Former Wipro employee, Shreya Ukil, has sued Indian tech-giant Wipro for 1M pounds for propagating a ‘deeply predatory, misogynistic culture’ at the workplace. 39-year old Ukil, who worked as the sales and marketing manager with the IT services company in UK, has filed a sexual discrimination and equal pay suit at at the Central London Employment Tribunal accusing Wipro of indulging in unlawful malpractices such as discrimination based on gender and race, sexual harassment and unfair dismissal.
As per the documents filed with the Central London Employment Tribunal, Ukil has confirmed that she “submitted to aggressive sexual advances” from her 54-year-old married boss Manoj Punja (former senior VP and global BPO head who quit last year) after she was transferred to London from Wipro’s Bangalore headquarters in 2010.
Image source: Wipro
She reported that she was paid 75,000 pounds per annum as against the 150,000 pounds-compensation earned by male colleagues whilst also being subjected to undue pressure to comply with her boss’ wishes for having an affair. Claiming that the atmosphere at Wipro is ‘toxic’ for women unless they agree to be ‘subservient,’ Indian-born Ukil mentions how she was treated as ‘dirty goods’ when she called off the ‘forced’ affair and lodged a formal complaint. She mentions her resignation last September but recollects receiving a dismissal from the company later.
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While the tribunal is looking into the matter, the severe allegations, if proven true, could mean much more than an expensive lawsuit for the tech-giant. While Punja, who is currently the executive vice president responsible for global sales, solutions and client services in Bengaluru-based IT firm Microland, hasn’t been available for comment, Wipro has issued a statement to the media confirming that both Punja and Shreya Ukil were fired from their jobs as they had violated the company’s stated policy by having an unreported personal relationship.
“Wipro’s policy on conflict of interest requires employees to disclose to the organization any personal relationship that could create conflict. Failure to disclose such relationships would result in disciplinary action including and up to separation. Following an impartial inquiry, both Manoj Punja and (the woman; name being withheld by HT) were relieved from the services of the company after it was established beyond reasonable doubt that they had violated the stated policy,” Wipro said.
The spokesperson for Wipro has also, in the face of the intra-day stock-slip of 1.89%, averred that the company is going to defend itself against the insidious and defamatory allegations,
“Wipro takes serious objection to the scurrilous allegations made against the company and will initiate legal action to defend itself against insidious and defamatory allegations. The company has built its business over the years by ensuring it adheres to the highest standards of integrity, fairness, and ethical corporate practices. Any transgression of these beliefs and policies are dealt with expeditiously and with the strictest action.”
Let’s wait for TIME to tell the truth.
Featured image source: Wipro