Last night was great! You guys had an amazing time together. The dancing, the after-dancing, everything was such fun. You felt a connection on the physical as well as an emotional level. Wish it had never ended, right? Well, your wish is our command! Here are 11 tips on how to make him want more after a one night stand! Thank us later!
What makes a guy either make a comeback or not, after he has had a one night stand? Let me fill you in on some bro talk here. But all men do not think alike, right? Also, not all of them want the same things from a woman. There are bound to be times when even if a guy seems to make you want to tick all the boxes right on your compatibility checklist, all he wants is a one night stand and nothing more. He may not be willing to commit to the next level. You should take that in your stride and move on!
Suggested read: 10 essential dos and don’ts of a one night stand
How to make him want more? Here are tips which will guarantee just that!
1. The sex should be good.
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This is a crucial deciding factor for boys, and that’s why it is the first point here! Most guys are fond of sex, and if you can do a good job on that, they are sure to ask for more! If the action between the sheets does not rank A1, they are less motivated to keep doing it, unless they are the desperate kind.
2. Suggest a morning quickie.
Sex at dawn is a winner, especially, if you are the one who initiates it. Allow me to let you in on a universal fact: Most men are horny in the morning. If you can jump on him right then, it is, definitely, going to please him. If you guys were tanked the previous night, chances are, he does not remember much of the pleasures he received in bed. The morning sex gives you a chance to do it all over again, show him your best moves and build some fantastic memories, which he will not want to forget. We are not suggesting that sex is the only way into a man’s heart, but it is a sure shot way to grab his attention and to make him want more.
3. Attract him outside the bedroom too.
This is an important one. Did the two of you have a great time when you were together before taking it into the bedroom? This is important if you want him to crave for more after a one night stand.
Keep the tone light and have a laugh or two. If you are someone who likes to have a conversation, asks questions that are interesting, and does not indulge in talking about the self alone, congratulations. You are already winning here! For most girls, like I, it is an exercise; something we need to practice hard because it does not come naturally. Try to find things that the two of you can bond over. You need to help create the “more than friends with benefits” feeling. Combine the teasing and flirting with some friendly conversation that is sure to make you come across as an overall interesting lass!
4. Talk about diverse topics.
Image source: Dollarphotoclub
Avoid an interview-style interrogation, of course! If you keep asking him questions, you will be running the risk of coming across as intrusive and overbearing. You must try to maintain a healthy balance between inquiring and actively listening to his replies. Most people wrongly opine that all men want is sex. Let me defend the boys for a minute here. Men enjoy sex, undoubtedly, but they also want to be in the company of women who are fun to be with. If you want him to ask for more, you have to offer more than just sex. You cannot force the bonding, yes, but you can at least initiate it, and see where it takes you. Remember, you have got nothing to lose.
5. Be cooperative.
For most men, this is the make or break factor. If you are not very cooperative in the morning, chances are he will not want more. Even if last night was a heck of a ride, and the sex was good and you guys had great laughs, if you appear uncooperative and disrespectful of his time the next morning, he will lose interest in you. This becomes extremely relevant if he has to go to work in the morning. Outstaying your welcome? Never a good thing to do, right?
Suggested read: 8 things you’re most likely to forget at your one night stand’s place
6. Don’t hold him up.
Image source: Pinterest
Sulking is a very unattractive quality in a woman or a man. So you should expect the same from him too if you want this to go somewhere. Helping him tidy up a little bit if you guys did ‘it’ at his place, is a very lovely gesture.
His urgency to get ready and leave, does not necessarily have to be his escape plan. So don’t get upset because of that. You need to consider that he genuinely needs to be somewhere and that requires him to move quickly. Simple!
Worst case scenario: He is actually looking for an excuse to bunk. In this situation too, can being uncooperative make him like you more? Of course not! Clingy is the last thing we want you to be branded.
7. Treat him well.
What is the difference between a guy who you have a one night stand with, and a guy you like and want to know some more? That depends on the way he treats you, right? The same should apply for a man too, isn’t it? Guys also love being treated with care. They feel like kings when a girl helps them out, follows the rules if she is at his place, and looks after him if you guys are at yours. So don your best behavior and woo him!
8. Pay attention to the little things.
Things like: Not leaving strands of hair all over his bathroom or helping him tidy up or offering him some breakfast or fetch him a cup of tea if you are at your place. Give him directions to his place from yours in case he has no clue about it. Inquire about the same. Ask him to text you once he is home or wherever he is ought to be because you care, don’t you?
9. Make your intentions known through your actions.
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Both of you have to be on the same page on this. Where is it going? Where do you want it to go? If you are eager to see this guy again, without seeming too desperate or clingy, you need to communicate the feeling through your actions. Swap contact details with him, please. Forcing him to fix another date, is however, not what I am talking about here. You don’t want to scare this one away.
10. Give him space.
You need space, and so does he. Let us get a little empathic, shall we? If you want him to meet you again, not coming across as needy becomes pivotal. You are not looking for a boyfriend here, at least not straightaway. You have to allow the feelings to develop naturally. You want to meet him again because you want to know him a little better. And if he wants the same, you are definitely going to be seeing him soon.
Bottom-line here is: If you want something serious to brew between the two of you, try to maintain some space. But if you want a causal relationship, try not to come off as too cold. He will read it as “not interested.” The middle ground, therefore, is to do what feels right, judging the moment.
Suggested read: 12 stages of a one-night stand in hashtags
11. Do drop in a text.
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
It is not the man’s job! You are losing a chance here. Take the driver’s seat because this is something you really want and you cannot leave it to fate. Only you know the direction you want this vehicle to go in. If he doesn’t text you first, does it necessarily mean he is not interested? He might have lost your number, right? Or maybe he got caught up at work? Or he is not very well? There is no harm in sending him a text, and seeing what is the truth.
You have just increased your chances of seeing him again by reading these tips on how to make him want more after a one night stand. The probability will turn into a reality when you actually apply them. However, there will always be times when the guy is not looking for something serious, and does not want anything more than a one nightstand. He may not agree with you that there is a spark between the two of you which can develop into something bigger and more meaningful. Don’t beat yourself up over that. If it is not meant to be, that is for the best too. Just move on because that will bring you closer to the one you are meant to be with!
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