes off could be quite the task. While he signed up for the same and made efforts to dig a li’l deeper, you lashed out and made it twice as difficult for the poor guy. He got tired of trying.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

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Image source: Pinterest

You are a real trophy, when it comes to relationships. You can read his moods, tell when something’s off, get him to talk it out and even, find solutions to his problems. But it is your habit of reading too much into everything that ticks off the danger-alarms. You made hills of a mole, wanted to know what was wrong even when he assured you ‘twas nothing and got worked up over every small thing to the point of exhaustion. You obsessed so much about these trivial, insignificant things that it gobbled up your relationship alive.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

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Image source: Pinterest

You are a very warm and loving partner but you felt like all his time was yours’ to have. You had no qualms spending time, away from him, with your family and friends but got all irked when he wished to do the same. There was only so much he could take!

Suggested read: The best makeup look for YOU, by zodiac

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

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Image source: Pinterest

Your over-critical attitude made you too hard on yourself. You imagined you were getting everything wrong and your partner just ran out of his patience reserves, while going from empathetic and reassuring to a can’t-do-it-anymore stage!

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

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Image source: Pinterest

You’d always been a charmer and that was what drew him towards you in the first place. However, your unwillingness to be exclusive and commit to a monogamous arrangement was a deal breaker for him.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

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Image source: Pinterest

The problem with you, Scorpio, is that you can put people at ease and make them feel comfortable as they spill their guts to you. But when it comes to you reciprocating in kind, you remain zipped and inaccessible. Your mystery and cryptic persona becomes impossible for your partner to decode and while he tries to get through to you, for a time- you push him to a stage where he has no choice but to give up.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

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Image source: Pinterest

You are charming and ‘fun to be with,’ but your carefree nature can come off as casual, dis-invested and unwilling to work for the relationship. Your partner may try hard to build and sustain what he has with you, but if you consistently send out a ‘we’ll-see-what-happens’ vibe, he may find that impossible to work around.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

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Image source: Pinterest

While your ambitious nature may have drawn him towards you, your ‘overtly practical’ nature soon unveiled itself as ‘pessimistic and toxic.’ You assumed that relationships, by their very nature, are bound to end up in complications and therefore, it is okay for you to put your work above something where the agency is shared by someone other than yourself. You got so fixated on a ‘negative result’ from your relationship that he gave up trying to convince you to believe otherwise.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

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Image source: Pinterest

You made it very difficult to peel off your layers and learn what lay within. Despite his efforts and his own vulnerability, you stuck to your distant and detached mode, making him believe you did not wish to be emotionally invested. The more he inched closer, the more you pushed him away- and there came a moment when he turned around and walked away.

Suggested read: 16 Zodiac signs that would make the perfect partners

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

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Image source: Pinterest

You had an immutable, inflexible notion of the ‘type’ you wanted to be with. Your checklist for your ‘ideal guy’ was way too exhaustive and specific for him to mold himself to tick everything on it. You harped on about the ‘standard’ you felt you were worthy of and this made him feel like he wasn’t good enough and could never match up.

Did you come to know yourself a li’l better here? Tell us in the comments below.

Featured image source: Google copyright-free images, under Creative Commons License

Article Name
The Naked Truth About Why You Pushed Him Away, Based On Your Zodiac
You start to understand how you pushed him away, own parts of you that you know shall not scare someone who wants to ‘stay,’ and improve on those that could do with a li’l help.
Sejal Parikh

Sejal Parikh

"I'm a hurricane of words but YOU can choose the damage I do to you..."