So, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and we all know what that means: a reminder that you have not got anyone to spend the day with! There is something about Valentine’s Day, and the way all of the big corporations jump on promoting the hell out of it that makes unattached people feel like they are never going to get off the “forever alone” train.
But, don’t let this day make you overthink your relationship status, if you are single and happy, then enjoy all of the discounted chocolate the day after Valentine’s Day. But, if you are single, and interested in someone, then why not try to get a Valentine’s Day date or just a date in general?
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Here is how you can get a date for Valentine’s Day!
If you are wondering how to get a valentine, then you have come to the right place! Asking someone can be tough, especially if you are a girl! For years, it seemed that pressure of asking someone out on a date was off our shoulders; it was more traditional for the guy to ask the girl out.
You may still be thinking that you prefer the traditional way of having the guy ask you out, but perhaps that is less about being traditional and more about being afraid! So, here is why you should take the initiative for a change: what makes you think the guy is less afraid?
Asking someone is quite a big step, especially if they are unsure whether their advances will be welcome or not. So, it is time to show that you can be in-charge as well, and ask him out for a change.
Let’s be honest, how many chances have you missed just waiting for a guy to notice that you are interested and waiting for him to ask you out? No matter how hard you try, there is no way that the guy will be able to read your mind and know that you are into him, and with Valentine’s Day approaching, then this may be a sign that you should take the initiative for a change.
So, yes, asking someone out can be quite an anxiety-inducing activity, but it is by no means an impossible task! If this is your first time doing it, don’t be too harsh on yourself, take a few minutes to freak out, but keep reminding yourself that it’s not the end of the world.
The first step in helping yourself calm down is to remind you that he is just another person. Just some guy you think is cute, and you might be interested in getting to know him a little more. Even if he says no, it is not that much of big deal; at least you dared to put yourself out there, right? We all learn from new experiences.
Once you are feeling a little more confident in yourself, you have got to analyse the situation (but not overanalyse it), and see whether you have a chance for a potential date. Now, of course, this is not your first time being interested in someone or at least trying to gauge whether the other person is interested in you. It is something that you have done before; it is familiar and easy to look for the sings.
Here are a few obvious ones: does he try to engage you in conversations quite often? Did you meet through a friend and he was eager to talk to you all evening? Have you known each other long, and has he made some attempts to try and ask you out? There are a few more subtle signs that let you know when a guy is asking you out, and when you start looking for them, they become quite apparent. If the signs point towards him being interested in getting to know more about you, then you know that your advances will be more than welcome, and you can quit worrying about asking him out!
Make sure you think realistically when you are trying to figure out whether it is a good idea to ask him out, don’t look at the situation through rose tinted glasses but don’t let your anxiousness get the better of you either. Some situations are more date-friendly than others, and once you have determined whether or not that is the case for you then asking the guy out becomes much more hassle-free.
So, now that you are sure that you can get a date with the guy, or at the very least that he is interested in knowing more about you, it is time for you to devise the perfect date. Now, we know you are here to know how to get a valentine (which you definitely will) but perhaps as a first date, asking someone to be your valentine may be a little bit too much for you. If so, then asking him out for a casual outing, or even an outing on a group outing will do the trick. When there is still a little time before Valentine’s Day, ask him out casually, so that before the big V-Day, you know where you stand with the guy.
A group outing or some casual get together like going to an all-day music festival will help take the pressure off both of you; a causal outing is open to interpretation and will help you ask the guy out without sounding like you are desperate for a date on Valentine’s Day. If he is not interested, then it won’t be awkward for either of you, but if he is eager to get a date with you, letting him know that you are interested will help him get the confidence that he needs to ask you out in the future. It works perfectly!
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When asking him out on a group outing, you have to be careful; it is quite easy to mistake such a gesture as you being friendly. Let him know that you are interested by making it a little obvious (but not too much, to help things stay a little easy-breezy), hang out more with him, and spend the evening making a little conversation; doing so will help him know that you are interested in getting to know him!
Not sure whether going out on a group date is your idea of fun? That is quite understandable! If you want a more private setting to get to know him more, and aren’t sure whether going to a festival or out club hopping is going to get the message across, then why not ask him out for coffee? While the setting may be a little more intimate than going to a festival or with your friends, it is still casual enough that you are not likely to scare him off. Getting coffee together is no big deal, if he is free, he is more than likely to say yes, and if things get awkward, well you won’t be there for long a coffee date usually last for an hour or two. But, if things do go well, or if he is interested in you, you can always order another latte right?
Or, you can also gauge common interests and work your way from there, not only does it work as a conversation starter, but it also gives you the chance to suggest that you both hang out together without making it awkward. Do you both like surfing? Why not invite him to be your surf buddy? Do you both like hiking? Well, there you go! If he is interested in the activity that you are proposing, then it is more than likely that he will agree to go with you. And, as a bonus, you both will be doing an activity that you both enjoy, which guarantees that you will have fun, and maybe help your chances in scoring a second date!
There are so many ways that you can ask a guy out without making a big deal. After you have successfully asked him out it will seem so easy that you will feel silly for freaking out so much about it in the first place. After all, he is just another person (whom you have known for a little while, and maybe even hang out with once or twice) it does not have to be scary unless you make it out to be so!
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So the next time you are thinking about asking a guy out, take some time to think about the situation. Don’t freak out before you know whether something is there to freak out about.
Now that you have learned how to get a valentine for the big day, why not test out your knowledge? Being confident is key, and now that you have a little bit of a game plan, asking him out should be easy as pie. Go forth and ask the cute guy out, we all will be rooting for you!
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