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Love Yourself Truly, With A Li’l Help From These Books!

There comes a time in everyone’s lives where they sort of lose their bearings. They don’t love themselves as much as they should because of various reasons, and that is never okay. I know the idea of best books on self love might sound strange, but if you love reading, then this is a great place to start.

The question is, why do you need to learn how to love yourself in the first place? Isn’t it enough if you are compassionate and loving to other people? People are often under the impression that not being able to love yourself is okay, that loving yourself implies that you are either selfish or narcissistic. That is not true at all. Think of it this way, the more whole you are, there is more of you to give to people. You are in a better place mentally to help others, and therefore, are much more productive. You literally get to live your best life, when you love who you are.

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Without further ado, let us check out the best books on self love that could act as the perfect push of encouragement you need, to start on your self love journey.

1. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

This is a nice and light place to start if you are new to the world of books that talk about loving yourself. Brené Brown is an expert on topics like shaming, authenticity and coming to terms with yourself despite your “flaws.” She has incredible insight on how to feel a sense of belonging in the face of loneliness and despair and lack of confidence.

Self-worth is one of the most important parts of cultivating a sense of self love, which is exactly what she tries to build through the 10 wonderfully curated lessons in this book.

2. Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth

When people descend into a state of anxiety, depression, stress or even just plain sadness, they often turn to food for some sort of consolation and compensation. They use food as a way to release the tension in their minds and their body, except this has severe repercussions. You gain weight, and you become dependent on binge-eating, which in itself is something you should try to avoid.

In this powerful book, Roth talks about the connection between food, the body and the mind, and how you can come to a balanced space when you are at your lowest without eating whatever you have access to.

3. Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration by Meera Lee Patel

Not only is this book filled with positive vibes in terms of what the author has to say about self love, but it also looks bright and vibrant so that you have them good feels the moment you pick up this book. Sometimes, it can be difficult getting started on a journey to love yourself. This book teaches you how to start from scratch, how to be comfortable in your own skin and how simple things like taking a little time out of your schedules to know yourself is enough motivation to embark on something bigger.

This is also an interactive book, which asks a lot of questions, written for you to answer after looking into who you are, what you want and where you want to go in life.

4. How to Love Yourself (and Sometimes Other People): Spiritual Advice for Modern Relationships by Lodro Rinzler and Meggan Waterson

As the title might indicate, this is a light-hearted guide to loving yourself, no matter what the circumstances and situations in your life look like. However, this book is special not only because it talks about loving yourself in the sweetest, most conversational way, but also because it talks about a whole lot of other things.

Loving yourself is much more about just yourself. It is about the people in your life, it is about sex and friendships and a number of other things, all which they talk about in their book in a very matter-of-fact, anecdotal way, so that you don’t feel overwhelmed, yet you know exactly what to do afterward.

5. Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini

I think we can all agree that sometimes, we are just too hard on ourselves. When you are not absolutely confident, or absolutely sure of yourself, you tend to indulge in very harsh criticism of yourself and beat yourself over the smallest of matters. This is all due to lack of self-confidence, and a gross underestimating of who you are what you are capable of.

This is exactly what is explained in beautiful detail in this book by Australian author Melissa Ambrosini. She says that no matter how many things you think you can’t do, or whatever you think you are not, you are enough. Isn’t that a lovely lesson to emerge with when you are trying to love yourself just that much more?

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6. A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

The journey back to yourself is not as easy as it may initially seem. Just like a lot of incidents, situations, time and psychological stress go into not loving yourself as much as you should, being comfortable in your skin also takes as much effort, if not more. This soothing read is one of the most popular books on self love because of the calm, soothing way in which it acts as a guide for you to find yourself again.

Every single line in this book is illuminating, and it shows you how to be a better, more positive-minded person. It underlines repeatedly, the values of forgiving others for their shortcomings but more importantly, forgiving yourself for yours. If you are planning to love yourself a little more this year, make sure you have this book by Williamson as your guide.

7. Falling in Love with Where You Are by Jeff Foster

For people who are fond of poetry and enjoy reading short stories and narratives, this one is for you. You wouldn’t think a self-help, self love book could be made literary, but here you go. Jeff Foster, in his book titled Falling in Love with Where You Are presents his theories, tips, and ideas in the form of prose and poetry for you to absorb and understand.

He speaks of the values of forgiveness, acceptance and a coming to terms with life, which will make the path to rediscovering yourself infinitely easier. He doesn’t dismiss your insecurities but shows you how to own them as a part of who you are, all through wonderfully written poems and prose.

8. Radical Self Love- A Guide To Loving Yourself and Living Your Dream by Gala Darling

If you are looking for a violent push, one stroke of immense encouragement that will give you the motivation you need to look at yourself with confidence and pride again, then this is probably going to be your best find. Nothing in this book is gently put. Everything in here tells you why you are as magnificent as you are, and everything you can do to recognize that magnificence.

The book convinces you that you should live your best life, every single day, and shows you exactly why you are privileged to be blessed with a beautiful life. If you need a dose of absolute, undiluted positivity, then this is it.

9. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

This beautiful little book by Mitch Albom is the last and final book that we would recommend for you if you are looking for the best books on self love. It has a whole narrative of its own, as it talks about the protagonist of the novel who dies (don’t worry this is the first thing that happens so not a spoiler) and he meets 5 people after going to heaven. Some of them are people he had met before and some are complete strangers.

However, in his journey to Heaven, these people tell him stories, all of which teach you something vital about the life that you are currently living. It is not only a breathtaking read, but also a valuable one, as it helps you rediscover yourself, and value the life and time you have been given, without guilt-tripping you into loving yourself.

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All the books that I have mentioned above have a different, but effective way to handle self love. It is not easy. There is no one way to do it. No one knows for sure how you distanced yourself from your heart, but this much we know for certain that there is always a way back.

We hope these books can help you realize that no matter how wrong things are, or how bad life gets, you have a reason to love yourself through it all. Once you are able to be perfectly comfortable in your own skin, loving others will also become a much more rewarding experience.

Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License 

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9 Of The Best Books On Self Love To Help You Love Yourself
If you have been feeling estranged from yourself lately, go through our list of the best books on self love, to help you realize again exactly what you're worth.
Aishani Laha

Aishani Laha

Bibliophile. Feminist. Unreasonable optimist. I am dangerously obsessed with the English language and the stage is my second home. I still believe in fairy tales and happy endings, and more importantly, that there is nothing that good music and a cup of coffee can’t fix.