Dating in this time and age is quite a spell of emotional anticipation! I mean, today, there is this possibility of meeting the person you might spend the rest of your life with, on an online platform, and aren’t there plenty of those! I met my boyfriend on Facebook and it is hard for me to believe today that this relationship actually started with a “Hey!” Apart from the tech ways of spotting the love of your life, the traditional ways of going about it are also there, and this plethora of never-ending options actually makes the experience of dating quite trying! Sifting through countless of these, we miss out on the real connection; we miss out on, what I love calling, the signs, which suggest that you are with the person who will never stop loving you!
At this point in time, I, myself am in exactly that kind of a relationship. My man-friend is a gem and he is by far the best that I have ever had or could imagine to have. He is my solid support system; he has a heart of gold and his love for me knows no bounds! So I am aware of the fact that he is going to be by my side for the rest of my life. But does he know that I too cannot imagine a day without him? You know how difficult it can be to understand women! So, I thought I should come up with a listicle that spells out all the undoubtable signs that your girl is indeed head-over-heels in love with you and doesn’t mind staying like that for the rest of her life!
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Remember that for some couples, both relationships and the love that garnered it, fizzles out over time. However, for the others, the love just goes on to take different forms. It is very important that you realize that and can identify those forms in your relationship, because they are signs of unflinching love and ardor.
1. She has been a part of your life for a long time now.
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If the two of you have been together for almost forever now, chances are that she is not leaving you any time soon! You still don’t get it? Once girls get attached to people, especially her boyfriend ;), she never wants to let go. Intimacy and comfort is what a woman enjoys the most in her relationship. That is like everything to her!
2. She loves being around you almost all the time.
However, she makes sure she isn’t a hindrance while you are working on something important. That is how you get to know that she is selfless in her love.
If she likes to be with you, chances are she wants to be with you for a lifetime and some more. Also, she loves doing little things for you, like cleaning your room, tidying up your work desk as you take a shower. She wants you to have the best. These are subtle signs that she will never stop loving you.
3. She is not scared of telling you the truth.
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If you are annoying her and getting on her nerves, when she is going through them blues, she isn’t afraid of telling you that. If she is getting jealous of a different female trying to make a pass at you, she will talk to you about it and also confront you regarding how she feels about the whole thing.
She has also told you almost everything about her childhood (even some embarrassing anecdotes!), her dreams, and her hopes. You are aware of all her musings about everything that happens in this world, in her world. A woman will only open up with someone when she knows that she is going to spend the rest of her life with him.
Also, there is another reason why telling the truth becomes a very important sign here. A person who respects you will never try to comfort you with a lie; they will never armor you from criticisms, because they know how vital these reviews are for your growth and your evolution.
4. Her love knows no bounds.
Yes, she goes above and beyond while expressing her love for you. She is relentlessly showering her care and affection just to let you know that she will always be there no matter what; despite what happens, despite you.
Yes, she wants you to treat her like a princess (all girls secretly wish for that, though everyone wouldn’t agree with me!) but she is more than happy to treat you like a prince too.
Suggested read: 25 mushy things to say to your girlfriend after a fight
5. She has made sure that you are a part of her circle.
Her parents not only know you but also adore you. You have also managed to get her long distance BFF’s stamp of approval. If she knows that you are the one for her, she will want you to be a part of all the relationships that she cherishes. This gives her more incentive to never stop loving you.
6. She is quite vocal about what she wants and how she feels when with you.
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A woman will never mean what she says unless she knows she can trust you with it. The fact that this girl of yours has started saying what she wants and also when she wants it, could possibly mean that you guys might just be moving in together any time soon! She is extremely serious about you and won’t let go of a single opportunity to make it crystal clear to you. No dropping hints and all that!
7. She has dreamt a future with you.
So she has already prepared a list of baby names and they are actually typed and tucked safely in her notebook? Dude, she is definitely imagining a future with you, though such plans may be distant.
Or did you look up her search history in Chrome (very bad thing to do! :P) and found out that she is actually vehemently following Pinterest to get ideas on interior decoration for your next apartment? Or is she pinning engagement rings instead? If any one of the above is true, she is undeniably dreaming of spending the rest of her life by your side.
8. She actually talks about the future!
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This means you don’t really have to skim through her notebook or her browser history to know what’s on her mind because she is explicitly telling you all about it! If your girlfriend has started using the word “we” rather than the usual “you” or “I”, we can definitely predict the two of you are getting hitched sooner or later. Can’t you see it, she already has an image of a life together as one?
So if she asks you about your plans for the future or shows an honest interest in your work and where it is heading, and also showers you with valuable advice on what is the best thing to do to better your performance, she will never ever stop loving you. The next time you both have a conversation on your career and your life goals, try giving her suggestions as well. If she responds in a very positive way, listening attentively to everything you have to say, she will be with you forever!
9. She loves you unconditionally.
She tells you about how much she is in love with you almost all the time and yes, “forever and always” is a phrase she loves using. Not only through her words, but her actions too hint at the same thing.
Whenever the two of you get into silly arguments or ugly fights, she does not disrespect the person that is you. She will remind you, that you will be her one and only no matter what.
Also, she has been with you through thick and thin, holding your hand, wiping your tears, reminding you of your strengths and telling you that you are her superstar. Do you even need any further affirmation, after something as sweet as that?!
Suggested read: 12 definite signs she is girlfriend material
10. She is very proud of you.
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You never stop loving someone you respect. If she respects you, she will be proud of you; proud to be with you. How you look, what you do, how much you make, all that slowly recedes to the background. When I say proud, please do not mistake it for vanity. It’s not like, “my boyfriend’s so hot and that’s the reason why I like tagging along with him!” Heck no! She will love the way you are and be proud of your being. Period!
To sum it up, when a woman is looking for her Mr. Right and finally pins him down, she does everything to make sure she never leaves his side, physically or in spirit. Finding such a woman, whose love is as pure as she herself, is no easy feat! So if you do get lucky, make sure you identify the signs and return the love!
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