What’s better than kissing your boyfriend goodnight? Sending him goodnight messages that will make him smile before he goes to bed. Yep, this sure does make a great prelude to all the dreams – naughty or otherwise – that he has while slumbering, no? So, it’s imperative that you send goodnight messages to your boyfriend that are the right amount of gooey, mushy, and awwww-worthy to put a smile on his face just as he’s ready to hit the sack.
Of course, this exercise becomes moot if you’re both sharing a bed, but if you’re not, then this is the best alternative to kissing him goodnight. But you’re not a wordsmith who can weave words into magic that touches his heart? Worry not, for we have come up with a perfect list of goodnight messages to your boyfriend that you can take a leaf out of, yeah?
Suggested read: 35 naughty text messages to send your partner to leave him wanting more!
Let’s take a look:
1. I hope the day when we can say goodnight to each other in person comes soon, like, very soon.
2. I can’t wait for you to hold me all night when we sleep.
3. I’m finding it hard to fall asleep with you not here beside me.
4. You know what my favorite place to fall asleep? My head pillowed on your chest, with your heartbeat singing me a lullaby.
Image source: Pinterest
5. I hope I dream of you tonight, because I can’t bear the thought of being away from you till the sun comes up again.
6. I’m so tired that my eyes are starting to burn with exhaustion. But I don’t want to stop talking to you.
7. My bed feels so empty and big and uncomfortable without you in it.
8. I don’t want to say goodnight. I’d rather say good morning.
9. I don’t want to sleep and ruin the dream I’m living. You’re my dream man.
10. My dog is cuddling me, but it’s just not the same without you here.
11. Do you want to know a secret? I can’t sleep, because I’m too excited about seeing your beautiful face tomorrow.
12. Guess what I’m wearing to bed right now? My skin. Oops!
13. I’ve opened the window beside my bed to look at the sliver of moon hanging overhead. I wish you were here with me to make it perfect.
Image source: Pinterest
14. I bought a blood red babydoll to wear to bed. I so wish you were here to see it. I’m sure you’d have loved it.
15. I’m sending you a goodnight kiss through WhatsApp. Did you receive it?
16. I don’t want to spend even a single night alone, with you beside me in the bed.
17. I so wish you were here to cuddle me when I wake up sweating from a nightmare.
18. It’s so cold right now, that I have goose pimples all over my body. I wish you’d been here to keep me warm and toasty.
19. I wanted to put a smile on your face before you hit the sack. I hope this picture does the trick.
20. You’ve spoilt me – I can’t fall asleep without the sound of your heartbeat in keeping me company.
21. I just couldn’t sleep without telling you how much I missed you.
22. I started counting one star for every reason I love you, but I ran out of stars and I realized that the reasons are countless.
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
23. You know that you mean the world to me, right?
Suggested read: 10 text message you MUST send your long distance love NOW
24. You’re in my thoughts just as you’ll be in my dreams. I wish you were here with me instead of visiting me in my dreams.
25. Today was perfect just because I spent it with you.
26. I miss you already. I can’t wait for tomorrow when we’ll be together again.
27. You’re the man I can’t go to sleep without thinking about and can’t go a day without loving.
28. You’re in my heart tonight, tomorrow, and forever. Am I in yours?
29. I know it’s absurd to think this way, but I think the moon and the stars were made just for you and me.
30. You know what a perfect world is? Where I get to sleep in your arms and wake up to your kiss.
31. You’re adorable when you sleep with your mouth slightly open. I wish I was there to see it.
32. You’d probably think it’s corny, but I sleep with my phone under my pillow.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
33. I love you, you know that, right? But what you don’t know is that I’ll love you even more come tomorrow morning.
34. I’ve been sitting here in my large, empty bed, replaying the perfect day we had over and over in my head.
35. If I had you here in my bed, we wouldn’t be sleeping. *wink*
36. I can’t wait for the day when we’re together, so I won’t have to go to bed alone.
37. I want you to be the last thing I see before I sleep and the first thing I see when I wake up.
38. I miss you something fierce – every single thing about you.
39. Sweet dreams, my dream man. Dream about me, just as I’d be dreaming about you.
40. I’m exhausted beyond comparison, but I just wanted to text you to tell you that I’m absolutely crazy about you.
41. No matter the distance that separates us, you’ll always be in my thoughts.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
42. I’m going to miss you so much till the time I see you tomorrow.
43. I’d travel a thousand miles to be with you tonight. Missing you something fierce.
44. As I lie on my bed, I close my eyes and imagine your arms around me, your lips caressing mine, and your breath tickling my hair as we snuggle close together.
45. I so wish I was there to hold you tight, but I’m sending you this hug to keep you warm tonight.
46. I couldn’t fall sleep without telling you how much I love you, how much I miss having you with me here, how much you mean to you. Until we meet again.
47. You’re the sweetest, most wonderful thing ever to have stumbled into my life, and I love you, forever and always.
Suggested read: 25 romantic text messages you’d receive if you had the best boyfriend EVER!
48. Missing you so much as I drift off to slumberland.
49. I can keep myself busy during the day, but it’s the nights when I just can’t stop thinking about you.
50. I love you, I love you, I love you…
I know, I know, some of these are too corny and too mushy. But hey, all’s fair in love, and if too much mush will make him roll his eyes at you, it will also put a smile on his face. Trust me. So fire up your smartphone and start typing the perfect goodnight message to your lover. Take a leaf out of this list of goodnight messages to your boyfriend and make him smile before he hits the sack. Remember, it’s NEVER wrong to have too much mush in your relationship! 😉
Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License