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15 Practical Things To Say To Your Girlfriend After A Fight To Smooth Things Over

There are no two ways about the fact that there are always going to be fights inside of a relationship. Couples should never even try to escape the phenomenon where they fight, but make up and move on. But if you are a man, who doesn’t particularly get women that much, and have fought with your girlfriend – you are really going to wonder what things to say to your girlfriend after a fight.

No matter who has made the mistake, there is always a risk involved. You do not want to tick her off. You do not want her to get angry further. But you do not want to stay silent, because she is not going to like that either. But saying the right thing is always such a challenge. How are you to know what the right thing to say is?

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Here we will help you solve the eternal problem of understanding what to say to your girlfriend after a fight.

As established before, you are not going to be able to get away from fighting in relationships. So here are a few things you can say to her if the fault of the fight is hers.

Suggested read: A long, hard look at the 9 fighting styles of couples and how many (don’t) work

1. “No matter what happens, my love for you is never going to reduce.”

This is one of the most reassuring things you can say to her. She is going to know that you love her the most and there is no chance that the two of you are going to fall apart just because of a fight. She is going to feel secure about herself, and will be able to be herself around you all over again.

She is also going to melt at the fact that you are willing to accept her for the person that she is and will fall in love with you all over again.

2. “Don’t worry, we are going to get through this. TOGETHER.”

For some women, fighting in relationships is not something that they can just accept. If you are dating one of these girls, then the list of things to say to your girlfriend after a fight can be really small. But when you reassure her that it is alright and you are willing to tackle the problem at hand together – she is going to love you for it. It will help her think positively as well.

3. “You are my life, and little fights are not going to change that.”

Try to explain to her that it is all a part and parcel of a relationship, and there is no chance that you are getting away from it. But she also needs to know that she doesn’t need to carry the guilt along with her for too long. Tell her that your love is over these things. It will ease things out to a large extent.

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

4. “I would like to see you every morning as soon as I wake up.”

You are only telling her that you love her to the point where you are not willing to let go of her. You still would love to start and end your day with her and nothing has changed between the two of you because of the fight.

5. “We will ensure that this doesn’t happen again.”

Well, fighting in relationships is not something you can avoid. What you can avoid is fighting about the same things over and over again. You can offer to work on a plan which is going to accommodate the interests of the both of you. If the same situation arises again, you two are going to be able to get through it much easier.

6. “Don’t take it too hard on yourself.”

If the fight was caused by her, there is a good chance that she is feeling really guilty. There is also a possibility that she is not willing to face you either. Assure her that it is alright and she doesn’t need to fret over the fight.

You will be surprised at how this is one of the best things to say to your girlfriend after a fight. And how much it will calm her down.

Suggested read: This is how you remain together, after that BIG fight

7. “Whenever I think of you, my soldier rises to attention!”

Yes, it is a sexual joke, and you should really crack it. If you are not mad at her anymore, then you should really try to lighten up the mood a little. What is better than a little bit of naughtiness to make it all calm and nice between the two of you again?

Also, makeup sex is really sexy!

man woman disagreement

Image source: Shutterstock

8. “You are the only one who can give me such a good fight. We are perfect!”

Well, women tend to sometimes question the entire relationship after a fight. And it should come as no surprise to you if she is disconnected, distant, and is giving the entire thing a second thought. Call it her impulsive nature, or highly emotional quotient – you really need to say the right thing to stop it. Prove to her that you are not willing to do this with anyone else.

Well, these are all the things you say to her when the fault is hers. But when you have made the boo-boo, then you know that you are going to have a tough time making it up to her. While women are the kindest, it is never nice to be dealing with a woman who is mad at you!

Here are a few things to say to your girlfriend when you are the one who has made the mistake:

1. “I am sorry, and I will be better because you deserve better from me.”

It is sad to be making mistakes. But when you do, and you know that your lady love doesn’t really deserve to be at the receiving end of the mistake – you need to tell her that you acknowledge that she doesn’t deserve this from you and you are going to ensure that you do not do anything to upset her again.

Don’t just say it, make the effort as well!

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

2. “I will not be able to function if you are angry with me.”

Well, this is a dicey line to use on a girlfriend who you have pissed off. But if she is the emotional kind, she is going to ensure that you are alright as well. Tell her that you are not able to concentrate on anything because she is mad at you, and the guilt is killing you. She is bound to melt.

3. “You complete me.”

This is one little romantic line that ensures that every girl melts a little bit in her heart. She feels really important and is flattered by the sheer fact that she is not just a part of your life, but also that part without which you are incomplete. No matter how mad she is at you, she is going to be less mad.

4. “I could try to stop thinking about you, but my brain needs to stop for that.”

We all know that you are not always thinking of your girlfriend. She knows that she is not on the top of your head all the time. But you have made a mistake and probably caused a fight. She deserves to feel loved and pampered. Say these things to her to just help her get over the anger and feel the love that you have for her!

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

5. “We will not fight like this again. I assure you.”

Sometimes all your girlfriend is looking for is an assurance that this is not going to happen again. She might not be mad at you at all, but is indifferent because she cannot handle fighting with you all over again. And if you have made the mistake, she is not going to want to be hurt again. But here is where you will need to ensure that you are never going to do what you did.

It will ease out most things for you in the relationship.

6. “I love you and I miss you so much. Can’t wait to see you.”

Well, we all love to hear those three words and there is not enough of it that we can get. Now when she is mad at you, she is going to love to hear the fact that you love her, which is also going to help her in forgiving you.

Suggested read: 12 unusual ways to fight clean in your relationship

7. “To see you hurt is bad. It breaks my heart when you are hurting because of me.”

Let her know that you are sorry, and you are not attaining any pleasure out of this. Tell her that it is killing you inside to see her in pain and you want to somehow just fix everything in a flash. If you look and sound genuine enough to her, she is going to melt and will throw herself in your arms. The rest is for you to take care of.

We cannot even stop emphasizing on how important fights are to a relationship. But if handled properly and taken care of by both the people in the couple – it is going to be the best that the two of you are a part of. We are sure that she does a lot of things for you as well, be it your fault or not – you can really try to ensure that you give her the comfort she needs after a fight.

Featured image source: Shutterstock

Article Name
15 Practical Things To Say To Your Girlfriend After A Fight
Fighting in relationships is inevitable, but knowing the right things to say to your girlfriend after a fight to smooth things over is imperative.
Natasha Singhal

Natasha Singhal

Traveling and reading are two of my great passions in life, although I don't mind doing them both together :) In fact, add writing to that mix too, and we're good! I believe that classic rock and a big slab of chocolate cake can cure any misery of life.