So you have no clue what to get your boyfriend for his birthday? This is the day that the tables are turned and no matter how unfunded you may be, you cannot neglect the man of your dreams! He is most admirable, isn’t he? I know you have been mulling over this question for quite some time and have come up with clichés like colognes and a pack of 3 t-shirts! But woman, this is his big day. You cannot let him down!
This is where we barge in! 😉 We will give you a list of 20 birthday gifts for boyfriend that are a mix of the inexpensives, the DIYs, and the burn-a-hole-in-the-pocket kind. So I guess we are putting your doubts on what to get your boyfriend on his birthday to rest!
Suggested read: Amazing gifts women love to buy for the men in their lives
Take a look:
1. Pamper him
Image source: Pinterest
If you are wondering what to get your boyfriend for his birthday, how about a “Pamper Night”? One of the pros of dating a beauty junkie, eh?!
Break out that pumice stone and aloe vera foot scrub and help him indulge in an at-home pedicure! Soak his feet in lukewarm water for fifteen minutes, during which you can massage his hands with a lotion that does not smell of fruits or flowers! Now pat his feet dry and massage the scrub into them. Once you have given his feet a good kneading, rinse well and rub them with the same lotion that you used for his hands!
2. Without music, the world would be an error!
Image source: Pinterest
How about burning him a CD of his favorite old tracks? Start with the daddies of “Rock and Roll Music”, aka, The Beatles. You can steal a few tracks from Pink Floyd, if he prefers being “Comfortably Numb”! 😉 If he is the romantic, who doesn’t “Want to Miss a Thing,” give him some Aerosmith! There are plenty of tracks you can pick from, to burn him a collection that he will cherish for life! We suggest you up the whole deal by drawing your own cover art for the CD and including his birthdate on it!
3. Boudoir pictures of you!
Image source: Pinterest
Are you the bold and the beautiful girlfriend, who is not too shy to ask a close friend to click some classy boudoir pictures of you? Sounds exciting, right? Keep it clean yet sexy, risqué yet classy. Please DON’T make it a tasteless porn-ish album!
Print a few of these exclusive pictures of yourself and arrange them into a small scrapbook. Or you could also burn them on a CD. Either way, these pictures are sure to warm his heart, and also other parts of his body! 😉
4. The beard pack
Image source: Pinterest
If he is a #NoShaveNovember torch-bearer, we have a perfect gift for him! He can now keep his facial hair in its flamboyant-est shape with a little help from the Beard Pack! This line of products is the fashion fairy godfather (!) for all men with a little grizzle!
5. Wooden beer caddy
Image source: Pinterest
For the roadie who loves his bike more than you… ahem ahem! Let’s not get into that territory! For this urbanite hitting the road all the time, we think a wooden beer caddy with a bottle opener can be the perfect gift! What better way of keeping beer intact while traveling from one place to another?! Admit it, you are also going to benefit from this! 😉
6. Bullet pen
Image source: Pinterest
If you are dating Mr. Writer, we think that he will absolutely appreciate a super-manly bullet pen. This brass bullet pen fits perfectly inside the .375 calibre real magnum shell! The Fisher Space Pen is designed to endure harsh climate and to write in all angles, in case he plans to visit the moon someday! To get you the stars, of course! 😉
7. A DIY coupon book
Image source: Pinterest
It does not matter whether the two of you have just started seeing each other or have been together for what now feels like forever, a coupon book rocks any way. This is a great gift for a birthday that again works for the two of you! You can make them yourself or print them. You need to don your creative hat for this one. Think: “Good for one BJ” or maybe a “Get out of one fight absolutely free.”
8. A companion gift
Image source: Pinterest
In case someone else is getting him something more expensive, go for a companion gift. For example, if his Dad plans to get him an iPod, you can gift him a carry case or may be an iTunes gift card, or even an adapter! In case he is getting an Xbox for himself, you can give him a Mario Brothers game that he doesn’t have!
