If you wish to become a plus size model, you need more than an ideal height and size range. It takes an insatiable drive and a tough skin to be able to brave the rigors of the plus size industry. If you think you’ve got what it takes to become a plus size model, we’ve got you covered with all tips you need, alongside a step-by-step guide on what can get you there…
Suggested read: Why accepting plus size models in mainstream media is a step in the right direction
Laying the groundwork: Preliminary steps to become a plus size model
1. Research
Image source: Youtube
Doing your homework is a must before you start sending out photos. It is recommended that you go about the same in an organized fashion- make a spreadsheet and draw out a list of modeling agencies, list the agency-specific requisites, make a note of the application processes and then, tailor your application and photographs to make the cut. If you skip this ever-important step, you may find yourself kicked out of the running, even if you had what it takes to get a shot. You do not want to send the wrong kind of photos to the wrong place or send out an application that gets trashed before it reaches the desk you want it on. So, do your due diligence and make sure you’ve got your research right. This step prevents you from making rookie mistakes and crashing your plus size modeling career even before it has had a chance to take off.
2. Know your pluses and minuses
We do not mean to discourage you, but before you step foot in the plus size industry, you should have already had that honest ‘do I have what it takes to become a plus size model’ conversation with yourself. This conversation does not simply tick off the ideal physical attributes you need to make the cut but also uncovers the truth about the unyielding grit and determination levels an unforgiving industry demands of young aspirants. This is no industry for whoozies, so you need to honestly consider if you are an ideal body type, photograph and pose well, have the right attitude and are willing to accept an industry that may be, on the surface, engaging in the whole body positive discourse but has no qualms hypersexualizing its subjects. This step helps you introspect, learn of your own strengths and weaknesses and also understand if you can sync them well with those of the modeling world. If your drive to make it is still strong after you’ve crossed this step, you may want to pat yourself on the back, smile and start working on improvising on the negatives.
3. Get ready for a go-see
Image source: Youtube
If the camera loves you, you are always click-ready and pose-happy and you can speak with your expressions better than you’d do verbatim, you might already be ahead of the contending horde. However, that’s not the end of your race. Your trophy lies at the end of that appointment. So, when you get a call and are given a date to meet with the agency representatives, prep yourself well. Set clear expectations about whay you want, sound balanced and flexible, be open to criticism and do not forget a back-up portfolio.
4. Keep yourself fit n fabulous
While it is a given that you’d be working hard to keep in shape, it is easy to slip up on routine while waiting for responses from various agencies. Ensure that you sleep well, do not slip up on workouts and eat well. Make sure that you are taking care of your body, even when it seems challenging to keep at it. This step ensures that if some agency wants to see you right away, you don’t show up like a sleep deprived, energy drained zombie!
5. Keep at it, Keep THE DREAM alive
Neither should you falter in groundwork or leave anything lacking in the devotion to your craft. Keep your passion thriving and do not stop with your maintenance routine in the process. There are always ways to find opportunities, if you are willing. From fit model opportunities to lifestyle modeling opportunities for older women as well as runway opportunities for charities and college presentations, there are doors everywhere, only if you are willing to get your foot in. Trying helps your spirit, fuels your passion and you know what they say about ‘slow and steady,’ right? It might not hurt to get halfway careers in related fields to keep the wads coming in whilst bolstering your confidence- say ashion and beauty PR, advertising, freelance reviews, or a second job at a boutique (preferably one that needs photos for the lookbook).
6. Network
Do not keep yourself in a bubble or daydream about what modeling is all about and where you want to go. It helps to get in touch with other aspirants, speak to established models or struggling ones and see the larger picture. It keeps you realistically grounded whilst also forging insider-access.
The Final Leap
1. Create an impressive portfolio
Image source: Youtube
While you won’t need a full portfolio when you begin to make inquiries and are just beginning to set foot in the industry, it is always advisable to keep a full portfolio close at hand. You should focus on photographs that focus on your natural beauty and bring out your best features. You should ensure that every pose, every click plays up your strengths and hides your flaws, if any. Do not look staged in your photographs- and go for candid shoots. Flirt with the camera and make sure different sides of your personality filter through. You may want to get a good mix there- aim for a few stunning closeups and multiple full-body shots in flattering garbs and poses.
2. Contact agencies
Your research shall come in handy here. Prep yourself for the approach and focus on agencies with a good reputation and a higher record of launching beginners. Schedule appointments and make sure you do not just rely on your photos to do the talking. Show some oomph and a lot of potential- and wait for the callback.
3. Attend an open call
Open calls can turn overwhelming but do not let the pressure keep you from the opportunity. Some agencies may have you fill out an extensive form before speaking with you. Make sure you put your best on paper. You may also be measured by agency representatives or be subject to criticism. Smile, take the feedback and say thank you. If you feel you can improve, go ahead and work on the feedback. If you get signed, remember you need not pay any agency for representation, or space on their website. If you are given an assignment, you will need to get a portfolio as well as comp/zed cards. Keep yourself prepared for the same.
Do you feel a litle more iffy to become a plus size model now? NLT wishes you all the luck in the world… You’ve got what it takes.
Featured image source: Youtube