The perils of an angry wife can be incredibly tormenting to deal with. Do you dread coming back home to find your wife fuming? Don’t worry, I have you covered. I am going to talk of what not to do when you are dealing with an angry spouse. Whether she is on her period or she is just having an emotional meltdown, you don’t want to feed the fire and only make her angrier. So, if you’re interested in how to deal with this tricky situation, here’s your ultimate guide to dealing with an angry wife.
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The things not to do
1. Why do you do this every time?
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Dear men, no matter what happens, you can never ask her why she does this every time! Do you know why? Because she is either going to scream or be silent, and both are equally dangerous.
2. Is it that time again?
Don’t you dare ask her if she is PMSing because, if she really is on her period, she hates that you bring it up. If she is not on her period, she would hold this against you because, let’s be frank: you would never know what we go through with blood pumping through our most sensitive area!
3. Cut me a break
Say this if you are ready to live alone or at least live without meals. Hell, she might even decide to cut a lot more than just a break, if you know what I mean…
4. You’re too much!
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This is a disaster waiting to happen. A woman is not going to be happy when you call her “too much.” Are you commenting on her bulging belly or diminishing makeup, or did you mean that she is a bother that you can’t take? God bless you for the drama that shall follow.
5. I don’t see what the matter is!
Oh really? You don’t even know the beginning of it… Don’t bring it up if you love your peace of mind. If you do, your angry wife will clearly explain to you what the big fuss is about and how you are so blind to it.
6. Are you sure you are okay?
Guys, don’t dig your own grave. If she tells you that she is okay, let her cool off for some time. You don’t need to drag it out even more because sometimes asking over and over will only fire her up again.
7. I don’t get you
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I know it is hard to get women, let alone an angry wife after your life. But dear silly husbands, you are not supposed to tell her that you don’t understand her. This is really going to give her the urge to set all your clothes on fire!
8. Were you always like this?
What are you trying to say when you tell someone if they were always “like this?” Be very calm about the whole situation and think of a strategy to simmer her down. Asking rhetorical questions about her personality will simply burn her rage even more.
9. I can’t stand it
No, totally no! Don’t you dare say that you cannot stand it. She is the one who is angry and you are the one who is supposed to cool her down, don’t you remember? You need to silently let her calm down and you have no option but to stand it. So, play the silent card.
10. It doesn’t even make sense!
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Your wife always makes sense, even if she is speaking gibberish. There is no way you can tell her that her anger is baseless. This is only going to enrage her further, which will make you need to buy more flowers to do damage control. So, why not be a little sensible?
Now that we have spoken about the things you shouldn’t do, let us shift our focus to the things that you need to do to pacify your angry wife. I know, it is quite the task, but it will be worth the effort if you do it correctly.
Winning over an angry wife
1. Sit down with her
Yes, sometimes all she needs is a little bit of your time. So, muster up the courage, sit down with her and let the warmth of your love pacify her. There is no harm trying it at least!
2. Tell her that you love her
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It is important to let her know that you love her. All a woman truly needs is to know that she is loved. When you can do this, you will find that her anger is going to melt away. If you are a lucky guy, she might even apologize. Doesn’t it sound like a win-win situation?
3. Talk to her
Talk her out of her anger because when you lovingly listen to her perspective, she is likely to eventually listen to you as well. Soon enough, you will be able to find your angry wife smiling at you with those looks that you fell in love with.
4. Let her vent
Yes, you may need to stand aside and hear her rant as to why life sucks so terribly. Let her vent about how life has been so unfair. Sometimes, it is these long rounds of incessant venting that will let her realize that being angry is perhaps not the real solution.
5. Remember your old dates
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There is something very romantic about remembering your old dates. The first time you both went out, the times when you first expressed your love for each other and every other memory that is precious to your relationship. Talk of those times and the golden glint of smile shall replace the anger of your wife’s face.
6. Take her for a long drive
Yes, you have to be a little romantic to pacify the rage of an angry wife. Take her for a long drive and be your irresistible charming self. When you are doing all of this, you will win her over once again. You did it once, so you can do it again, after all 😉
7. Kiss her
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Yes, you must kiss her. Sometimes, a kiss is the best way to shut her anger down. Don’t do it just for the sake of kissing. Your kiss should take her to places and make her forget her own name. You don’t need me teaching you how to kiss your own wife, do you?
8. Apologize: it always works
You should learn to apologize. A sorry never hurts. Sometimes, when you apologize even if it is not your fault, your wife will begin to see why she has been so wrong in all of her arguments and it might just melt her heart.
9. Hug her tight
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Yes, go and hug her. You never need a reason to hug your own wife, but if she is fuming and words just don’t seem to be working, go ahead and give her a quick heart-melting hug. You know, it might just work wonders!
10. Make her smile
Yes, you need to find a way to make her smile deeply and genuinely. Happy girls are always the prettiest and if you can make her smile, there is no way she is going to unleash her anger on you. So, you will have to be the gentleman that you are and find out how you can possibly steal that perfect smile and add to the beauty in her eyes. It isn’t that hard after all!
Suggested read: What are the qualities of a good wife?
These are my real insider points, which should help you in pacifying your anger wife. Eventually, she will be more than happy to once again tag along, cuddle with you, share your jokes and shower you with her love.
Having a doting wife can make life worthwhile. Of course, you need to handle the perils of her anger once in a while. Do you have any funny/serious stories of how an angry wife took you by storm? I would love to hear what you have to say! Hit me up in the comments below!
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