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8 Easy Morning Rituals for Success You Should Add To Your Routine

Trust me when I say this, a 15-minute morning ritual is all it takes to change the entire course of your day. If you make it a habit, then you can easily see some visible changes in your life. After all, even some of the most successful people in the world follow their own morning rituals. It gives us a kickstart for the rest of the day and enough time to contemplate numerous things.

If you also wish to work on a morning ritual for success, then you are at the right place. No matter how busy your schedule is, you can certainly take a few minutes for yourself. Although running is something that keeps me going, a few of my friends meditate early morning while some likes to hit the gym. Here are some of the most healthy morning rituals that you can easily add to your routine as well.

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  1. Deep Breathing Practice

This is undoubtedly the simplest morning ritual that you can easily add to your routine. All you got to do is sit with folded knees and your hands resting. It is also known as the lotus position in meditation. Now, slowly inhale while filling up your stomach. While you are inhaling, focus on filling your stomach first and then your lungs (that is, from the bottom to the top). Keep the air in for a few seconds and slowly exhale.

Close your eyes and do this a handful of times. Ideally, you should focus on the breathing itself and nothing else. Try to let go of everything around you and all the thoughts that are keeping you unease. You can do it for at least 5 to 10 minutes in the morning. This will help you release stress, anxiety, and unwanted negative thoughts from your mind. You will have a positive aura around you and a relaxed mind for the rest of the day.

  1. Metta Meditation

If you are suffering from depression, anxiety, anger, frustration, or even PTSD, then you should definitely practice Metta meditation. It is considered as an ideal morning ritual for success by many and can be a life-changing experience. It is also known as love-kindness meditation as you would be practicing compassion and kindness in the morning.

To start with, simply sit in the position of your choice on a mat. It can be an easy pose, quarter lotus, half lotus, full lotus, or any other sitting position. Close your eyes and breathe lightly. Now, repeatedly chant a suitable mantra. It can be anything from a simple to a complex chant.

Gradually, start sending love and kindness to the world and the people around you. Focus on your loved ones – your friends, family, and the people you care about. Even think of the ones you are not fond of and forgive them. Love each and everyone around you and slowly harness that energy within yourself. In the process of sending love outwards, you would be able to harness it inside.

  1. Running

This is something that I have been doing for the last 7 years now. I can say this from a personal experience that there is nothing quite like running freely early morning. I live in a bustling city, but at the time of the sunrise, I find the entire neighborhood to myself.

It will help you not only to get in shape, but the fresh oxygen will keep you energetic all day long. You can start by running as less as a mile or two in the morning and can gradually increase your radius. As of now, I jog and run for almost 45-60 minutes, but even a 30-minute run is enough. It will clear your mind, help you focus on the things that matter the most to you, and will boost your immunity at the same time.

Furthermore, instead of running indoors on a treadmill, I would recommend doing it outside. Go to a park or any other green area so that you can inhale the fresh oxygen. There are also all kinds of apps and gadgets as well that can motivate you and help you track your stats.

  1. Progressive Relaxing

A lot of people don’t like to go out in the morning and calm their mind while being indoors instead. If you have the same thought, then you can practice some progressive relaxing techniques. The practice is also known as body scan and will certainly help you calm your senses.

All you got to do is lay down on a bed or a yoga mat just after waking up. It is recommended to do it empty-stomach and when your mind is already relaxed. Close your eyes and start scanning your body from your toes to your mind. Focus on every part gradually – from your toes to knees and your fingertips to your heart. In the end, let the energy accumulate into your mind and gradually release all the stress.

If you suffer from chronic pain or feel uneasy, then focus on the particular area of the body which is the source of your pain. While keeping your eyes close, imagine that a wave of energy is getting released from the area and taking away your pain. Alternatively, you can apply some tension in that area and slowly release it. Practice it for a few days and you will feel calmer for sure.

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  1. Journaling

Although this morning practice would not take more than 10 minutes, it will surely bring some radical change in your schedule. Simply take some time out to plan your day. Get a planner and make the relevant entries regarding your upcoming deadlines, important meetings, and other personal as well as professional work.

Besides maintaining a planner, you can also have a journal as well. Write down your thoughts and what plans you have for the day. Even a quick 5-minute journal entry would do. A smart scheduling of the day (and the rest of the week) will help you keep things organized. You will never miss your appointments or deadlines and will always be at the top of your game with this smart morning ritual for success.

  1. Mindful Meditation

There are different ways to practice Mindful Meditation. It will make you realize the importance of the present. Instead of being caught up with your past or thinking about the future, you would be able to make the most of the infinite now.

The technique is quite similar to a deep breathing practice. Though, instead of sitting, you can practice Mindful Meditation anywhere. Be it standing in a queue or while commuting. If you want to really work on it, then do it in the morning while being empty-stomach. Maintain a comfortable posture and focus on your breathing. Let go of every thought and don’t be limited by your past or future. Focus on the infinite now. Inhale positivity and exhale all the negative thoughts. Let go of your stress, tension, and pressure.

Both Zen Meditation and Kundalini Yoga have covered different techniques to perform Mindful Meditation. You can dig a little deeper on this if you want and can easily master the art on your own. It will help you stay calm and composed all day long while improving your memory and mental health.

  1. Hydrating

This is more of a practice than a ritual, which won’t consume your time. You might already know that when we sleep, we don’t drink sufficient water and our body can suffer from dehydration. Therefore, you should try to drink enough water while getting up. If you want to improve your digestion, then you can consider drinking lukewarm water as well.

Besides water, you can also consider drinking green tea or any other herbal drink in the morning. If you want, you can even prepare a medicinal drink on your own. Include ginger, mint, cardamom, basil, or any other natural ingredient that you think is good for your health. Take its sip and simply clear your mind. Sometimes, sipping a cup of tea can be a therapeutic experience in the morning.

  1. Practice Gratitude

You know what is the key to happiness? It is not wealth or fame, but gratitude. The more thankful you will be to the universe, the happier you would feel. I have been practicing it for a few years now and it has certainly changed my perspective towards life.

Try to do this the first thing in the morning and you would surely feel a positive aura around you. Right before you get up from the bed, just close your eyes, and thank the universe for everything. Be grateful for the day, for your loved ones, and for the amazing life that has been given to you. You can literally think of some thousand things to be grateful for. Doing this even for a few seconds will make you feel how fortunate and rich you are!

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I’m sure that after adding some of these morning rituals to your routine, you would be able to see a prominent difference in your life. Stay hydrated, practice gratitude, and take care of your mental and physical health. Remember, the most important relationship that you have is with yourself. Don’t take your mental peace or health for granted. Sometimes, you need to work a bit in order to attain peace. Take it one day at a time and these rituals will soon become an evident part of your routine before you could even realize.

Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License 

Article Name
The Easiest Morning Ritual for Success you should add to your Routine
No matter how busy your schedule is, you can certainly take a few minutes for yourself, and try this morning ritual for success.
Bhavya Kaushik

Bhavya Kaushik

A national bestselling author, Bhavya believes that too often the stories we write paint the reality we try to escape from. Bhavya believes in breaking the stereotypes and trying new things because life is too short to let it stay boring. With his love for verse, he can be found avidly blogging about life, love and everything that covers in between. He lives his life by the motto, 'I'm the story of my own journey.' "I don't write stories. I write characters."