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Get Rid Of Erectile Dysfunction Once And For All With These Natural And Effective Home Remedies

One of the most common problems that men have to face is impotency or erectile dysfunction. However, instead of choosing certain proven home remedies for erectile dysfunction, they choose to pop pills and undergo surgery, which more often than not intensifies the problem further.

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License

Impotency, or erectile dysfunction can be a debilitating condition, and prevent you from enjoying a happy life. It is a problem where a man is unable to have or sustain an erection during intercourse or otherwise. It not only affects your own health, but also adversely affects your relationship with your partner, and several complications regarding your sex life starts to appear. Having erectile dysfunction also messes with your ability to have kids, which is why it is important to treat the condition as fast and as efficiently as possible.

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There are several reasons why you may develop erectile dysfunction. These include:

  • Excessive drinking and smoking
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Thyroid problems
  • Diabetes
  • Cholesterol
  • Hormonal changes
  • Kidney problems
  • Medication
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • External injury

If you find yourself unable to perform your best during intercourse and you are unable to have an erection, it is likely that you are suffering from erectile dysfunction. Here some of the best, all-natural home remedies for erectile dysfunction that are much healthier and much more effective that Viagra or any other chemical remedy.

1. Garlic

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License

Garlic is one of the most nutritious natural products, which has multiple health benefits. It is also essential for the immunity system and the circulatory system. Garlic increases blood flow in the body as it contains a compound called allicin which promotes better circulation. Consuming garlic for a few months has shown considerable improvement in the condition of most people who have tried this.

Chew on 3-4 raw garlic cloves daily in the morning for your body to reap the right benefits that this root has to offer. In 3 months, you will see great improvement in your condition.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one those things that you should have around the house for all purposes. It can treat and cure a number of health problems, including erectile dysfunction. Apple cider vinegar treats the problem indirectly, which in turn helps you revive your sexual potency merely after a couple of uses. It treats problems such as prostrate diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure, which increases blood flow and repairs broken and damaged blood vessels which might be causing your condition to persist.

Mix one part apple cider vinegar with water and drink this solution the morning to see miraculous changes in your condition after a week of daily consumption.

3. Pomegranate juice

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Pomegranate juice has been used as part of an ayurvedic treatment for genital conditions like erectile dysfunction for several years. The juice is rich in important nutrients and packed with antioxidants, which flushes out the toxins, and increases blood flow, so that your body has no trouble performing sexually.

Drinking the freshly extracted juice from one pomegranate every day is one of the best ways to tackle this problem.

4. Exercise

One of the main reasons why men suffer from erectile dysfunction is lack of exercise and activity. Once you start adopting a healthy lifestyle, a lot of your health problems including erectile dysfunction will go away. Exercising regularly has the same effect as Viagra does, without being intrusive in any way. It eases problems like high blood pressure and increases blood flow. It also helps in the increased production of testosterone, which is a hormone essential for proper sexual performance.

Even engaging in light exercises like running and jogging is enough to give your body the boost it needs to function properly.

5. Fenugreek

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Fenugreek is another ancient remedy that has been used to treat sexual problems like erectile dysfunction. It contains several healthy compounds like diosgenen, saponins and sapogenins, which help the body produce more testosterone and acts as a natural aphrodisiac. It also increases your libido and promotes healthy blood circulation, helping you get rid of the problem within a few weeks of regular use.

Soak one cup of fenugreek seeds in water overnight and strain them out. Drink this water daily, once a day to absorb the good effects that fenugreek has to offer.

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6. Almonds

Almonds are rich in important nutrients like zinc, copper, vitamins and manganese. Because of the highly nutritious properties, it has been used as a natural aphrodisiac by people all over the world for several hundred years. It increases testosterone levels and improves blood circulation, allowing you to have an erection that lasts longer, and helps you perform in bed.

Consuming raw almonds is the best way to have almonds to treat this condition. You can mix almond powder in warm milk and drink this before going to bed every night. You can also soak a handful of almonds overnight and have them first thing in the morning. Eating almonds for a month will show considerable improvement in your condition.

7. Onion


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Your body might be working against your stamina without your knowledge when you are sleeping or suffering from other diseases. Onions have properties which prevent your body from doing so. In fact, onions are also popularly partaken as a natural aphrodisiac and work wonders when it comes to increasing your sperm count. Onions are also easy to consume and can be included as part of your daily diet easily.

You can extract the juices from one onion and mix two tablespoons of onion juice with water, which you must consume every day. You can also fry some onions in clarified butter and eat it before your meals.

8. Walnut and honey

Walnuts are some of the most potent and nutritious nuts, which are also one of the most sought after home remedies for erectile dysfunction. Walnuts increase your sperm count naturally, without any external chemical methods. It also increases your libido and your performance in bed, and is a sure shot way of ensuring that you have an erection, because walnuts also help increase blood flow. Together with honey, which has antioxidants and is nutritious, they make a great remedy for erectile dysfunction.

You can have walnuts dipped in honey in order to get both of these natural ingredients in sufficient doses. You can also mix a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of powdered walnuts in a glass of warm milk, which you can then drink before going to bed every day.

9. Carrots

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License

Carrots also have some of the best natural aphrodisiac properties. Not only does it increase the level of testosterone that your body produces, it is also rich in beta-carotene, a compound essential for the proper functioning of the body, and healthy blood circulation. All this combined makes carrots some of the best natural remedies for erectile dysfunction.

Carrots can be consumed in a hundred different ways. You can extract the juice of a carrot and drink that with your breakfast every day. You can have baked carrot fries, or even include carrot in your daily diet in the form of salads or the like.

10. Zinc

A lack of zinc in the body has been medically linked to sexual and prostrate problems like erectile dysfunction. Zinc is an essential nutrient that is required by the body, and especially by the prostrate gland to function properly. It regulates blood circulation, and balances the hormonal secretions from the gland, ensuring that you have optimum health in your gonads and your sexual potency is not adversely affected.

There are pure zinc supplements available in the market that you can have based on your doctors recommendations. You can also consume foods that are rich in zinc such as pumpkin seeds, cocoa powder, chickpeas, green leafy vegetables, etc.

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11. Drumsticks


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This vegetable has been used since ancient times to cure problems regarding sexual health. This of course, includes erectile dysfunction, one of the most common sexual problems found in men, Drumsticks help increase the libido and are also a natural aphrodisiac which can help improve sexual performance. It contains potassium, calcium, beta-carotene, protein and Vitamin C, making it a nutritious and beneficial snack for the body.

Having drumsticks every day in cooked or raw form in cooking or in raw salads has shown to increase virility in men, and a more promising sex drive. It is one of the best home remedies for treating problems like this, and you are bound to see positive results within 2-3 weeks of daily consumption.

Erectile dysfunction is a surprisingly common problem in men that can not only lead to a compromised sex life, but also lead to depression, anxiety, guilt and self-esteem issues. It has the potential to affect one’s life to a great extent, unless it is treated as soon and as effectively as possible. These home remedies have been extensively tried and tested and have proven to be highly effective, without any other side effects.

Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License

Article Name
11 Amazingly Effective Home Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction 
Worried about your sex life? Check out these all-natural home remedies for erectile dysfunction to get rid of all your problems!
Aishani Laha

Aishani Laha

Bibliophile. Feminist. Unreasonable optimist. I am dangerously obsessed with the English language and the stage is my second home. I still believe in fairy tales and happy endings, and more importantly, that there is nothing that good music and a cup of coffee can’t fix.