Itchy skin is possibly one of the most annoying skin-related problems. If you happen to develop an itch, you keep scratching at the spot, and even though it gives you temporary relief, a few seconds later, the itch just seems to intensify, making the condition worse. There are several easy home remedies for itchy skin which you can use to get long-term relief from the condition.
One very valid reason why you should not keep picking at your skin if it starts itching is because that way, your skin will get bruised, or leave a mark, or even bleed. If there is a breakage in your skin, the possibility of developing an infection increases considerably. Thus, what started out as an innocent itch can turn really ugly, really soon.
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There may be several causes for itchy skin, but to get rid of the problem permanently all you have to do is get hold of some of the most common natural products that may be lying around your house right now. Here are some examples.
1. Baking soda
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Baking soda has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it one of the most effective home remedies for itchy skin, especially because it has base properties which neutralize the presence of acids. You can mix three parts of baking soda with just one part of cold water to create a mixture which you can apply on the affected areas.
2. Clay
Clay is one of the most soothing things that you can put on your itchy skin because of its natural healing properties. Clay not only helps in keeping your skin soft and supple, it also heals stings, bites, cuts, and bruises on your skin, which may be aggravating your itching condition. All you have to do is make a mask with clay and water and apply it on your skin, and wash it off with cold water.
3. Lemon
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There are several reasons why lemon, one of the most common household items, is also one of the best home remedies for itchy skin. Lemon juice has anti-inflammatory properties which can sooth itchy skin, and it also creates a numbing sensation when it falls on the skin, giving you immediate relief from your condition.
4. Aloe vera
There is a reason that most hair and skin products that you find in the market have “aloe vera extracts.” This is because this plant is considered miraculously effective when it comes to skin problems such as this. All you have to do is break part of the stem away, cut it lengthwise to take out the gel and then apply it to the affected area. It provides quick and long term relief.
5. Apple cider vinegar
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Apple cider vinegar is something that is usually used to treat dandruff because of its highly functional anti-fungal and anti-septic qualities. Similarly, when you mix some amount of apple cider vinegar with your bath water, it helps in washing away some of the allergens and dry, scaly skin on the surface, giving you skin which is manageable and not itchy.
6. Oatmeal
This might be an unexpected home remedy for itchy skin, but it is nonetheless, very effective. All you have to do is mix oatmeal with water and apply the thick paste on the affected area, and it will immediately take effect. This is because oatmeal has some of the most potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which are ideal things needed to treat itchy skin.
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In addition to all this, you also have other causes of itchy skin, including allergies to certain clothing materials and food items. You might develop itchy skin from time to time upon exposure to such things, in which you case you should probably proceed with caution. However, if you are suffering from itchy skin for other reasons, these home remedies are bound to be effective.
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