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10 Amazingly Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation of the skin can be unseemly, what with dark patches and uneven skin tone coming into the fore. This is because of excessive production of melanin, and could occur on almost any part of the body. Your face, neck, arms, legs, hands, feet – nothing is exempt from hyperpigmentation. This is especially bothersome because almost everyone covets flawless skin. Freckles, dark spots, and an uneven skin tone are some of the common signs of hyperpigmentation.

Suggested read: 12 superb home remedies to get rid of uneven skin tone

Causes of hyperpigmentation

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Image source: Youtube

But what causes hyperpigmentation by increasing the melanin production in the body? These are the most common causes of hyperpigmentation:

  • Prolonged exposure to the sun
  • Injury
  • Burns
  • Handling certain chemicals without proper protection
  • Emotional stress
  • Hormonal changes in the body
  • Pregnancy
  • Puberty
  • Allergic conditions
  • Genetic factors
  • Other medical conditions

Home remedies for hyperpigmentation

It can be unseemly to have uneven skin tone, but it’s not all that difficult to get rid of hyperpigmentation altogether. Yes, with a few natural home remedies for hyperpigmentation, you can be sure to say bye bye to uneven skin color, dark spots, and even freckles. Here’s how:

1. Almonds


Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Almonds are rich sources vitamin E, which is excellent for your skin, especially that is hyperpigmented.


  • In a cup of water, soak 5 almonds overnight. The following day, remove them from the water and put them in a blender. To this, add sufficient amount of milk to form a fine paste. Now add 1 teaspoon of honey and a 5 drops of lemon juice to this and mix well. Smear this paste evenly on the affected skin before going to bed. Rinse it off using cool water the following morning. Repeat this remedy every night for 2 weeks, and twice a week thereafter for positive results.

2. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is amazing when it comes to treating hyperpigmented skin. It contains certain beneficial compounds that help remove dead skin cells, while also helping promote regeneration of new skin cells.


  • Slice open an aloe vera leaf and squeeze out the fresh gel into a bowl. Apply this generously on the hyperpigmented skin and leave it on overnight. The following morning, wash it off with cool water. Repeat this remedy every day for a few weeks to see visible improvement in your condition.
  • In a clean bowl, mix together 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel and half a tablespoon of raw honey. Stir well and let it settle for 10 minutes. Apply this on the affected areas, letting it dry naturally, for about 20 minutes. Then, rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy once a day for at least 2 weeks and every alternate day henceforth, to see clear skin emerge by clearing out the hyperpigmentation.

3. Apple cider vinegar

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Apple cider vinegar is truly a boon when it comes to treating various skin problems, and hyperpigmentation is no different. It helps in reducing the appearance of dark spots and patches on the skin caused due to hyperpigmentation. Plus, its amazing skin lightening properties help restore your skin’s natural tone and color.


  • In a clean bowl, mix together equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water. Use this solution to rinse the areas affected by hyperpigmentation. Let it sit for about 3-4 minutes, before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy twice every day for a few weeks for best results.
  • To half a glass of warm water, add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Stir in 1 teaspoon of honey to this. Drink this solution twice every day, once in the morning, and once at night, for 2 weeks till you notice visible improvement.

4. Avocado


Avocados are rich in essential fatty acids and numerous nutrients, which make it ideal for treating hyperpigmentation. Additionally, it’s a rich source of vitamin E, which helps reduce pigmentation.


  • Mash half a ripe avocado using the back of a fork. To this, add 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of milk, and mix well to form a smooth paste. Smear this paste liberally on the affected areas, leaving it on fro about 15 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy once a day for a month to see positive results.
  • Mash 1 ripe avocado using the back of a fork, in a clean bowl. Apply this generously on your hyperpigmented skin, leaving it on for 30 minutes, before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy twice a day for at least a month to get rid of hyperpigmented skin.

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5. Lemon

Lemon is rich in citric acid, which makes it a natural bleaching agent, and an excellent home remedy for hyperpigmentation. It effectively helps fade dark spots and blemishes from the skin caused by hyperpigmentation.


  • Squeeze fresh lemon into a clean bowl. Using a cotton ball, rub it all over the affected areas. Leave it on for 15 minutes, before rinsing it off with cool water. Repeat this remedy twice every day for a few months to see visible improvement.
  • In a clean bowl, mix together equal amounts of lemon juice and raw honey. Stir well and apply it on the affected areas. Cover the skin with a warm towel for about 15 minutes, before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy once a week for a few months for positive results.

