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Inktober 2018: Compilation of the Best Artwork from 31 Prompts

Day 10: Flowing

My hair reminds me of Medusa. When the wind is too strong, and it slaps people in the face, I feel mighty powerful (and extremely sorry). Over time, it has served as a blanket, as a shield that I could hide behind, as a source of pride, and as the only plant I can nurture well.

Day 11: Cruel

Spirograph art is so soothing and intricate. We could play with these as children, not knowing that they would turn into important devices for art, as we grew up.

Scorpios are not the cruellest beings to have existed. Yes, they carry poison, and sting people into pain and death unnecessarily. But if they only asked for consent before they killed us, then it would not have been such a big deal.

Day 12: Whale

Whales make me feel very small. Stretching halfway between Heaven and Hell, they are too majestic to not inspire fear and respect.

Day 13: Guarded

This artwork works on two levels for me: a) The soldier has trapped the demon in the cage, or, b) The soldier is guarding it. Given that the Susuwatari-ish spirit is smiling, I would assume that the cage is favorable to them. Also, human beings quite popularly shield, protect, and vote for their demons.

Day 14: Clock

It is captioned ‘Time Machine’. However, my first impression of the artwork was, “Oho! So that is what has been messing with my alarm clock!” It is much easier to believe that a small animal creeps into my room every morning, and presses ‘Dismiss’ on my alarm. That way, I get to blame my entire downfall on myth.

Day 15: Weak

I feel dead, sometimes. Often, that ‘sometimes’ stretches to longer and longer, until I have forgotten how sunlight feels. We pressurize ourselves into taking on too much for our own good. It is unhealthy, and in poor interest of our mental health, but we badger on because we do not think of ourselves as a priority.

Suggested read: Take Your Broken Heart, Turn It Into Art: Here’s Mari Andrew Doing Just That

Day 16: Angular

Fun fact: The bestselling author and singer-songwriter, Hank Green, has his own variety of the angler fish. He doodles them on things that we signs, calling them ‘Hankler Fish’.

Day 17: Swollen

Puffer fishes send a chill down my spine. But the sheer amount of power oozing out of the female character, helps cloud that fear. I love the statement of strenght that this illustration makes.

Day 18: Bottle

I have always been an ardent fan of artworks which showcase civilizations growing within a bottle. The little badger sleeping so comfortably in the cozy nook, probably symbolizing hibernation, brings me a fulfilling sense of hope.

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Inktober 2018: Compilation of the Best Artwork from 31 Prompts
Here's a compilation of our favorite Inktober illustrations of this year!
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Meghalee Mitra

Meghalee Mitra

My introductions have always been "I'm too awkward for this." My exercise routine comprises oscillating between being serious and bat-shit-crazy, laziness, and hyper-activity. I love words, live for food, and am always looking for magic.