For a city that rolls out a green golf course welcome mat that is a stone’s throw away from the airport, dating cannot not be unconventional. No, you don’t have to mete out red carpet treatment to your date, and then scrounge for change for the rest of the year! And of course, you don’t settle for the movie and dinner standard date either. We know Bangaloreans can do much better than walk their date to a club on a brimming Friday night or have them dig the meat at Miller’s 46. After all ‘Namma Bengaluru’ offers so much more than pubs and fine dining experiences for lovebirds. But, renting a limo or dining at that snooty roof-top restaurant while having her favorite band sing to her can’t come easy on the pocket, right? While there are many places where couples can meet, people want to experience unique and innovative things.
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Let me let you in on a little secret. A successful date is not about the dough you dole out. It is more about whether or not you have spent ‘time’ to find ways of making the date an extremely memorable one. Coz let me tell you this – if you have bought your way out of ‘spending time and thoughts’ on this one, you are going to be sitting home in those sweatpants, yawning during a self-picked moviethon, counting the notes you saved. So then, how do you come up with something novel without spending all those wads of green? Main hoon na.
No, I am not giving you money 😛 (Writers are almost always broke anyway). I am saving some of the ‘time’ you’d spend on coming up with some light-on-the-wallet-plus-out-of-the-box date ideas. You’d have to spend the time in bringing them live, though. Behold some of the innovative experiences in Bangalore for dating couples:
1. Cook for love: Whoever said that ‘a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,’ forgot that women eat too! Gone are the times when the line ‘I can’t even boil an egg,’ or ‘I only know to devour what’s on the plate, how it got there remains a mystery’ were agreeable. Today, there’s something sexy about a man who can pick the finest gourmet meal for his woman, but even sexier about one who can cook her one. So, sign up for the task and cook a mouth-watering meal for your lady love. No, I haven’t lost my mind.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Chef Xerxes at Red Fork, Indiranagar, shall help you all along. So whether or not you know which way the gas knob turns or you can fix a decent meal by yourself, now is the time to put those zilch/partial culinary skills to create some love on the plate, to please your lady’s palate. The booking costs INR 4500 and includes a hands-on cooking experience with Chef Xerxes and an intimate dinner arrangement for you and your love, among a mellow mood of flowers and candles. She will love the food, the effort and you – not necessarily in that order!
2. Speed up slow Sundays: Sundays do not have to be a sluggish slap to the snooze button, a slurpy sip of strong coffee and a slow stroll to the shower. Race up your Sunday by going go karting at Mysore Road. Pump up your adrenaline levels and enjoy the thrill gushing through your veins as you discover the racy and risqué you.
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What’s more, you can do it as a couple. So, jump in and rev up the engine. Enjoy being given the reins of the racy ride, while you zoom past one and all. And in the end, it will leave you , your date and your wallet in the best of moods!
3. Voila, villa: Mumbai is not the only city that never sleeps. Bangalore is close on the heels and the hustle-bustle of the IT hub does not have a snooze button. So, if you are one of those couples who hardly has the time to slip away from the honks and horns, we have a weekend’s worth of solace for you.
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Book a stay at Villa Pottipatti at INR 3500 per couple and enjoy nature’s soft caress while you are relaxing in the arms of your beloved at a 19th century heritage bungalow, that is all yours!
4. Charming with chocolate is ch-oxy: Chocolates and romance are like Shahrukh and Kajol, you just can’t deny the magic. And that is why Jus’Trufs chocolicious chocolate tour with a hands-on experience of tempering Belgian chocolate and customizing your own truffles, is all the more scrumptious and scrummy when coupled with tasting chocolates of all kinds.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
The tour is priced at INR 2200 per person and shall work wonders for your chemistry!
5. Treat yourself with an art retreat: There is something serene about the soft dabs and fine strokes of paint on canvas. A hand-in-hand tour of the art gallery, a personal art-making and coffee mug painting session, followed by a delicious lunch is available at Kalarasa Art House at INR 1800 per person.
Image source: Shutterstock
If you are one of those couples who share a taste for art or like to debate the finesse of Monet and Rembrandt over lunch, you shall find that this unique experience shall add just the right colors to your monochromatic dating life. And what’s more, you might get to make your picks too!
6. Do it the dhaay style: If roses, furry animals who purr (Magazine store, Church street) or candle-lit dinners are not your idea of romance, then drive down to Play Arena for a day full of dhaay-dhaay romance. What better way to forge an even deeper and perhaps stronger camaraderie, than over a game of laser tag. Be careful though, she might have a better aim than you do!
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Just don’t use the cheese-burst ‘Of course, you’d shoot well, you can do so much with just those eyes!’ category of defense lines. Aarrrggghh! As for the rest, laugh it off and have a great dhaay dhaay day. And please do not assume this is a guy zone. You might never have asked or in case, she is really the roses and candle type, let her try, she might like it and you might end up getting a thank-you-ice-cream-detour on the way back (and maybe more)!
Bindaas Bangaloreans are great friends … with their wallets (By the way, they are lovely friends with humans too, and I was fed some good cash to add this by my Bangalorean bum chum … no, wait, she took it away, where’s backspace). Okay, fine, I promise I won’t try humor from the next time. 😛
So, in the face of the pricey dating game, in search for a priceless relationship, we have tried to keep that wallet friendship intact. I mean, who wants to fight over a cancelled night-out plan, especially with an empty and angry wallet, right? 😉 Okay, SORRY, no more from the next article, promise! 😉 😛
Featured image source: Shutterstock via PhotoStock10