Pro tip: It would be better to dilute the lemon juice with some water if you have sensitive skin.

6. Orange peel

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Orange peel is rich in citric acid, which is a natural bleaching agent, which can be highly effective in getting rid of dark patches and spots caused by hyperpigmentation.


  • To 1 tablespoon of dried orange peel powder, add 1 teaspoon each of milk, honey, and lemon juice. Mix well to form a smooth paste. Apply this on the hyperpigmented skin, leaving it on for 20 minutes. Wet your fingers with water and gently massage the smeared skin, using circular motions. Finally, rinse it off using lukewarm water. Follow this remedy at least 3-4 times a week for positive results.

7. Raw potato


Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Raw potato contains certain compounds which are highly effective in lightening skin that is hyperpigmented. Also, it helps clear off dark spots and blemishes on your skin.


  • In a clean bowl, grate 1 medium-sized raw potato and squeeze it to extract its juice. To this, add an equal amount of lemon juice and stir well. Apply this solution on the pigmented areas and leave it on for about 20-30 minutes, before rinsing it off with cool water. Follow this remedy twice a day for a month to see positive results.
  • Peel a medium-sized potato, and cut it into thick slices. Put a few drops of water on the surface of 1 thick slice and rub it on the affected areas for 5-10 minutes gently. Then, rinse it off using lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy at least 3-4 times a day for at least a month to see positive results.

8. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is an amazing ingredient which is known to boost skin complexion, while also being effective in treating hyperpigmentation. Additionally, it’s cooling agent, a blood purifier, and a stimulant, which makes your skin glow from within.


  • In a clean bowl, mix together 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder, 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder, and 3 tablespoons of milk. Mix together to form a smooth paste. Apply this on the affected areas, leaving it on for 30 minutes, before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy once a day for a few weeks to see visible improvement.
  • Add enough rose water to 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder to form a smooth paste. Smear this on the hyperpigmented skin. Let it sit for 20-25 minutes, before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

9. Turmeric


Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Turmeric is another amazing ingredient which is excellent in treating hyperpigmentation. It has natural bleaching properties, which can help you get rid of hyperpigmented skin. Additionally, since it possesses anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties, it helps keep your skin free of any infection.


  • In a clean bowl, add 5 tablespoons of turmeric powder along with 10 tablespoons of milk. Mix together the ingredients to form a smooth paste. Apply this on the affected areas and gently massage for about 5 minutes. Let it sit for 20 minutes, before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy at least thrice a week for positive results.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix well to form a smooth paste. Apply this evenly on the hyperpigmented skin, leaving it on for about 20 minutes, before washing it off with cool water. Avoid stepping out in the sun for an hour after using this remedy. Follow this remedy once a day before showering to get rid of hyperpigmented skin.

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10. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is excellent for your skin, and especially so for hyperpigmented skin. It’s an antioxidant, which helps neutralize the effects of harmful UV rays, while also helping repair and protect the skin.


  • Gently massage vitamin E oil on the affected areas using circular motions for about 10 minutes every day to reduce hyperpigmentation. Repeat this remedy for a few weeks till you notice visible improvement.
  • In a clean bowl, mix together 1 tablespoon of mashed papaya, half a cup of Fuller’s earth, and the contents of 2 vitamin E capsules. Stir well to form a thick paste. Smear this evenly on the affected areas, leaving it on for 20 minutes, before washing it off with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy at least once a week for positive results.
  • Put the contents of 3 vitamin E capsules into a clean bowl. To this, add 4 drops of castor oil and mix well. Apply this liberally on the hyperpigmented skin before going to bed. The following morning, wash it off using lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy once a day for 2-3 weeks for positive results.

These are all the amazingly effective home remedies for hyperpigmentation that actually work. Try these to say bye bye to dark spots, patches, uneven skin tone, and to reveal glowing skin.

Featured image source: Youtube

Article Name
10 Amazingly Effective Home Remedies For Hyperpigmentation
Hyperpigmentation can make you self-conscious about your appearance. Now get rid of it by trying these natural home remedies for hyperpigmentation that work!
Chaitra Ramalingegowda

Chaitra Ramalingegowda

I fell in love with storytelling long before I knew what it was. Love well written stories, writing with passion, baking lip-smacking-finger-licking chocolate cakes, engaging movies, and home-cooked food. A true work-in-progress and a believer in the idiom 'all those who wander are not lost'. Twitter: @ChaitraRlg