If ever words could ignite the deeper, darker flames of passion, these’d be it. These beautiful and erotic chain of words are going to bring alive that passionate imp in your heart who’ll then, get down to such naughty business as doth maketh him to make things so HOT and heavy you’ll be running for that cold shower right away! So grab your reading glasses (and a little more!) as here starts the adventurous train of luscious excerpts of erotic poetry for you. Enjoy!
1. “Come slowly, Eden” by Emily Dickinson
Image source: slideshare
Come slowly, Eden
lips unused to thee.
Bashful, sip thy jasmines,
as the fainting bee,
reaching late his flower,
round her chamber hums,
counts his nectars – alights,
And is lost in balms!
Suggested read: 14 unrequited love poems that are sure to resonate with you
2. “Delight in Disorder” by Robert Herrick
Image source: Pinterest
A sweet disorder in the dress
kindles in clothes a wantonness:
A lawn about the shoulders thrown
into a fine distraction,
An erring lace, which here and there
enthralls the crimson stomacher,
A cuff neglected, and thereby
Ribbands to flow confusedly,
A winning wave (deserving note)
In the tempestuous petticoat,
A careless shoe-string, in whose tie
I see a wild civility,
Do more bewitch me, than when art
Is too precise in every part.
3. “Love and Sleep” by Algernon Charles Swinburne
Image source: instantproductgoldmines
Lying asleep between the strokes of night
I saw my love lean over my sad bed,
Pale as the duskiest lily’s leaf or head,
Smooth-skinned and dark, with bare throat made to bite,
Too wan for blushing and too warm for white,
But perfect-colored without white or red.
4. “May I Feel Said He” by EE Cummings
May I feel said he
(I’ll squeal said she
just once said he)
it’s fun said she
(may I touch said he
how much said she
a lot said he)
why not said she …
… (tiptop said he
don’t stop said she
oh no said he)
go slow said she
(cccome? Said he
ummm said she)
you’re divine! Said he
(you are Mine said she)
5. “Voyages” by Hart Crane
Image source: azquotes
O brilliant kids, frisk with your dog,
Fondle your shells and sticks, bleached
By time and the elements; but there is a line
You must not cross nor ever trust beyond it
Spry cordage of your bodies to caresses
Too lichen-faithful from too wide a breast.
The bottom of the sea is cruel.
6. “The Flea” by John Donne
Image source: Pinterest
Mark but this flea, and mark in this,
How little that which thou deniest me is;
It sucked me first, and now sucks thee,
And in this flea out two bloods mingled be;
Thou know’st that this cannot be said
A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead,
Yet this enjoys before it woo,
And pampered swells with one blood made of two,
And this, alas, is more than we would do.
7. “How The Tall Girl And I Play” by T S Eliot
Image source: Goodreads
I love a tall girl.
When she sits on my knee
She with nothing on
I can just take her nipple in my lips
And stroke it with my tongue
8. “I Sing The Body Electric” by Walt Whitman
Image source: Tumblr
Hair, bosom, hips, bend of legs, negligent falling hands all diffused, mine too diffused,
Ebb stung by the flow and flow stung by the ebb, love-flesh swelling and deliciously aching,
Limitless limpid jets of love hot and enormous, quivering jelly of love,
white-blow and delirious juice,
Bridegroom night of love working surely and softly into the prostrate dawn
9. “Please Master” by Allen Ginsberg
Image source: hellopoetry
Please master can I loosen your blue pants
please master can I gaze at your golden haired belly
please master can I have your thighs bare to my eyes
please master can I kiss your ankles and soul
10. “Body Of A Woman” by Pablo Neruda
Image source: hellopoetry
Body of a woman, white hills, white thighs,
you look like a world, lying in surrender.
My rough peasant’s body digs in you
and makes the son leap from the depth of the earth.
11. “Leda And The Swan” by William Butler Yeats
Image source: poemhunter
By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill,
He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.
How can those terrified vague fingers push
The feathered glory from her loosening thighs?
12. “To A Dark Moses” by Lucille Clifton
Image source: poemhunter
You are the one
I am lit for
Come with your rod
that twists
and is a serpent.
I am the bush
I am burning
I am not consumed
13. “Arrival” by William Carlos Williams
Image source: poemhunter
And yet one arrives somehow,
finds himself loosening the hooks of
her dress
in a strange bedroom –
feels the autumn
dropping its silk and linen leaves
about her ankles.
Suggested read: 15 best love poems of all time that will melt your heart
14. “In Summer’s Heat” by Ovid
Image source: poemhunter
How apt her breasts were to be pressed by me?
How smooth a belly under her waist saw I?
How large a leg, and what a lusty thigh?
To leave the rest, all liked me passing well;
I clinged her naked body, down she fell.
Well, all I can ask you now is not to forget taking a towel with you! 😉
Happy ‘re-reading’!
Featured image source: instantproductgoldmines