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8 Ways In Which You Can Get Flat Abs With Yoga

There are a million weight loss and fitness solutions out there that you can check out, but most of them tend to involve hardcore exercises, which might have serious health-related side-effects such as sprains, cramps and the like. One thing that people don’t take into consideration when they decide to lose weight the more “active” way is that their bodies might not be able to handle the pressures and strains that come along with it, which may compel them to give up too easily. If you want to know how to get flat abs in a considerably easier way, you have resort to the ancient practice of yoga.

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The benefits of yoga are actually endless, and more number of physical and mental benefits of the same are being discovered every single day. One of the greatest benefits of yoga is that it can help you lose weight while at the same time, reducing your mental stress, along with several other mental illnesses like anxiety, insomnia, etc., Getting flat abs with hardcore exercises can be pretty daunting a task, and there is no better alternative than yoga to help you achieve the same, with equally favorable results (if not more) and without sweating a drop!

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Here are 8 yoga poses which are guaranteed to help you get flat abs and lose belly flat, and more importantly, a healthier body:

1. The roll-up spine massage

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One of the main things that you have to remember about yoga is that every single pose or asana focuses on one or several parts of the body, and by shaping your body accordingly and holding that pose for a decent length of time, you can achieve your desired goals, in the desired portion of your physique. In order to lose belly fat, you have to work your abdominal muscles and for that, this is one of the most favorable positions. First, you have to lie flat on your back, with your hands lying palms down beside you. Then, you have to raise your feet without bending at the knees, and push them back as far as they go without you feeling any pain in your back. Ideally, your feet should be able to touch the floor behind your head, so that your body is completely rolled backward, except your hands which remain in the same position. This puts exactly the right amount of pressure on your abdominal muscles.

Repeat it 10 times.

2. The one-legged tree pose

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Balance is one of the most crucial aspects of your body, and there are several parts of your body apart from your legs which work in order to keep you balanced and stable. Along with your hands and ears, it is the muscles in your abdomen which work hard to keep you from falling over. You can take advantage of this function if you want to figure out how to get flat abs. You simple have to stand straight and raise one knee towards your chest so that is faces away from your body, while the foot of the leg faces the inner portion of the other leg. Thus, the foot of one leg should be pushed up against the inner thigh of the other leg so that you are standing on one leg. If you are feeling unstable, you can always hold your ankle or fold your hands in front of your chest, without stressing or breathing hard.

Hold the pose on each leg for the duration of 10 deep breaths.

3. The boat pose

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This is one of the most difficult, yet most effective ab workouts for women, which will help you to not only get yourself flatter abs, but will also enhance your core strength and endurance. This is because the entire weight and strength of your body is concentrated on your abdominal muscles, and your thighs and your back when you engage in this asana. You have to sit straight, without slouching, and with your legs outstretched, away from your body. Keep your arms parallel to your legs. After that, you have to start raising your legs until your whole body forms a ‘V’ or a boat shape with the entire body resting on your butt. If your body starts to shake or quiver, then it is a sure sign that your core muscles are working overtime to keep your body in that posture, so try not to give up immediately.

Hold the pose for about 60 seconds, or the length of 10 deep breaths for maximum effect.

4. Simple legs against the wall pose

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After the considerable difficulty of the last one, it is important to relax and let the body become stress free. This is one of the simplest, yet most underrated poses when it comes to yoga for weight loss. All you have to do is put your legs up against the wall and relax, so that they are at a 90 degree angle to your torso. This is not only a great exercise for your abdominal muscles, but it is also a great stress reliever, which can render you with peace of mind and calm.

You can hold this position for 5 minutes, while you focus solely on your breathing.

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5. The hip lift or scale pose

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This is one of the most effective yoga poses, which not only helps you to get rid of the unwanted flat in your tummy, but also builds the strength in your arms, your thighs, and your upper body in general. However, this position needs some practise if you are planning to perfect it and yield maximum results. You also need to have some flexibility in your legs in order to get your legs into the lotus position. After you have managed to achieve that, you have to place your palms flat on the surface on which you are practising. After tucking in your stomach and ensuring that your spine is straight, you have to attempt to lift your body from the ground. If you are unable to do so initially, then you have to keep trying, and go as high as your arm strength will allow, until you are able to harness greater strength.

You can continue holding your body up for about 3-4 counts, and then lower yourself gently to the ground, before starting again.

6. The bow pose or the wheel pose

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If you are wondering how to get flat abs, then you have to practise yoga in a manner which not only works your abdominal muscles in one single direction only. The asanas have to be such that you go in all possible directions in order for the exercise to work, otherwise you might be putting unnecessary strain on your tummy area without even knowing it. The bow pose allows you to do a simpler back arch, and help your muscles out. Lie flat on the ground with your foot and palms placed firmly against the floor. Slowly start to lift your torso from the ground, until you are pushing it as far as it goes.

You have to count 10 deep breaths in your mind before your start lowering your mid-section to the floor again.

7. The back-bending pigeon

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This is another position to help your muscles bend the other way instead of forward, for the right amount of exercise which will burn the right amount of fat. This position is also a modification of the wheel pose, and after you have completed this asana, you are expected to feel lithe, springy, energetic, and flexible. The first step is to sit crossed legged in the lotus pose, after which you have to take one of your feet to the back of your body, without shifting the other leg, so that the former is stretched away from your body. The next step is to slowly raise that foot in a right angle, till you can touch it with your hands, by bending backwards. You should feel sufficient, but not uncomfortable, pressure on your legs, abdomen, and back.

Hold this pose for 10 counts and then slowly relax your body. Then repeat with the other leg.

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8. The plank

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Image source: Pinterest

This yoga pose might look like the nicer cousin of a push-up, and you may be under the impression that pulling it off is a piece of cake, but you are gravely mistaken. This is one of the most advanced and effective yoga poses, which can work miracles for your abs, especially when you are trying to lose all that belly fat. You have to first lie on your stomach; with your body completely stretched out, and your toes touching the ground (like you would do in a push up). Then, you can either push your body up with your palms facing downward (again, like a push up) and hold your position, or you can ball up your fists and place your arms parallel to your chest, so that you support your body with the length between your elbows and wrists, instead of just your palms.

Stay in this position for as long as possible (ideally, a minute). It might be difficult at first, but increase your tenure by seconds, until you can sustain this position for a minute, or even two minutes.

These are some of the most effective and simplest to execute positions and asanas, which are bound to reward you with a flat belly and good looking abs sooner than you expected. However, more importantly, it is going to allow you to feel healthy and peaceful almost as soon as you start practicing your yoga regularly.

Article Name
How To Get Flat Abs With Yoga
You don't have to visit the gym to lose belly fat. Yoga can help you do that just as effectively as other ab workouts. Here's how to get flat abs with Yoga.
Aishani Laha

Aishani Laha

Bibliophile. Feminist. Unreasonable optimist. I am dangerously obsessed with the English language and the stage is my second home. I still believe in fairy tales and happy endings, and more importantly, that there is nothing that good music and a cup of coffee can’t fix.