We all belong to the Internet generation, let’s face it. We get more work done online than we do offline. Whether it is buying groceries for the week or submitting assignments; we depend on the Internet and its plethora of apps for every mundane task we are faced with.
So, why should fashion get left behind? Fashion apps are the next big thing in the evolution of fashion and style. Every alternate day, an overwhelming amount of fashion apps are launched; each with its own set of features and USP. They provide fashion tips, tricks and hacks, sale updates, trend alerts, and all fashion-related information at the touch of a finger; feeding this Internet generation with what it likes best – instant gratification.
Image source: Pinterest
They act as a less expensive and more accessible replacement for personal stylists. One can customize what they view on these apps according to their tastes and preferences. Moreover, the amount of time they help us save is more than enough reason to have at least some of these following fashion apps on your phones.
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So, without further ado, here are 12 of the best fashion apps every aspiring fashionista must have on their phones:
1. Polyvore
Image source: Polyvore
This is one fashion app that everyone must have on their phones. Polyvore lets you create your own “sets” or outfits by sifting through over 100 million items and finding the right match. Make your fashion collages for work, weekend or even a day out at the beach. You can also search and view collages created by other users on the app. The shopping section of the app lets you filter your search through size, color, brand, store and much more.
A recent update on the iOS version of the app has a new Just For You feature which displays suggestions based on what a user likes and views.
Image source: ASOS
The much-loved British online fashion and beauty store has its own swanky app where users can shop from over 850 brands across the world, including their own clothing and accessories line. The app offers a huge list of search filters – much more than what its desktop version has on offer – to narrow the search down to the product type you want. Another seemingly minor but immensely convenient feature of the app is that one can sync the app with its desktop and mobile versions, enabling users to access their saved items across all digital platforms. No wonder we had to include the ASOS app in this list of best fashion apps.
3. PS Dept (Personal Stylist Department)
Image source: PS Dept
This app made it to the number 1 spot in Harpers Bazaar’s list of must-have fashion apps, and rightfully so! PS Dept is perfect for those of us who don’t have the time for shopping or simply hate it. The app literally is a replacement for personal shoppers and helps you find exactly what you want. The interface relies on personal text and photo messages – no complicated algorithms or messy feeds – to communicate with users and provide a customized shopping experience for every user. Whether you’re looking for a pair of Chanel espadrilles or a very specific pair of dark washed boyfriend denims, trust PS Dept to find the exact product for you and deliver it right to your doorstep.
4. The Hunt
Image source: The Hunt
This is one app everyone using any form of social media needs to have on their phone. We all have had those moments when we’ve come across that perfect pair of ankle boots, or the most stunning cocktail dress on the Internet, only to be befuddled as to where we can find an exact replica of it. In such times of need, The Hunt will come to your rescue. Whether it’s something you’ve come across on Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest or anywhere else on the Internet, this app will find the exact item of your fancy (sometimes for a cheaper price) and provide you with every necessary details.
5. Stylekick
Image source: Stylekick
This personal shopping app lets you upload pictures of your outfits and allows users to shop items featured on pictures uploaded by other people using the app. Share your outfits on Twitter and show off your innovative sense of style to the whole world. What’s more is that Stylekick has a huge list of brands that feature on the app, including Zara, Gucci, Urban Outfitters, Topshop, Steve Madden, Burberry and tons of others. You don’t need to scavenge through the Internet to find information about these brands and their products.
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6. Pose
Image source: Pose
This app is being hailed as the “Instagram for fashion,” and we couldn’t agree more. Pose allows its users to easily find fashion content and some of the items are even tagged so that they can be tracked down and purchased directly by users. This is an online community meant for those who are passionate about fashion, providing them with a platform to share photos and videos of outfits, shopping finds and ideas. What sets Pose apart from all the other fashion apps out there is its unique Collection feature: Pinterest-like boards where users can drag and save various outfit ideas according to different occasions and needs.
7. ClosetSpace
Image source: ClosetSpace
“This app is for anyone who wants to dress better, feel more organized, or do more with the clothes they already own,” said company co-founder and CEO Rohan Deuskar about this newest app from fashion analytics company Stylitics. ClosetSpace allows users to organize their purchases – just as one would organize their wardrobe – and keep track of latest trends and deals from brands based on the contents of your digital closet. You can even click pictures from your own closet at home and tag them in your virtual closet. Another feature of this must-have app is the weather-based outfit suggestions provided to help users meticulously categorize their wardrobe.
8. Keep
Image source: Keep
Keep is revolutionizing the way we shop online. This app is a lot like Pinterest in the way it works; only instead of “Pinning” everything that holds your interest, Keep lets users add and purchase anything and everything to one massive shopping cart instead of saving wish-lists on individual websites and apps. Another key feature that makes Keep stand out is that it provides users the much-needed facility of shopping whatever they see on Instagram. The app has gathered some of the most followed Instagram fashion accounts; and then tags the fashion items presented in the pictures/videos so that users can purchase them on the spot.
9. FAD
Image source: FAD
This is the world’s first comprehensive Fashion Dictionary App with over 1500 entries explaining all terms related to fashion. There is a special Jargon chapter that helps you get updated on the latest terms doing the rounds in the fashion industry. The best part about this app is that it can be accessed when offline as well. Browse through different categories, read related articles based on what you search, and add words to your list of Favorites. The only downside here is that FAD is not yet available for Android phones.
10. Mallzee
Image source: Mallzee
Consider this app to be your Tinder version for shopping. While you might encounter several creeps on your quest for true love on Tinder, you can trust Mallzee to make you one with your fashion desires and fulfill your sartorial goals. Type in a product or a brand name and swipe left if you see something you don’t like, swipe right if you do. It’s that simple! Every item that you swipe right for gets saved and you can go back to it later to view or purchase that item. Tap on any product to view a comprehensive product description, more photos and buy it directly from the store.
11. Spring
Image source: Spring
This was the most awaited and hyped shopping app of 2014, and Spring did live up to all the expectations and kept its promise of making buying clothes online fun and easy. Spring feels and looks a lot like Instagram; users follow brands which they like and the brands post pictures of products which the users can then directly purchase from the image itself. This app allows designers and brands to have direct contact with their customers with no in-between transactions, making the shopping process on Spring feel a lot more personal. The app also sends a handwritten note along with every purchase that is delivered to customers, adding a warm touch to the overall experience.
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12. The Net Set
Image source: The Net Set
This is Net-a-Porter’s new social shopping app which offers a “live feed” of items trending on Net-a-Porter worldwide that users can purchase from. Members can shop directly in the app, upload and comment on various styles and outfits. Instead of “liking,” users get to “admire” styles or “love” an item of clothing. The brand pages are managed by designers and their teams, allowing them to have one-on-one interactions with their customer base. Users can also join groups within the app and share common interests and receive updates.
Here’s hoping this list of the best fashion apps will guide you as you traverse across the depths of the Internet on your fashion adventures, and help you accomplish all your clothing goals. All the apps mentioned here are worthy of occupying a few GBs in your phone and we can assure you that the fashionista in you will not be disappointed.
Wishing you luck on finding the exact replica of that cute crop top you spotted on the subway last week. May the force be with you!