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10 must-read books to get you Fifty Shades of Grey-ready

6. If I Were You (Inside Out trilogy) by Lisa Renee Jones

if i were you

Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Marketed and promoted as ‘Fifty Shades meets Basic Instinct,’ this book got the marketers hitting the nail right on its head. A breathless read, this one shall have you melting and then melting some more. If you are the kind of person who knows you can never escape the fictional heroes you meet, then trust me, you’d have to break the news to your boyfriend/husband yet again about a new entrant on the list – Chris Merit. Carefully combining the lustful romance of Chris and Sara along with the added mystery of a disappeared woman (Sara’s friend, Rebecca) whose erotic journals are all Sara has to piece together the puzzle she knows not how to solve – this one is intense, exciting, and needless to say, positively yummmmy!! 😉

7. The Ex-games, by J.S. Cooper and Helen Cooper

the ex games

Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Yes, this is a book about ‘banging it off’ with your ex and delightfully so. The twist in the tale is the ‘secret’ that is kept behind locked doors whilst the sexual tension builds. When Katie fell in love with Brandon Hastings, all seemed bright and rosy until Brandon found that Katie was keeping a huge secret from him. Brandon calls it off. Seven years later, Katie lands her dream job only to find that Brandon bought her company a month after she started working there. Scared that she might lose her job, she faces Brandon only to flare up the X-factor in their ex-equation. Only, this time the secret is all Brandon’s.

8. Naughty Little Secret by Shayla Black

naughty little secret

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If complicated love-and-lust-at-the-workplace intrigues you, then this is your prize (or should I say booty!!) 😉 Hot and steamy, this might actually trudge a little toward the ‘suspension of disbelief’ side but is enjoyable for those looking for a light read in the genre. Noah and Lauren’s chemistry is amazing and it is a refreshing take on workplace romance since it goes beyond the ‘doing-it-on-the-conference-table’ zone!!

9. The Professional (The Game Maker series) by Kresley Cole

the professional

Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

When mafia enforcer Aleksandr “The Siberian” Sevastyan meets the long-lost daughter of his boss, he cannot rid his mind of her image. She heats his blood like no other. Ordered to protect her, he sets out to possess her as well. What follows is an erotic tale of danger that is every bit on-the-edge-of-your-seat exciting! We not only have a strong, confident, and smart heroine (albeit virginal, though confident and aware of her own sexuality) with the archetypal hero we have a rather hopeless tendency to fall for, but also a carefully delineated plot with optimal use of the Russian setting, lots of clever sexual innuendoes and pleasantly surprising sexual situations! Talk of a complete book – and this one is!! 

10. Real (Real series) by Katy Evans


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As if we, women, haven’t had enough of these intense and intriguing men to set ablaze our minds and bodies on a fire that we could never put out, Remington Tate makes it even harder. This is how our heroine Brooke Dumas describes the effect this powerful man has on her:

“He even makes me forget my name. One night was all it took, and I forgot everything and anything except the sexy fighter in the ring who sets my mind ablaze and my body on fire with wanting…”

Laden with raw, animal power and raw sexual magnetism, he awakens in her the most primal of hungers. And she wants him, ‘without fear, without reservations.’ The only thing she doesn’t know is what he wants from her!

Happy reading friends!! Catch you at the movie premiere of Fifty Shades!

Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

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10 books to read to get you in the mood for Fifty Shades of Grey
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Sejal Parikh

Sejal Parikh

"I'm a hurricane of words but YOU can choose the damage I do to you..."