Marriage is for keeps and yes, they are made in heaven. Or so it’s been said over and over again! Leaving all these eternal promises and lovey dovey mush aside, reality hits a newlywed couple just a fortnight into their marriage. Amid all the preparations and the excitement of the wedding, newlyweds or would-be couples forget to plan ahead in terms of pragmatic utilities. Building a relationship takes a lot of work, but harder still is setting up a home together. The joys of being carefree lovers, passionate partners, and crazy about each other couples go for a toss when you first come across the liabilities of maintaining a proper home.
Check out the must-have items that you simply need to have right after you wed and start living together.
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1. Bedroom set
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While it might seem too trivial, a newlywed married couple must have a list for the household; it is only practical. Most couples simply plan around the basic furniture items and that surely includes a bed. However, they forget to see that they need to have ample bed sheet sets. You need to change your sheets at least every three days, if you are staying in a slightly colder area and every alternate day otherwise. Owning at least three sets of a bed sheet sets will do you good. In addition, in case a guest turns up, you must be having at least one spare set to help them stay in the guest room or even for the sofa-cum-bed.
2. Basic storage furniture
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You will need to invest in lofts or storage spaces as you set up home after being married. These vital items will help you keep stuff stored just right.
3. Comfort furniture
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Bean bags, settees, loveseats, and recliners are an essential when it comes to comfort furniture. So you need to invest in these.
4. Fragrant home decor accessories
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Pot-pourrie, fragrant candles with stands, and air sprays – these are must-have items for a newly married couple thanks to the fact that they enhance the ambience of the home and also help you get in the mood, if you catch my drift!
5. A safe
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This is for those valuables you get as gifts as well as some loose cash you might want to keep handy.
6. Home appliances
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Vacuum cleaner, dryers, car cleaners, food processors – these utility items are a boon that a newly married couple can rely on. You might not always get a maid to do these household chores. Therefore, you need to invest in such items that actually make your life better and more balanced.
7. Toiletries and towels
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More often than not, a newlywed couple – the bride especially, goes ahead to plan on her makeup and clean up stocks. However, the planning for toiletries and towels is never really in place. You always need to have separate towels and toiletries. In terms of the latter, you must always remember that these should be specific to your skin type as well. What is more is that the towels you use must never be handed over to guests when they visit. Therefore, keep aside a couple of clean towels packed away always. You just never know who would pop by for a visit. Getting married means understanding how to keep up a good household. It is much more than just sharing space.
8. Clean linen
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This is very vital for your living room area or the dining area. Most couples forget the fact that linen for the table and sofas is of utmost importance. The fact that clean linen always impresses visitors is far from unknown. You need to keep in mind that clean linen is the foundation of setting up a table. Even if you are a couch sitter, maintaining a clean and clear space for dining is vital. This actually helps you maintain a neater home.
9. Stocked pantry
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Ensure that you have a well-stocked kitchen. While setting up the perfectly stocked kitchen is not really practical right after marriage, you need to know that having certain basic commodities for cooking is very essential. Begin with stocking basic stuff such as lentils, pastas, noodles, rice and so on. Always keep track of what cheese you stock in the fridge. Invest some money into having dry foods stocked as well. Ready-to-have meals can also be stocked to be on the safe side for unannounced visits. Having meals from outside will cause a dent in your pocket and also cause health issues in the long run. So learning to cook is a life skill, whether you’re a man or a woman.
10. Crockery
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Crockery is a must-have item that every newly married couple must have at home. Make sure you decide what theme or style of crockery you want to stock. Go for fine china and clean styles if the budget allows. If you are quirky and have an adventurous take on home decor, bright and bold colors are always welcome. Make sure you choose wisely since you will have to stay with these for a number of years after you are married. Give some thought into how to go about buying these items. Once you settle on something, make sure you dive headlong into bagging the best deals as well.
Suggested read: 10 common problems faced by couples living together before marriage
11. Cushions
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Cushions are very comfortable, but these are rarely thought of. When you are setting up home as a newlywed, you need to see what kind of living area you intend to create. Do you want something with formal sofa sets and a coffee table? Or do you want a Japanese casual floor den? Depending on your taste, invest in the right cushion sets since these are set to cosy you up for all those long hours.
With these tips on hand, setting up a new home won’t be too difficult. You simply need to know that the smallest things could become saviors after you set up your home. A happy marriage is about organizing well, planning right, and doing things the correct way.