9. Whip him his favorite dessert
Image source: Pinterest
Yes, as the cliché goes, the way to a man’s heart is indeed through his stomach! Cook dinner for him and surprise him with all his favorites. Even if you aren’t El Jefe in cooking, he will totally appreciate the effort! If you are short on dough, you can think of making him his favorite dessert! Transform the ambiance at your place and make it all cosy and warm. Make it a night to remember! 😉
Suggested read: 20 DIY gifts – the perfect way to express your love
10. Letters from Juliet!
Image source: Pinterest
Go old school and write him a love letter! It is still way more meaningful than a text or an email! We suggest you get yourself some dainty stationery, think letter pads with flowers! Now make a list of all the things that you find adorable in him. Spray your favorite Elizabeth Arden perfume on it. Make it smell like you! Think: Message in a bottle!
11. Maple wood baseball game
Image source: Pinterest
Rather than simply buying him tickets for a one-time game of Baseball, we think you should gift him this! This handcrafted maple wood baseball game set will let you and him play your mini baseball game at home! Boys have always loved the idea of a games night!
12. Crosley X Pendleton Turntable
Image source: Pinterest
Collecting vinyl has had a huge resurgence in last five years! So how about giving him a classy vintage Crosley X Pendleton turntable to play his favorite records, old and new?! If he digs things that are retro and antiquated, he is going to love you more for this gift!
13. City map glasses
Image source: Pinterest
Think uncommon. Think mapped barware! The Boston based company, the Uncommon Green, has come up with location-centric glasses, which is sure to impress your bae! Each pint, rock glass, and decanter is laser-etched with maps. How about getting one for him with his favorite city etched on his beer mug?! Cool, eh? It could also be the city the two of you met or plan to visit someday. Think different. Make it exciting!
14. Scrapbook!
Image source: Pinterest
Don’t boo this out. Scrapbooks aren’t only for girls! Wouldn’t he love it if you filled a colorful scrapbook with special pictures of the two of you? You can also include his childhood pictures (his childhood in film, aww!), special occasions or achievements, and future plans (try not to put pressure on the poor chap! ;)). Some love quotes here and there could work magic!
15. A night at the museum!
Image source: Pinterest
If you guys have been wanting to go and check out a particular exhibit at the city museum, him being particularly excited about it, you can make the much-awaited visit on his birthday. If he is enthusiastic about a particular artist, whose works are displayed at your local museum, this would be the greatest gift ever. We recommend checking for Groupons or other special deals. You can even make a road trip out of it.
16. A car wash!
Image source: Pinterest
Well, this is quirky but why not? Which guy doesn’t like his car being cleaned, that too, by his hot girlfriend?! Seduction was always an art, my lady, and cars made it a little easier! You can also create a DIY air freshener that will remind him of you. Think: love notes hidden in the car!
17. Choco-dipped fruit bouquet
Image source: Pinterest
Fruits dipped in chocolate! What can be more exquisite than that?! A bouquet of such chocolate-dunked fruits not only looks adorable and tastes good, but is also totally a DIY affair! Cut fruits into cute cookie shapes using cutters that resemble hearts and stars. Now place them on skewers. Next, soak them in chocolate. Simple.
18. Deluxe shaving kit
Image source: Pinterest
Going back to the “Pamper Night” idea, a Crux deluxe shaving kit is manlier and will be a very practical gift. This set includes a pre-shave tonic, a bar of shaving soap, a post-shave gel, a badge-bristle shaving brush, and a bowl. All this will be zipped in a nylon waterproof toilet bag! This will also come in handy for all his treks!
19. Bluetooth earbuds
Image source: Pinterest
Whether he is a techno-junkie or a fitness freak, he is going to love these new babies! Bluetooth earbuds keep workouts hassle-free, without the wire snapping every time, causing inconvenience galore! They are also sweat-proof!
Suggested read: 15 perfect gifts for you boyfriend’s mom for her birthday
20. Activity tracker
Image source: Pinterest
Gifts for boyfriend who is data obsessive must include an activity tracker! This instrument helps keep track of the number of steps, measures the distance covered and also the amount of calories burnt! He can also know how many floors he has climbed and precisely, for how many hours he has been active. An activity tracker also monitors a person’s sleep and acts as an alarm too! One of the best gift ideas for boyfriend, don’t you think?!
What to get your boyfriend for his birthday can be quite a stressor! But with this guide, we think you can take a deep breath, relax and choose what suits you and him the best!
Please wish him a very happy birthday from our side!