Marriage, they say, is TOUGH! They say the same thing for men too! And I think this heaps a helluva unfair load of expectations on the married men we will talk of. Or does it?
Let’s see through the eyes of married men:
1. Sex… coz that’s what it all COMES to 😉
Oh yes, this is the one thing (overt or covert) around which the entire idea of married life revolves for most men.
And they expect their wives to rock those romps…
Image source: Tumblr
…when the wives are clearly NOT quite there... 😉
Image source: Tumblr
Suggested read: If girlfriends were really honest while arguing…
2. Whip me a yum dish… (like mom used to)
God forbid a guy compare… but surely the secret pathway to all men’s hearts is through his stomach…
Men expect their wives to please their palate and more…
Image source: Tumblr
…when the wives clearly do not know a single thing about the kitchen…
Image source: Tumblr
3. Care for me, baby… maybe?
I wonder why men think that women are just going to be taking care of an additional baby at home- some wage-less labor that is… and yet…
Men expect their wives to check everything- from the number of calories they have popped in to the hunt for the missing sock they were very sure they’d stuffed in their shoes last night! Mystery of the missing sock, eh?
Image source: vox
…when all she feels like doing in this kinda parent-y act for a spouse is to hold up another finger than the one below…
Image source: indiaonline
4. The sweet good mornings
Nothing seems more beautiful to men than waking up to the romantically laid out tray of steaming hot breakfast waiting on the bedside…
when… let alone morning sex, they are assigned with the task of getting the breakfast-in-bed and God forbid if they get crumbs – they’d have to clean up after her too… and then, get late for office!
5. The green of your life!
Men expect the strong women of the day to really wear the ‘independent’ sash in earnest!
…and foot all her bills on her own.
Image source: gifulmination
…when she is clearly living by the ‘what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine too’ rule! Three cheers for that- hip hip hurrah!
Image source: elle
6. A warm welcome after a long day of work (at times), without that TALK TO ME nagging (at least some, man!)
After tiresome stretches of hours at work, all men return home wishing upon…
…a sexy, smoldering welcome… that will lead to you know what…
…when in reality, they are greeted with complaints of what went wrong at home, at work, at the neighbor’s home, at the neighbor’s workplace… and they want to yell this…
Image source: mtv
7. To finally get to bring the parties to your house – coz GOOD food… FREE!
Men expect their minion wives to get excited with the idea of throwing a get together for family and friends, but wait…
They think ‘honey, you are an all-rounder’ shall get her flattered – coz she is an amazing organizer, hostess, and chef rolled up in one…
Image source: india-forums
…but does she agree?
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8. When hanging out with friends hangs in the balance
This one does not even merit a sentence…
Men expect… and try…
Image source: nickiscalese
…pat comes her ultimate reply…
Image source: shughal
Suggested read: If boyfriends were really honest while arguing…
9. When it is about realizing the deep dark deeds you dreamt of
Sshhh… beep beep beep beep beep…
Men expect things happening in Christian Grey’s red room to be happening in their own bedroom…
Image source: siasat
…but whoever said ‘men shall be heard,’ huh?
Image source: Goodreads
10. We-time
This is a biggie for you my lovely men, isn’t it?
Men expect their wives to don that gaming avatar and begin punching on those consoles as hard as they do- in the ULTIMATE contest- or watch action flicks with them… or anything else that they think counts like time well spent…
Image source: Tumblr
…when in reality, they simply end up having a fight over what to do…
Image source: gifsoup
11. Aahaan! The chores of your married life
Coz the only hand lent in men’s minds is that one hand to which they suffix ‘job’- and that’s all- apart from that- what’s a helping hand, really?
They expect everything to be magically taken care of (read: wife elf)
Image source: giphy
…when you’d possibly need multiple hands to lend to everything she ASKS of you…
12. The responsibility crisis
In the most simple words, guys just want to be wanted, but never to be needed…
…so men want this… (with space)
Image source: Goodreads
13. Facing all the ups and downs of life
Men wish their better halves to take charge like the lioness (even outside of the bedroom- so he can relax carefree, of course)…
Image source: reddit
…but TRUTH can be shocking, eh? 😛
Image source: girlsinpokadots
14. Parenthood, Oh yes!
Oh – so that’s a promotion in personal life…
Men expect that they’d be entrusted with things like what to say to a baby to make her smile…
Image source: Tumblr
…but end up in a diaper pool and vomit flood…
Image source: giphy
Suggested read: If every Indian husband were honest…
15. Finally, it all comes to the crown
And here comes the ultimate blow…
Image source: gifsec
…but are shot right down…
Rule together, eh? What say?
Featured image source: gifsec