Sometimes, people break up and try to remain friends (which is an impossible deal), while there are times when people don’t speak to each other ever again. Staying in touch with your ex is like walking a tightrope. You might lose your balance and fall any time. While texting them when you are drunk or when you have just moved out of the relationship is not a good idea, there are times when texting your ex is certainly not a bad move. Here are some of these scenarios.
1. When they have got that big promotion
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If they have got their dream job or have been promoted at work, then leaving a congratulatory text is certainly not a bad idea. Let them know that you appreciate them for their professionalism and show some gratitude.
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2. When they have lost a loved one
If they have lost a family member or a friend, then you should definitely convey your condolence. If you both are already in touch with each other, then there is no harm in calling them or even attending the funeral. Though, if they don’t pick your phone, don’t call them again and leave a heartfelt condolence message.
3. When they are not keeping well
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If they are struggling with their health and is having a bad time dealing with it, let them know that you care about them with a small message. Ask them if they need any help and let them know that they can still rely on you.
4. When it has been a while and you simply want to check on them
Texting your ex can be complicated at times, especially if you are talking for the first time after the breakup. Wait for at least a few months (or even a year) before dropping that casual text to know their whereabouts.
5. When they have got engaged
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
If they have found someone to settle with, let them know that you are fine with their decision in the form of a text. Remember, it should be a congratulatory message and you should not question their decision or get dirty.
6. When they are moving away
If they are leaving the country or the city forever and you know that you might never see them again, you should definitely text them to wish them well for their future endeavor. There is no harm in even meeting them casually before they leave.
7. When they are celebrating something (a birthday, an anniversary, had a baby, etc.)
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
There are these big milestones that matter the most. If they are celebrating such a significant event, let them know with a simple text that you haven’t forgotten about them and wish them well. Maintain a straightforward tone and convey everything you like to say in a simple and crisp manner. Texting your ex is an art and you might need to take it one step at a time to master it.
8. When they buy something new
No, texting your ex because they have bought a new lamp or a pair of trousers is not cute. It is creepy and you might even come off as a stalker. If they have bought a new car or have moved to a new apartment, then you can always leave a small congratulatory message.
9. When you just need to share something with them
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
There could be a time when you desperately need to share a piece of information with them. It could be professional or related to their well-being. Texting them to share this crucial data is not a bad move. Though, you should remember that this should not be your first communication after the breakup.
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10. When you think you are ready
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Most significantly, text them when you think you are over your ex and you won’t let that text turn into something else. Leave a message, when you know you are ready to face your past, so that you can find some peace in your present.
Texting an ex can be fatal at times, and you need to make sure that your single message should not give false hopes to someone else. At the same time, you need to maintain a perfect balance, as a single text might bring all those memories back. Be cautious and take care of your fragile heart before hitting that “send” button.
Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License