Facebook is an indispensable part of all our lives today. But don’t you think it’s about time to make our online expression and reactions real? Well, let’s face it, ‘Like’ is usually never the real reaction you give on the lovely crap you come across every day. So get ready to laugh your wits out with some fabulous Facebook button ideas I’ve got here. I can bet that having these on Facebook will turn your online hours into a crazy roller-coaster ride you will never want to get off:
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1. Am I really supposed to care?
Image source: Pinterest
This is an urgent button we need for all those people who just can’t keep from posting every super personal feeling without any break whatsoever. What a relief it’ll be when it officially notifies them- You’re in love, great! But what the hell are we supposed to do with it?
2. Enough is enough, I’ve had it. Goodbye people. Goodbye Facebook!
This is the ultimate weapon we need for the times when social networking really gets on our nerves. Trust me, it’s going to be your shining armour against the ‘Mwaah….selfies’ that your friend just couldn’t get enough of.
3. When did I ever ask for this?
I’m sick of the clips that run via auto play without any notice, and then we’re to scroll and find where this claptrap is coming from and I know you’re too. Just a click on this button might let our helplessness out at last.
4. I’m always here for you baby!
This is going to be the virtual handkerchief of the weirdo who’s always ready to ‘be there’ for every single damsel in distress. This one button shall say it all for his humongous overly caring heart. And ladies, you can all get ready to count your warm shoulder scores and enjoy, once this button gets live. No, wait- this button wasn’t meant to start a competition- Phew! Tech can do no good- NO GOOD!
5. ‘Ek 10 Rs ki ardaas meri bhi’ or a ‘Jaikara’ button
If you too can just not have any more of all the posts where 1 like is equal to your religious redemption and ignore is a sure doom; this button is a definite rescue for you. A single click is going to save your back and render peace to all divine souls who post this.
6. ‘I’d rather jump off of my roof’
To answer the irritating posts like – will you take the call from God, and the pictures with ‘please like me’ as the tagline, nothing’s going to express your rage better than this fantastic button. Let the world know how you’re not up for any crap like this anymore.
7. The stalker alert button
It is going to shoot –‘Who the hell are you?’ to all those friend requests with lame messages in the ‘other’ box and a ‘stalking’ like on every single status and picture from last 3 years. This button understands how this is something you cannot just ignore or delete. It is bloody war.
8. Aha, really- you got THAT deep, huh!
Don’t you find it hard to breathe when you come across all those mushy heart quotes and highly intellectual statement statuses copied off the internet and worse, spelt in that obnoxious abbreviated lingo? You know these people for who they really are and this button shall drill it in. Guess what- ‘mah tym s 2 preciouzz to read ur Ctrl C Ctrl V crap!!’
9. A ‘bite me’ button
This is the best I’ve got for the people who’ve got to publicize every single miserable detail of their lives that you’re actually super indifferent to. Just cooked my first maggi and my doggy just pooped on my desk. Well, why don’t you get over yourself already or just bite me.
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10. You have got to be kidding me!!
This is my mantra for the never ending candy crush requests. Looking at them makes me magically murderous in an instance and I’m sure that this button will finally shout out loud for you too – ‘Again really! Are you even for real?’
If you’re already doubled up with laughter, imagine the excitement that can happen if Facebook really introduces these cool buttons online. Aah, what a dream come true it’ll be to have such entertainment with our buddies with these buttons. Mark, you are reading this, right?