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Fashion Bloggers On Instagram You Need To Follow Now!

  1. Asiyami Gold

Asiyami’s(@asiyami_gold) stride in the world of fashion blogging was quite rebellious– she quit nursing school to pursue her passion in the visual arts, much against the wishes of her parents. If this part of the story is familiar to us, the next is equally inspiring.

Today, Asiyami a full-time Instagrammer, and devotes more time to her artistic endeavors.

Her inspiration was simple— she was drawn to an aesthetically-pleasing lifestyle, but saw little to no representation of people who looked like her. So, she did the next best-thing, by quitting nursing school and working full-time to present the different aesthetics by women of color.

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While riding in the car a couple weeks ago with my uncle he asked me what I had been up to? He heard all great things and so wanted to confirm from the primary that I was actually doing well for myself. I set out to impress him with my response by listing all my accomplishments in the past couple of years as well as my ambitions and future goals. Approaching the end of the question he said inquisitively, “all these are great Asiyami, but I hope that you make time for yourself” in that moment I lied and reluctantly responded, “of course I do”. Perhaps it was the part of me that want him to validate how well rounded I am as an adult. I had to be honest with myself and really admit the truth to myself. I hadn’t had much time for me. Last year I can count on one hand how many books I read or how much time I got to spend with my loved ones. Nowadays the moments I appreciate most other than pursuing my passions are few and far in between. Coming to that realization has fostered an exploration for finding a balance that is necessary. What has brought me sustainable pleasure these past few weeks was the opportunity to sign my brother up for basketball camp and be present at some of his games, dropping my younger sister off to college and being able to see and feel the overwhelming joy she felt from being independent, I’ve been able to read more than I had all year, listen more, have more meaningful conversations with my friends and exchange ideas with people who inspire me. My goal for this year is to be more intentional with my life, and as easy as that may sound it takes an ample amount of clarity that is almost impossible to achieve when surrounded by so much noise. I’m working on being the adult that I wanted my uncle to believe that I was. Many thanks to @fssurfside for giving me a space to nurture my spirit this weekend. #adulting #learning

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This was a big step for her, as her Nigerian background believed the utmost importance of education in one’s career—there are no two ways about it.

But her determination to create a platform for the diversity among women of color stuck through. Her end goal is to create a platform for other Nigerian children to explore their creativity and make a place for them to learn.

  1. Olivier Rousteing

If Instagram is the place where high fashion amasses popularity and sells, you have Olivier Rousteing(@olivier_rousteing) to thank for. Serving as the creative director for the French fashion house Balmain, he realised the power of social media in connecting with people, irrespective of race and diversity.

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Bonjour 🖤

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His goal was to create a platform of inclusivity, wherein future designers belonging to different ethnicities can believe in the strength of dreams, only if one believes in themselves.

He also wants to create a culture wherein millennials appreciate the quality craftsmanship that define luxury fashion houses.

He even created the idea of the Balmain Army, a collective representing diversities of all shapes and sizes and ages, and started the conversation about representation in high fashion.

These fashion bloggers on Insta are not just defined by their following or their vogue-ness. The message that all these bloggers, or rather, influencers have in common is exposing that Fashion is not just some unattainable high place. Rather, fashion is nothing but the reality, and its sphere of influence extends to all shades of the demography, beyond what is socially acceptable.

Featured image source: Instagram 

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Fashion Bloggers On Instagram You Need To Follow Now!
While many influencers market specific products, this article specifically deals with the most influential of them all — the fashion bloggers on Instagram.
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Sreetama Basu

Sreetama Basu

Currently residing in Hyderabad, Sreetama believes in the healthy optimisation of a variety of interests- while engaging with political commentaries alongside a cup of tea is an essential, YouTubing her favourite bloggers on the latest media trends is her revered pastime.