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Just A Few Wedding And Pre Wedding Photo Ideas That Will Make You Want To Get Married Tomorrow

11. A perfect sunset

Is your romance even real if you don’t take full advantage of the prettiest sunset in your city? If you are wondering how you can make your sunset romantic and beautiful and unique, check out this super cheesy shot which makes me want to get married asap, I don’t know about you.

12. The cityscape

If you and your beau are in love with the city that you both live in, or met in, or are going to live in, you can totally make it the third person in your wedding picture and this is a perfect, non-clichéd example of how you can do that. With the silhouettes and the shadows and the reflections, this is one those images that are natural, but look out of this world.

13. The Underwater shot

If you are into being super dramatic (I know I am) and want to create something truly beautiful for your pre-wedding shoot, engagement shoot or wedding shoot, then you can take it to the deep sea (or a swimming pool since that is infinitely easier) and take some magical, ethereal shots that will make you look like a couple of loved up angels. Honestly, I can think of nothing more gorgeous and more creative.

14. Simplicity at its best

Who doesn’t want to show off their ring and scream, “I SAID YES” from the top of the tallest building when you get engaged? It is your engagement ring which makes all the difference in your life, and so it is only fitting that you have a simple, yet poignant shot, as part of your pre-wedding shoot. It is the kind of picture that is super easy and super simple, but speaks a thousand words and conveys a thousand emotions.

15. The perfect frame

so you want to show off your partner, your wedding bouquet, your dress and your ring all at the same time? This is the perfect frame, because it is secretive, mysterious, romantic and so full of love that I might have actual tears in my eyes, even though you can’t see the faces of either people in this picture.

16. The surprise

Pictures like these simply make your heart melt, because of the amount of emotions being portrayed through one single frame. Whether you are walking down the aisle to your partner, or you are getting married in any other way, the first look is a moment worth preserving forever, and a fun, sentimental and emotional way of doing this is shown in t his beautiful picture, that you can take inspiration from when you are planning your own wedding!

Suggested read: The Wedding Is Coming: 42 Mushy Pre-wedding Photo Shoot Ideas That Will Make The Wait Thrice As Difficult

17. When you are actual goofballs

All wedding and pre wedding pictures don’t have to be serious and sultry and dramatic. If you and your partners are goofballs and like to have fun together and your relationship is all about spontaneity and laughter, then candids like this is what you are going to love. You can simply be yourself, with the person you love, and let the photographer do the magic. Nothing compares to real, unadulterated and genuine laughter, especially on two people who are in love.

By this time, you, like me, should ideally have turned into a massive ball of sap, wondering when you will be able to take pictures like this with your soul mate. These wedding and pre-wedding photo ideas are unique and wonderful and worthy of the gazillion tears that you have shed, but it is also important to know that these photos are sort of symbolic of your relationship.

You should be able to do whatever you want with your partner to freeze precious moments in time, and also invest time, money and thought into hiring the right photographer, who will be able to make you look perfect in every way!

Featured image source: Instagram 

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17 Creative Wedding And Pre Wedding Photo Ideas
If you want your wedding to be as memorable as it deserves to be, then check out some of these wedding and pre-wedding photo ideas that would make for the best memories!
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Aishani Laha

Aishani Laha

Bibliophile. Feminist. Unreasonable optimist. I am dangerously obsessed with the English language and the stage is my second home. I still believe in fairy tales and happy endings, and more importantly, that there is nothing that good music and a cup of coffee can’t fix.